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  • SIMPNAC - Open Bills Report Simples Nacional Cash Method

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Consideration of accrual and cash methods:

What is the Accrual Method?

In the Accruals Accounting, the event is registered on the date when it occurred. Accounting defines Accruals Accounting as registering the document on the date of the taxable event, i.e., on the document date, regardless of when it is going to be paid or received. In the accrual method, gross revenue is based on the value of the billing of invoices. Thus, the calculation is easy and objective.

What is the Cash Method?

Cash accounting is the opposite: The documents are registered on the payment or receipt date. In the cash method, gross revenue is based on the bookkeeping of the cash record or the "cash" and "banks" accounts of General Ledger. It is also not difficult, but requires updating the bookkeeping, conciliating with bank statements, controls of discounts of duplicates, returned checks, and re-presented checks, among others.


Difference between accruals x cash method
Therefore, the main difference between the accruals and the cash method is that, in the first, we use the date that the purchase or sale happened, and, in the second, we consider the date on which the money effectively entered or left the company's cash register.

Closing Remarks

As already mentioned in this report, the records of the amounts receivable by the company, relating to each provision of service or operation with goods on credit must be added, highlighting to the tax authority what can still become a basis for calculation in future evaluations, since the cash method of the Simples Nacional takes into account the values actually received in the period, regardless of the issuance of the tax document, for the calculation.


On the Parameters screen, a single question exists: Select Branch: 1-Yes or 2-No.

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If option 1-Yes is selected, the Branch Selection screen appears; if 2-No is selected, the system issues the current branch report.
