The Budgetary Planning and Control environment - SIGAPCO of the Microsiga Protheus® application brings togetherefficient and necessary tools for processing company financial budget development.

The objective of this help is to be a guide for SIGAPCO system functionalities, it can be used for those that wish to evaluate the SIGAPCO product.

Decentralized budgeting

Many organizations are geographically distributed in offices, production plants, stores and other units that may be located in different cities or even countries. Companies are nowadays connected through networks, email, internet, fax, etc. but the budgetary process is still deficient when considering budgetary preparation needs, management reports, etc, as well as the physical control aspect. For instance, when using spreadsheet software, the budget remains not connected with the rest of the organization, requiring a greater demand for running the budget, sometimes working with number that do not offer trust.

The SIGAPCO system offers a collaborative environment where all users in budget have access to budgetary process information. The integration with other Protheus application components (Purchases, Sales, Financing, Stock and Costs, etc) promote an integrated control of the budget process, offering precise management data on budget and organization management.


We can mention some characteristics and benefits of the SIGAPCO product, such as:

On the SIGAPCO environment it is possible to divide the budgetary process in its main functionalities:

Detailing a budgetary account plan (which can be compatible to ledger accounts or cost center, for instance), from budgetary classes and operations, correct and in accordance with company expectations, crucial for an efficient budgetary control.

User definition, as well as its access to budget structure, allows an effective safety control on the budget process.

Budget planning requires a high degree of company knowledge regarding management data and the results expected from the budget.

Necessary totalizers, as well as managerial vision, allow the effective control of budget results and can be totally setup according to company needs.

Budgetary process generation vision

The SIGAPCO environment can be used to make company budgets or other financial applications, such as:

The main application of the SIGAPCO system, and the main use by most companies, is financial budgets. Financial budgets involve preparing detailed number by budgetary accounts (normally structured by cost center or by ledger accounts) which are functional components of the organization. Values have to be entered or calculated for each account of the ledger account plan. A simple company can have more than one complex accounts plan with hundreds or thousands of accounts to be budgeted. Budgeted values also have to be entered or calculated for a specific time period.

In other companies, a single financial budget can be sufficient for its management. But companies that have many lines or products and services, or even with a greater complexity wish to foresee the detailed sales, costs, hirings, etc., so they require a more complex budget with combinations between values, quantities, hires, etc.

This detailing degree is part of the process for the definition of accounts, classes and operations, through which the company defines classes the necessary classes and operations to reach the details.

In any type of implemented budget we need to make forecasts, changes, storage history, simulation and run budget follow up.

During the budget life cycle, simulations are necessary to produce new estimations and forecasts without using real data up to the moment (year to date and rest of the year).

These updates can be registered by an efficient budget version control, where the user will have access to the history of changes for inquiry and value extraction.

These simulations allow any type of change or forecast, where the user will have access to the sales forecasts up to the projected date and until the end of the budget, assessing the end result.

The SIGAPCO follow up reports, with customized totalizers or budget visions allow to report real, budgeted and allocated data.

Environment Requirements

In order to use the Budget Planning and Control - PCO is required a TOPConnect environment and relational data.