The aim of the PC Factory Integration (MES software of company PPI Multitask) X PROTHEUS is to make available to TOTVS customers a new option to control the production through the automation of processes, enabling the updating and extraction of online information to simplify the customers flow.
Enables the integration between the PCP module of SIGASFC Protheus with MES PC-Factory of PPI Multitask, aiming at controlling the annotation of production orders. Protheus is responsible by the creation of production orders and the PC-Factory with annotation.
The integration contemplates the following routines and processes in PHASE 1:
The integration contemplates the following routines and processes in PHASE 2:
Phase 2 contemplates the consumption of components, movements executed by PC-Factory and balances in stock. It also considers the SIGASFC - Shop Floor system.
Integration does not contemplate the generation of orders by APS.
For Protheus version 12, apply package of updates from version 12.1.10 in Phase I. It can also be used in version 11.80.14 for Phase I and 11.80.17 for Phase II. Run the update of dictionary with program U_UPDPCP34.
Build must be equal to or later than 7.00.131227A and date 9/8/2014.
IP Address and released port for WebService execution. These data are used in APPSERVER.INI file in session WEBSERVICE.
Update APPSERVER.INI file in session WEBSERVICE.
To configure a WebService, check this configuration:
Exemplo :
PATH=C:\TOTVS 11\Microsiga\Protheus_Data\web\ws
You can also update in APPSERVER.INI file in session PROXY (if there is configured proxy)
The PCP Protheus x PC-Factory PPI-Multitask is activated through the following steps:
The Test button check whether you can execute the connection with WebService entered in the field Path. This button has two returns:
Selecting the field Generate XML, the XML of the exchanged messages is generated. If you do not select it, the system saves it only in tables. You are not required to create files. It works as a useful tool to find problems and it can be saved in XML directory successfully sent or pending XMLs.
The file names follow these standard:
Where: OK - Message sent with no problems
PEND- Message not sent
ERR - Message sent, but returned with error.
MSG - Name of message. Ex.: Item, Wharehouse, Workcenter, etc.
DATETIME: Date and Time of sending
RECORD: Record code being sent. Ex.: Item code, order number, etc.
For each file moved (product, stock location, resource, tool, machine, script, structure, address, movements, balances and production order) a folder exists. For each folder, you can assemble filters and define parameterizations. These filters are used in routines that send PC-Factory information enabling you to select what must be sent. The fields of selected table (folders) and operators are displayed so filters are assembled. If there is no filter registered, every record added, edited or deleted is sent to PC-Factory. To assemble the filters, the user must know the database, as table names and fields are directly used.
To assemble a filter, so only products classified as Finished Product are sent. Filter is: B1_TIPO = "PA"
The delivery of Protheus information for PC-Factory PPI Multitask, the following transactions occur:
The delivery of PCP-Factory PPI Multitask information for Protheus, the following transactions occur:
TOTVS group, represented by its brands, manages the layout progress demands and other adjustments, agreeing together with requesters the release approval term.
All progress scheduled must be discussed and approved by brands before the start of development and is only developed in case of agreement of brands and alignment with directive defined by TOTVS Integration Committee.
All lines are responsible for support to integration resources; hence, the support teams of RM Connector and Protheus® Back Office products are ready to make the first analysis and, whenever needed, to transfer it to the fittest team in each case.
This support model is being reviewed by TOTVS.
The following transactions are exchanged between TOTVS and PPI-Multitask:
Method | ID | Description | Origin | Destination | XSD (versions may vary) | Programs | Table |
Registers | 01 | Product | Protheus | PC-Factory | Item_3_001.xsd | MATA010 | SB1 |
02 | Stock Location | Protheus | PC-Factory | Warehouse_1_001.xsd | AGRA045 | NNR | |
03 | Machines | Protheus | PC-Factory | Machine_1_000.xsd | MATA610 SFCA002 | SH1 CYB | |
04 | Resources | Protheus | PC-Factory | Resource_1_000 | MATA620 SFCA006 | SH4 CYH | |
05 | Structure | Protheus | PC-Factory | ItemStructure_1_000 | MATA200 | SG1 | |
06 | Script | Protheus | PC-Factory | ItemScript_1_000 | MATA632 MATA637 | SG2 | |
07 | Production Order | Protheus | PC-Factory | ProductionOrder_2_004.xsd | MATA650 MATA651 MATA380 MATA381 MATA690 MATA712 PCPA107 SFCA310 | SC2 | |
08 | Address | Protheus | PC-Factory | AddressStock_1_000 | MATA015 | SBE | |
09 | Stock | Protheus | PC-Factory | ItemStockLevel_1_000 | B2ATUCOMD1 B2ATUCOMD2 B2ATUCOMD3 MATA220 MATA805 | SB2 SB8 SBF | |
Processes | 09 | Reason of Stoppage | PC-Factory | Protheus | StopReason_1_000 | CFGX016 SFCA004 | SX5 CYN |
10 | Reason of Scrap | PC-Factory | Protheus | WasteReason_1_000 | CFGX016 SFCA003 | SX5 CYO | |
11 | Annotation of Production | PC-Factory | Protheus | ProductionAppointment_2_000 | MATA681 SFCA316 | SH6 SD3 CYV | |
12 | Annotation of Stoppage | PC-Factory | Protheus | StopReport_1_001 | MATA682 SFCA311 | SH6 CYX | |
13 | Stock - Request | PC-Factory | Protheus | StockLevel_2_00 | SB2 SB8 SBF | ||
14 | Movements | PC-Factory | Protheus | MovementsInternal_1_001 | MATA240 MATA250 | SD3 | |
15 | Transfer | PC-Factory | Protheus | TransferWarehouse_1_003 | MATA261 | SD3 | |
16 | Refusal | PC-Factory | Protheus | Refusal_1_000 | MATA685 | SBC |
Transactions information flow:
Entry Point
To make the use of integration easier and flexible in any productive environment, some entry points were created to solve possible specific situations not answered by the default process and also to enable more precise configurations in the integration use:
Annotation: The entry point MATI681CRG enables to add information that is used in annotation of production and in the stoppage annotation, table SH6. Example: In case there is a specific field or table not handled by the integration, you can use this function to set its content. Details in: MATI681CRG_Add_information_Adapter_of_annotation.
Annotation: The entry point MT680VAL enables to validate if any information must be mandatory as time, quantity, among others. These validations are under the customers' responsibility, as each has its own rule. Details in: MT680VAL - Addition of Productions.
Annotation: The entry point MATI680OPR enables to change the code of operation received in the annotation of production. Details in: MATI681OPR_Edit_operation_code_message_annotation_production.
Annotation: The entry point MTI681QTAP enables to edit the quantity received in the annotation of production. This entry point is indicated to apply the conversion factor in the amount of annotation when ERP and PC-Factory work with different unit of measurement. Details in: MTI681QTAP_Edit_amount_of_annotation_ProductionAppointment.
Annotation: The entry point MATI681EXC enables to check whether the annotation is executed. This entry point is indicated for validations that hinder the annotation of production and stoppage. It is also used for cases in which you have to update some information before annotation (example: reversal an address). Details in: MATI681EXC_Processes_Message_Annotation.
Production Order: The Entry Point MTI650ADOP enables to add a new operation in the production orders message. For each operation being sent this entry point is executed once. Details in:: MTI650ADOP_Add new operation of production order adapter.
Production Order: Production Order: The Entry Point MTI650FCOP enables to change the second unit of measure of the operation being sent in the production orders message. Details in:: MTI650FCOP_Change_conversion_factor_second_unit_of_operation_measure_adapter_production_order.
Production Order: The Entry Point MTI650QTOP enables to change the amount of operation being sent in the production orders message. Details in: MTI650QTOP_Change_quantity_of_operation_adapter_production_order.
Production Order: The Entry Point MTI650UMOP enables to change the second unit of measure of the operation being sent in the production orders message. Details in: MTI650UMOP_Change_second_unit_of_measure_of_operation_adapter_productionn_order.
Production Order: The Entry Point MTI650TMAC enables to change the machine time (TimeMachine) in the message of ProductionOrder. Details in: MTI650TMAC_Edit_amount_of_machine_time_production_order.
Production Order: The Entry Point MTI650LOTE enables to generate the Batch of the order in the tag LotCode in the message ProductionOrder. Details in: MTI650LOTE_Add_batch_in_message_of_production_orders
Registers: The Entry Point PCPXFUNPPI enables to inhibit the integration in certain routine. Example: If you do not want integration to occur in the creation of MATA650 orders, you can use this function to inhibit the use. Details in: PCPXFUNPPI_Routines_not_executing_integration_with_the_PC_Factory.
Register of Item: The Entry Point PCPADDTAGS enables to add specific tags in TOTVS standard messages. It is enabled for the registration of the item MATA010. Details in: PCPADDTAGS_Add_information_XML_integration_TOTVS_MES.
Register of Processes: The Entry Point PCPADDTAGS enables to add specific tags in TOTVS standar messages. It is enabled for the registration of script MATA632. Details in: PCPADDTAGS_Add_information_XML_integration_TOTVS_MES
Internal Movements. The entry points MATI250CRG and MATI240CRG enable specific validation. These validations are under the customers' responsibility, as each has its own rule. You cannot generate the values of fields that were generated by message. Details in:MATI240CRG_Add_information_Adapter_of_internal_movements and MATI250CRG_Add_information_Adapter_of_production_movements
Transfers: The entry point MI261RCV does not enable the execution of the integration. Details in: MI261RCV_Execute_integration_TransferWarehouse
Refusal: The Entry Point MATI685EXC enables to check whether the refusal is executed. This entry point is indicated for the validations hindering the annotation of refusal or updating of information necessary to execute the refusal. Details in: MATI685EXC_Processes_Message_Refusal
Execute in various branches
In an environment with various branches, just one WEBSERVICE is necessary for execution. The TAGs indicate the branch in which the annotation is processes:
Note: When these tags are in blank the system considers what is defined in APPSERVER.ini in session WEBSERVICE field PrepareIn.
Control of latency
There are situations in which the webservice waiting time is lower than the time of processing of information to ERP. There may be situations in which the ERP continues to process the import and the WebService of PC-Factory stops waiting for the answer. When PC-Factory does not receive the answer in time, the same file is resent, generating then duplicity in the message processing.
Control ID of PC-Factory for received messages. Every received message must be handled like this:
In the XML´s, the TAG Key name = "IDPCfactory" is used.
<key name="IDPCFactory">29892829</key>
The return with error displays a message with the following pattern:
<Message type="ERROR" code="N">MENSAGEM</Message>
The return XML must follow this rule:
Retorns the ID PC-Factory in tag <UUID>
In the tag Message type="ERROR" code="2", uses the 2 to indicate error.
The message is: ID xxxx already processed. Status: error message”.
Example: <Message type="ERROR" code="2">ID productionappointment-0038 already processed. Status: ProductionOrderNumber not registered in Protheus.</Message>
Retorns the ID PC-Factory in the tag <UUID>
In the tag Message type="ERROR" code="3", uses the 3 to indicate the successfull processing.
The message is: "ID xxxx already processed. Status: ID of Protheus" or "ID xxxx already processed. Status: Reprocessed. ID of Protheus" when PC-Factory sends more than once.
Example 1: <Message type="ERROR" code="3">ID productionappointment-0038 already processed. Status: 5091</Message>
Example 2: <Message type="ERROR" code="3">ID productionappointment-0038 already processed. Status: Reprocessed. 5091</Message>.
Retorns the ID PC-Factory in the tag <UUID>
In the tag Message type="ERROR" code="4", uses the 4 to indicate that is in processing.
The message is: ID xxxx is being processed by Protheus.
Example: <Message type="ERROR" code="4">ID apapapapeaaa is being processed by Protheus.</Message>
The return, when message is processed "right away" , within the waiting time of the webservice, is "1" - Processed for the first time with ERROR or OK.
With Error:
<Message type="ERROR" code="1">ProductionOrderNumber not registered in protheus.</Message>
Unexpected situations may occur: the stoppage of Protheus service, downsizing of database, power outage, among others. If during the integration processing, the record of PC-Factory (ID of PC-Factory) may be locked up and there is no output of message from the processing queue. To handle this situation:
The PC-Factory tries to send by determination of time - time which is parameterized in PC-Factory. If you continue to receive the same message after the parameterized time, PC-Factory generates pendency of delivery and moves to the next record. Upon doing this, a counter of messages that were not sent is generated. When this counter reaches a (parameterized) limit, the integration process is stopped so the users can solve the problem. The processing control is registered in LOG SOH table.
Check below, table of sent codes:
Code | Message | Table of control - SOH.OH_STATUS |
1 | Processed in the first attempt with ERROR or OK | 1 or 2 |
2 | Record already processed with error return | 2 |
3 | Record already processed with success | 1 |
4 | Record being processed | 0 |
<key name="IDPCFactory">9o93049u88557</key>
<key name="Reprocess">true</key>
Parameterization - PCPA109
Setting parameters directly influences records not moved between the two systems.
The parameter settings routine has the following fields:
Each file transacted has a folder. For each folder, you can assemble filters. These filters are used in routines that send PC-Factory information enabling you to select what must be sent. The fields of selected table (folders) and operators are displayed so filters are assembled. Like the filters, some files are parameterized.
The routine has the following folders:
"1" - BackFlush: Whenever issue of components is executed according to what is defined in Engineering.
"2" - Actual Consumption: Consumption according to component list.Painel "Operações": Define se o filtro criado no folder "Roteiros" deve ser utilizado para filtrar as operações da ordem de produção.
"Scrap" Panel: Defines the location of stock/deposit for the scrapped item when scrap is the same product of the production order. When the deposit - "WharehouseCodeTo" is in blank, in the message ProductionAppointment, use what was defined in the parameter.
Synchronization - PCPA111
The synchronization is the process that is used to populate or update the base of PC-Factory with data from Protheus. It will work the same manner the other routines of integration do, by integrating a XML message to WebService of PC-Factory, following the parameterizations defined in PCPA109. The only difference is that all data of the table being integrated are viewed (following the filters) instead of only one record.
Pendencies - PCPA110
Routine to resend messages not sent to PC-Factory system, whether they are pendencies or mistakes. The routine also enables to query the messages sent (delivery LOG).
To check pendencies and log of messages moved between the systems:
With the following options:
Import Log - PCPA112
When receiving data from PC-Factory, Webservice Protheus saves information so they are queried (SOG table). Find the list of movements generation LOG below:
Transaction Item: Item_3_001.xsd
Message Identifier: Item
Version: 3_001
Protheus Module: SiGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | CompanyId | Code of the Logged Company
| CHAR(02) | |||
BranchId | Branch Code | SB1.B1_BRANCH | CHAR(02) | TBLInProduct.PlantCode | CHAR(15) | |
CompanyInternalId | Company+Branch | COMPANY + SB1.B1_BRANCH | ||||
Code | Product Code | SB1.B1_COD | CHAR(15) | TBLInProduct.Code | CHAR(20) | |
Name | Product Description | SB1.B1_DESC | CHAR(30) | TBLInProduct.Name | CHAR(70) | |
InternalId | Company+branch+product code | COMPANY + SB1.B1_BRANCH + SB1.B1_COD | ||||
ShortName | Short name | SB1.B1_DESC | CHAR(30) | TBLInProduct.SecondName | CHAR(30) | |
Active | Item active? | SB1.B1_ACTIVE | CHAR(01) | TBLInProduct.FlgEnable | SMALLINT | |
UnitOfMeasureCode | Unit of Measure | SB1.B1_UM | CHAR(02) | TBLInProduct.Unit1code | CHAR(05) | |
UnitOfMeasureInternalId | Company+branch+unit of measure | COMPANY + SB1.B1_BRANCH + SB1.B1_UM | ||||
StockGroupCode | Group of Stock | SB1.B1_GROUP | CHAR(04) | |||
StockGroupInternalId | Company+branch+stock group | COMPANY + SB1.B1_BRANCH + SB1.B1_GROUP | ||||
StockGroupDescription | Description of stock group | SBM.BM_DESC | CHAR(30) | |||
StandardWarehouseCode | Location of Stock | SB1.B1_LOCPAD | CHAR(02) | |||
StandardWarehouseInternalId | Company+branch+location of stock | COMPANY + SB1.B1_BRANCH + SB1.B1_LOCPAD | ||||
StandardWarehouseDescription | Location of Stock Description | NNR.NNR_DESCRI | CHAR(40) | |||
EconomicLot | Economic lot | SB1.B1_LE | DEC(12,2) | |||
MinimumLot | Minimum lot | SB1.B1_LM | DEC(12,2) | |||
FamilyCode | Family | SB1.B1_FPCOD | CHAR(10) | TBLInProduct.FamilyProductCode | CHAR(15) | |
FamilyInternalId | Company+branch+family | COMPANY + SB1.B1_BRANCH + SB1.B1_FPCOD | ||||
FamilyDescription | Description of family | SYC.YC_NAME | CHAR(40) | TBLInProduct.FamilyProductName | CHAR(30) | |
NetWeight | Item Weight | SB1.B1_WEIGHT | DEC(11,4) | |||
GrossWeigh | Gross Weight | SB1.B1_PESBRU | DEC(11,4) | |||
Trail | Trace | SB1.B1_TRACE | CHAR(01) | |||
BinControl | Controls Address | SB1.B1_LOCALIZ | CHAR(01) | |||
SecondUnitOfMeasureCode | Second Unit of Measure | SB1.B1_SEGUM | CHAR(02) | TBLInProduct.Unit2Code | CHAR(20) | |
SecondUnitOfMeasureInternalId | Company+branch+ sec. measure unit | COMPANY + SB1.B1_BRANCH + SB1.B1_SEGUM | ||||
MultiplicationFactorValue | Factor of conversion | SB1.B1_CONV | DEC(5,2) | TBLInProduct.Unit2Factor | DEC(8,4) | |
ProductType | Type of Item | SB1.B1_TYPE | CHAR(02) | TBLInProduct.ProductTypeCode | CHAR(15) | |
PackingQuantity | Quantity Package | SB1.B1_QE | NUM(09) | TBLInProduct.QtyPackage | DEC(19,4) | |
CostCenterCode | Cost Center | SB1.B1_CC | CHAR(09) | TBLInProduct.CostCenterCode | CHAR(20) | |
StockControlType | Control of item stock | CHAR(01) |
Deposit Transaction: Warehouse_1_001.xsd
Message Identifier: Warehouse
Version: 1_001
Protheus Module: SiGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | CompanyId | Company Code | CHAR(02) | TBLInWarehouse.Extcode | CHAR(20) | |
BranchId | Branch Code | NNR.NNR_BRANCH | CHAR(02) | TBLInWarehouse.PlantCode | CHAR(15) | |
CompanyInternalId | Company+Branch | COMPANY + NNR.NNR_BRANCH | ||||
Code | Location of Stock Code(warehouse/deposit) | NNR.NNR_CODE | CHAR(02) | TBLInWarehouse.Code | CHAR(15) | |
InternalId | Company+Branch+location code | COMPANY + NNR.NNR_BRANCH + NNR.NNR_CODE | ||||
Description | Location of Stock Description (warehouse/deposit) | NNR.NNR_DESCRI | CHAR(20) | TBLInWarehouse.Name | CHAR(15) | |
Active | Location of Stock Active? | TRUE | CHAR(01) | TBLInWarehouse.FlgEnable | SMALLINT | |
Type | Location of Stock Type | NNR.NNR_TYPE | CHAR(01) | |||
WarehouseClassification | Classification | NNR.NNR_INTP | CHAR(01) |
Transaction Resource PCP / Machine SFC: Machine_1_000.xsd
Message Identifier: Machine
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP, SIGASFC
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus PCP | Table Field: Protheus SFC | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | |||||||
Code | Machine Code | SH1.H1_CODE | CYB.CYB_CDMQ | CHAR(20) | TBLInResource.code | CHAR(15) | |
Description | Machine Description | SH1.H1DESCRI | CYB.CYB_DSMQ | CHAR(40) | TBLInResource.Name TBLInResource.Nickname | CHAR(20) | |
WorkCenterCode | Work Center Code | SH1.H1_CTRAB | CYB.CYB_CDCETR | CHAR(10) | TBLInResource.ManagerGrpCode | CHAR(15) | |
WorkCenterDescription | Work Center Description | SHB.HB_NAME | CYB.CYB_DSCETR | CHAR(40) | TBLInResource.WorkCenterDescription | CHAR(15) | |
CostCenterCode | Cost Center Code | SH1.H1_CCUST | CYB.CYB_CDCECS | CHAR(20) | |||
ProcessorType | Type of Processing | CYB.CYB_TPPC 1=Monoprocess;2=By Batch; 3=Multiple Processes;4=Manual | CHAR(01) | ||||
LaborType | Type MOD | CYB.CYB_TPMOD 1=Does not Report;2=Operator;3=Team | CHAR(01) | ||||
VolumeMachineQuantity | Machine Volume Quantity | CYB.CYB_QTVMMQ | DEC(12,4) | ||||
EfficiencyMachineValue | Machine Efficiency | CYB.CYB_VLEFMQ | DEC(05,2) | ||||
OperatorMachineQuantity | Machine Operator Quantity | CYB.CYB_QTOEMQ | NUM(02) | ||||
SimultaneousActivityQuantity | Quantity Simultaneous Operations | CYB.CYB_QTATSM | NUM(03) | ||||
IsSetup | It is set up | CYB.CYB_LGSU | BOOLEAN | ||||
IsOverlapReport | Overlaps Annotation | CYB.CYB_LGOVRP | BOOLEAN | ||||
ProductionAreaCode | Production Area | CYB.CYB_CDARPO | CHAR(10) | ||||
InitialValidateDate | Validity Initial Date | CYB.CYB_DTBGVD | DATE | ||||
FinalValidateDate | Validity End Date | CYB.CYB_DTEDVD | DATE | ||||
ListOfResources | |||||||
ResourceType | Resource Type | CYC.CYC_TPRC 1=Operator;2=Tool; 3=Team;4=Equipment | CHAR(01) | ||||
ResourceCode | Resource Code | CYC.CYC_CDRC | CHAR(20) | TBLInUser.Code | CHAR(30) | ||
ResourceName | Resource Name | CYC.CYC_NMRC | CHAR(40) | TBLInUser.Name TBLInUser.Nickname | CHAR(60) | ||
UnitTimeType | Measure Time Type | CYC.CYC_TPUNTE 1=Hours;2=Minutes;3=Seconds | CHAR(01) | ||||
StartExpirationDate | Validity Start Date | CYC.CYC_DTBGVD | DATE | ||||
EndExpirationDate | Validity End Date | CYC.CYC_DTEDVD | DATE | ||||
CycleQuantity | Number Cycles | CYC.CYC_QTCI | DEC(11,4) | ||||
IsTimeActivity | Determines time | CYC.CYC_LGTEAT | BOOLEAN | ||||
ListOfProductionShifts | |||||||
ProductionShiftCode | Code Shift Model | CYL.CYL_CDTN | CHAR(08) | ||||
ProductionShiftDescription | Description Shift Model | CYL.CYL_DSTN | CHAR(40) | ||||
BeginDate | Validity Start Date | CYL.CYL_DTVDBG | DATE | ||||
EndDate | Validity End Date | CYL.CYL_DTVDED | DATE |
In PCP, the machines are registered in the routine of resources MATA610 and in the Shop Floor, the routine is SFCA002. Nomenclature is also changed. When using Shop Floor, it is named MACHINE. When using only PCP. it is RESOURCE. The routine of parameters PCPA109 is ready to present the name according to the use of the system.
SFC Resource Transaction: Resource_1_000
Message Identifier: Resource
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus PCP | Table Field: Protheus SFC | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType |
| |
| Code | Resource Code | SH4.H4_CODE | CYH.CYH_CDRC | CHAR(06) | TBLTooling.Code | CHAR(15) |
| Name | Resource Name | SH4.H4_DESCRI | CYH.CYH_NMRC | CHAR(40) | TBLTooling.Name | CHAR(50) |
| Type | Resource Type | 1=Operator;2=Tool; 3=Team;4=Equipment.
| CYH.CYH_TPRC 1=Operator;2=Tool; 3=Team;4=Equipment | CHAR(25) |
| ProductionAreaCode | Production Area |
| ProductionAreaDescription | Production area description |
ItemComponentType |
| ProductionShiftNumber | Shift | SH4.H4_TURNO | CYH.CYH_NRTN | CHAR(05) |
| LaborCode | MOB | Fixed '1' | CYH.CYH_CDMOD | CHAR(08) |
| StartExpirationDate | Start validity date | Current Date | CYH.CYH_DTVDBG | DATE | TBLTooling.Period | INT |
| EndExpirationDate | End Validity Date |
| CYH.CYH_DTVDED | DATE | TBLTooling.Period | INT |
| UnitCycleQuantity | Units Cycles |
| ToolCode | Tool |
| ToolDescription | Tool Description |
Transaction Structure: ItemStructure_1_000.xsd
Message Identifier: ItemStructure
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: SiGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | CompanyId | Company Code | CHAR(02) | |||
CompanyInternalId | Company+Branch | COMPANY + SG1.G1_BRANCH | ||||
ItemInternalId | Company+Branch+code parent item | COMPANY + SG1.G1_BRANCH + SG1.G1_COD | ||||
ItemCode | Code parent item | SG1.G1_COD | CHAR(15) | TBLInWOHD.ProductCode TBLInWOHD.WOCode | CHAR(30) | |
ItemAmount | Base quantity of parent item | SB1.B1_QB | NUM(07) | TBLInWOHD.TotalQTY | DEC(19,4) | |
ItemComponentType | ||||||
ItemSequence | Sequence of component | SG1.G1_TRT | NUM(05) | TBLInBillMat.BillMatExtCode | CHAR(20) | |
ItemComponentCode | Code item component | SG1.G1_COMP | CHAR(15) | TBLInBillMat.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
ItemComponentInternalId | Internal Id of Item Component | COMPANY + SG1.G1_BRANCH + SG1.G1_COMP | ||||
InitialDate | Validity Initial Date | SG1.G1_INI | DATE | TBLInWOHD.DtPlanStart | DATETIME | |
FinalDate | Validity End Date | SG1.G1_FIM | DATE | TBLInWOHD.DtPlanEnd | DATETIME | |
IsGhostMaterial | Indicates whether it is ghost | SB1.B1_FANTASM | BOOLEAN ( FALSE ou TRUE) | |||
ItemComponentAmount | Quantity of component item | SG1.G1_QUANT | DEC(12,6) | |||
LossFactor | Factor of loss | SG1.G1_LOSS | DEC(05,2) | |||
Scriptcode | Code of Script | SGF.GF_SCRIPT | CHAR(02) | TBLInWOHD.ExtCode | CHAR(20) | |
ScriptAlternative | Alternative of Script | -- | ||||
ActivityIntenalID | ID Operation | -- | ||||
ActivityCode | Code of Operation | SGF.GF_OPERAC | CHAR(02) | TBLInWodet.Code | CHAR(10) | |
ActivityComponentSequence | Sequence of component in the operation | SGF.GF_TRT | NUM(03) |
Script Transaction - Item Operations: ItemScript_1_000.xsd
Message Identifier: ItemScript
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: SiGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | ItemCode | Item Code | SG2.G2_PRODUCT | CHAR(15) | TBLInWOHD.ProductCode TBLInWOHD.WOCode | CHAR(20) |
ItemDescription | Description of item | SB1.B1_DESC | CHAR(40) | |||
ItemInternalId | Company[Branch|Item | COMPANY + SG2.G2_BRANCH + SG2.G2_PRODUCT | ||||
ScriptCode | Code of Scripto | SG2.G2_CODE | CHAR(02) | |||
ScriptDescription | Description Script | -- | CHAR(40) | |||
ScriptAlternative | Script Alternative | -- | CHAR(02) | |||
ListOfActivity | ||||||
ActivityInternalID | ID Operation | SG2.R_E_C_N_O_ | NUM(05) | |||
ActivityCode | Code of Operation | SG2.G2_OPERAC | CHAR(02) | TBLInWodet.Code | CHAR(10) | |
ActivityDescription | Description Operation | SG2.G2_DESCRI | CHAR(60) | TBLInWodet.Name | CHAR(40) | |
MachineCode | Machine Code | SG2.G2_RESOURCE | CHAR(06) | TBLInWodet.Resource | CHAR(15) | |
ToolCode | Code Tool | SG2.G2_TOOL | CHAR(06) | |||
ActivityType | Type Operation | 1 = Executes operation; 2 = Does not execute. | CHAR(01) | |||
WorkCenterCode | Code Work Center | SG2.G2_CTRAB | CHAR(06) | TBLInWodet.ManagerGrpCode | CHAR(15) | |
WorkCenterInternalId | Id Work Center | COMPANY + SG2.G2_BRANCH + SG2.G2_CTRAB | ||||
UnitItemNumber | Standard Lot | SG2.G2_LOTEPAD | NUM(06) | TBLInWodet. StdSpeed | DEC(28,23) | |
TimeResource | Time Resource | 0 | TBLInWodet. StdSpeed | DEC(28,23) | ||
TimeMachine | Time Machine | SG2.G2_TEMPAD | DEC(05,2) | TBLInWodet. StdSpeed | DEC(28,23) | |
TimeSetup | Time Preparation | SG2.G2_SETUP | DEC(05,2) | TBLInWodet. SetUpTime | INT | |
UnitTimeType | Type Unit Time | 1 = Hours;2=Minutes;3=Seconds;4=Days | TBLInWodet. StdSpeedFormat | TINYINT | ||
ScriptAlternative | Alternative | SG2.G2_ROTALT | CHAR(02) | |||
InitialDate | Initial Date | SG2.G2_DTINI | DATE | TBLInWodet.DtPlanStart | DATETIME | |
FinalDate | Final Date | SG2.G2_DTFIM | DATE | TBLInWodet.DtPlanEnd | DATETIME | |
PercentageScrapValue | % Scrap | -- | ||||
PercentageValue | Proportion | -- | ||||
ResourceQuantity | Quantity Resource | -- |
Addresses Transaction: AdressStock_1_000.xsd
Message Idenfier: AdressStock
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: SiGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | WarehouseCode | Warehouse/Deposit | SBE.BE_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLInAddress.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) |
LocationCode | Address/Location | SBE.BE_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) | TBLInAddress.Code | CHAR(15) | |
AdressInternalId | Full Key address | COMPANY + SBE.BE_BRANCH + SBE.BE_LOCAL + SBE.BE_LOCALIZ | ||||
AdressStockDescription | Description of address | SBE.BE_DESCRIP | CHAR(30) | TBLInAddress.ExtCode | CHAR(20) |
Balance Transaction: ItemStockLevel_1_000.xsd
Message Identifier: ItemStockLevel
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: Various
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | ItemCode | Code of product | SB2.B2_COD | CHAR(15) | TBLInMovMat.ProductCode | CHAR(20) |
ItemDescription | Description of item | SB1.B1_DESC | CHAR(30) | |||
ListOfStock |
| |||||
ReferenceCode | Reference | -- | ||||
WarehouseCode | Deposit/Location of stock/Warehouse | SB2.B2_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLInMovMat.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) | |
LotCode | Number of Lot | SB8.B8_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | TBLInMovMat.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
SubLotCode | Sub-Lot | SB8.B8_NUMBATCH | CHAR(06) | |||
NumberSeries | Number of Series | SBF.BF_NUMSERI | CHAR(20) | |||
AddressCode | Address/Location | SBF.BF_LOCAL | CHAR(15) | TBLInMovMat.AddressCode | CHAR(15) | |
LotDueDate | Validity Date | SB8.B8_DTVALID | DATE | TBLInMovMat.LotDtValidity | DATETIME | |
CurrentStockAmount | Balance of stock | SB2.B2_QATU SB8.B8_BALANCE SBF.BF_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | |||
BookedStockAmount | Reserved Quantiy | SB2.B2_RESERVATION SB8.B8_ALLOCATION SBF.BF_ALLOCATION | DEC(12,2) | |||
AvailableStockAmount | Balance available | SB2.B2_QATU - SB2.B2_RESERVA SB8.B8_SALDO - SB8.B8_ALLOCATION SBF.BF_QUANT - SBF.BF_ALLOCATION | DEC(12,2) | |||
QuantityUpdated | Updated Quantity | DEC(12,2) | TBLInMovMat.Qty | DEC(18,2) | ||
InputOutput | Input or Output | 1 = Input or 2 = Output | CHAR(01) | TBLInMovMat.Classification | CHAR(15) |
Waste Reason Transaction: WasteReason_1_000.xsd
Message Identifier: WasteReason
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP/SIGASFC
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus PCP | Table Field: Protheus SFC | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | Code | Scrap Code | SX5.X5_KEY | CYO.CYO_CDRF | CHAR(08) | TBLOutScrap.Code | CHAR(15) |
Description | Description of Scrap | X5_DESCRI X5_DESCSPA X5_DESCENG | CYO.CYO_DSRF | CHAR(40) | TBLOutScrap.Name | CHAR(30) | |
IsRework | Rework |
IsScrapMaterial | Material Scrap | SBE.BE_DESCRIC | CYO.CYO_LGRFMP | BOOLEAN |
Stop Reason Transaction: StopReason_1_000.xsd
Message Identifier: StopReason
Version: 1_000
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP/SIGASFC
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field: Protheus PCP | Table Field: Protheus SFC | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | Code | Stoppage Reason Code | SX5.X5_KEY | CYN.CYN_CDSP | CHAR(10) | TBLOutResourceStatus.Code | CHAR(05) |
| Description | Stoppage Description | X5_DESCRI X5_DESCSPA X5_DESCENG | CYN.CYN_DSSP | CHAR(40) | TBLOutResourceStatus.Name | CHAR(30) |
| IsEfficiency | Change Efficiency | -- | -- |
| IsEmailEquipment | E-mail Planner | -- | -- |
| IsServiceRequest | Issue Service Request | -- | -- |
| IsSetup | Setup Stoppage | -- | -- |
| TBLOutResourceStatus.FlgSetup | SMALLINT |
Production Order Transaction: ProductionOrder_2_004.xsd
Message Identifier: ProductionOrder
Version: 2_003
Module Protheus: SIGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | Number | Number Production Order | SC2.C2_NUM + SC2.C2_ITEM + SC2.C2_SEQUEN | CHAR(20) | TBLInWOHD.Code | CHAR(41) |
ProductionOrderUniqueID | Company+Branch+Production Order | COMPANY + SC2.C2_BRANCH + SC2.C2_NUM + SC2.C2_ITEM + SC2.C2_SEQUEN | CHAR(30) | |||
ItemCode | Code Item | SC2.C2_PRODUCT | CHAR(15) | TBLInWOHD.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
ItemDescription | Description Item | SB1.B1_DESC | CHAR(40) | |||
Type | Type of Order | 1= Internal; 2=External; 3=Internal/External; 4=Rework; 5=Fixing; 6=Maintenance; 7=Fixed Asset; 8=Tooling; 9=Reuse
| CHAR(01) | TBLInWOHD.WoTypeCode | CHAR(20) | |
Quantity | Quantity | SC2.C2_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | TBLInWOHD.TotalQty | DEC(19,4) | |
ReportQuantity | Quantity Reported | SC2.C2QUJE | DEC(12,2) | |||
UnitOfMeasureCode | Unit of Measure | SC2.C2_UM | CHAR(02) | TBLInWoDet.Unit1Code | CHAR(05) | |
RequestOrderCode | Request Code Production Order | SC2.C2_ORDER | CHAR(06) | |||
StatusOrderType | Order Status | Estimated/Opened = 1 Started = 6 Partial/Total Closed = 7 Idle = 9 | CHAR(01) | TBLInWOHD.Status | SMALLINT | |
WarehouseCode | Code Deposit | SC2.C2_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLInWOHD.AuxCode1 | CHAR(20) | |
EndOrderDateTime | End Date Production Order CP | SC2.C2_DATPRF | DATE | TBLInWOHD.DtPlanEnd | DATETIME | |
StartOrderDateTime | Start Date Production Order CP | SC2.C2_DATPRI | DATE | TBLInWOHD.DtPlanStart | DATETIME | |
AbbreviationProviderName | Name Customer | SC5.C5_CLIENTE ( SA1.A1_NOME) | CHAR(30) | |||
ScriptCode | Code Script | SC2.C2_SCRIPT | CHAR(02) | |||
ReportOrderType | Type of Report | 1 = Order; 2 = Operations; 3 = Control Point; 4 = Item
| CHAR(01) | |||
ListOfActivityOrders | ||||||
ProductionOrderNumber | Production Order | SC2.C2_NUM + SC2.C2_ITEM + SC2.C2_SEQUEN | CHAR(20) | TBLInWoDet.Wocode | CHAR(10) | |
ActivityID | ID of Record | RECNO (SG2,SHY ou SH8) | CHAR(10) | |||
ActivityCode | Code Operation | SG2.G2_OPERAC SHY.HY_OPERAC SH8.H8_OPER | CHAR(02) | TBLInWoDet.WODetCode+Split | CHAR(10) | |
ActivityDescription | Description Operation | SG2.G2_DESCRI | CHAR(40) | TBLInWoDet.WODetName | CHAR(30) | |
Split | Split of operation | SH8.H8_DESDOBR | CHAR(04) | |||
ItemCode | Code of item | SC2.C2_PRODUCT | CHAR(15) | |||
ItemDescription | Description of item | SB1.B1_DESC | CHAR(40) | |||
ActivityType | Type Operation | 1 - Register ; 2-Does not register | CHAR(01) | |||
WorkCenterCode | Code Work Center | SG2.G2_CTRAB SHY.HY_CTRAB SH8.H8_CTRAB | CHAR(06) | TLBInWODet.ManagerGrpCode | CHAR(15) | |
WorkCenterDescription | Description Work Center | SHB.HB_NOME | CHAR(30) | |||
UnitTimeType | Type Unit Time | 1 - Hours; 2 - Minutes; 3- Seconds; 4 - Days | CHAR(01) | TLBInWODet.StdSpeedFormat | TINYINT | |
TimeResource | Time Resource (Standard time for lot) | SG2.G2_TEMPAD | DEC(05,2) | TLBInWODet.StdSpeed | DEC(28,23) | |
TimeMachine | Time Machine (Time to order) | SG2.G2_TEMPAD * SC2.C2_QUANT SHY.HY_TIME SH8.H8_HRINI - SH8.H8_HRFIM | DEC(14,4) | TLBInWODet.StdSpeed | DEC(28,23) | |
TimeSetup | Tiem Setup | SG2.G2_SETUP SHY.HY_TIMES SH8.H8_SETUP | DEC(15,4) | TLBInWODet.SetUpTime | INT | |
TimeMOD | Time Man | -- | ||||
TimeIndMES | Iindicator of time in MES | 1 = Machine Time; 2 = Labor Time; 3 = Choice by MES. | CHAR(01) | |||
ScriptCode | Code Script | SG2.G2_CODE SHY.HY_SCRIPT SH8.H8_SCRIPT | CHAR(02) | |||
LaborCode | Code Direct Labor | MOD+CC | CHAR(08) | |||
UnitItemNumber | Standard Lot | SG2.G2_LOTEPAD | NUM(05) | TLBInWODet.StdSpeed | DEC(28,23) | |
IsActivityEnd | Last Operation | In the last operation, TRUE. Otherwise, FALSE. | BOOLEAN | TLBInWODet.ReportTrigger | TINYINT | |
MachineCode | Machine Code | SG2_RESOURCE SHY_RESOURCE H8_RESOURCE | CHAR(06) | |||
StartPlanDateTime | Date/Time Start Schedule | SHY.HY_HORAINI SC2.C2_DATPRI SH8.H8_DTINI | DATE | TLBInWODet.StartPlanDateTime | DATETIME | |
EndPlanDateTime | Date/Time End Schedule | SHY.HY_HORAFIM SC2.C2_DATPRF SH8.H8_DTFIM | DATE | TLBInWODet.EndPlanDateTime | DATETIME | |
ProductionQuantity | Quantity to produce in operation | SHY.HY_QUANT SH8.H8_QUANT SC2.C2_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | TLBInWODet.Qty | DEC(19,4) | |
ActivityQuantity | Quantity of operation | SHY.HY_QUANT SH8.H8_QUANT SC2.C2_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | |||
UnitActivityCode | Unit of measure | SB1.B1_UM | CHAR(02) | TLBInWODet.Unit1Code | CHAR(5) | |
SecondUnitActivityCode | Second unit of measure in operation | -- | TLBInWODet.Unit2Code | CHAR(5) | ||
SecondUnitActivityFactor | Conversor Factor for second unit in operation | -- | TLBInWODet.Unit2Factor | DEC(8,4) | ||
ResourceQuantity | Quantity of resources | SG2.G2_MAOOBRA SHY.HY_MAOOBRA | NUM(03) | |||
ListOfMaterialOrders | ||||||
ProductionOrderNumber | Production Order | SC2.C2_NUM + SC2.C2_ITEM + SC2.C2_SEQUEN | CHAR(20) | TBLInBillMat.Wocode | CHAR(41) | |
MaterialID | ID of reservation record | SD4.R_E_C_N_O_ | CHAR(10) | |||
MaterialCode | Code Reservation Item | SD4.D4_COD | CHAR(15) | TBLInBillMat.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
MaterialDescription | Description of Item | SB1.B1_DESC | CHAR(40) | |||
ScriptCode | Code Script | SD4.D4_SCRIPT | CHAR(02) | |||
ActivityCode | Code Operation | SD4.D4_OPERAC | CHAR(02) | TBLInBillMat.WODetCode | CHAR(10) | |
WarehouseCode | Code Deposit | SD4.D4_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLInBillMat.ExtCode | CHAR(20) | |
MaterialDate | Date Reservation | SD4.D4_DATE | DATE | |||
MaterialQuantity | Quantity of Reservation | SD4.D4_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | TBLInBillMat.TotalQty | DEC(19,4) | |
LotCode | Lot | SD4.D4_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | |||
PertMaterialNumber | Sequence of item | SD4.D4_TRT | CHAR(03) | |||
RequestType | Type of Request | SB1.B1_APROPRI | CHAR(01) | TBLInBillMat.Comments | CHAR(500) | |
| ||||||
WarehouseCode | Code Deposit | SD4.D4_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLInMovMat.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) | |
LotCode | Code Lot | SD4.D4_LOTECTL SDC.DC_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | TBLInMovMat.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
LocationCode | Location/Address | SDC.DC_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) | TBLInMovMat.AddressCode | CHAR(15) | |
ActivityCode | Code Operation | SD4.D4_OPERAC | CHAR(02) | TBLInMovMat.WoDetCode | CHAR(10) | |
ScriptCode | Code Script | SD4.D4_SCRIPT | CHAR(02) | |||
AllocationQuantity | Allocated Quantity | SD4.D4_QUANT SDC.DC_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | TBLInMovMat.Qty | DEC(19,4) | |
AllocationType | Type Allocation | 1 = Adds;2=Decreases;3=Absolute Value | CHAR(01) | TBLInMovMat.AllocationType | INT | |
SubLoteCode | Sub Lot | SD4.D4_NUMLOTE SDC.DC_NUMLOTE | CHAR(06) | |||
NumberSeries | Number of Series | SDC.DC_NUMSERI | CHAR(20) | |||
LotDueDate | Validity Date | SD4.D4_DTVALID | DATE | TBLInMovMat.LotDtValidity | DATETIME | |
ListOfQuotaActivity | ||||||
ProductionOrderNumber | Number Production Order | CY9.CY9_NRORPO | CHAR(20) | |||
ControlType | Selection Split | -- | ||||
ActivityID | ID Operation | CY9.CY9_CDAT | CHAR(10) | |||
ItemCode | Code of item | CYY.CYY_CDAC | CHAR(15) | |||
ItemDescription | Description of item | CYY.CYY_DSAC | CHAR(40) | |||
StartActivityDateTime | Date/Time Start Activity | CYY.CYY_DTBGAT / CYY.CYY_HRBGAT | DATETIME | TBLInWODet.StartPlanDateTime | DATETIME | |
EndActivityDateTime | Date/Time End Activity | CYY.CYY_DTEDAT / CYY.CYY_HREDAT | DATETIME | TBLInWODet.EndPlanDateTime | DATETIME | |
ApprovedQuantity | Approved Quantity | CYY.CYY_QTATAP | DEC(13,4) | |||
ScrapQuantity | Scrapped Quantity | CYY.CYY_QTATRF | DEC(13,4) | |||
MachineCode | Code Machine | CYY.CYY_CDMQ | CHAR(20) | TBLInWODet.ResourceCode | CHAR(15) | |
MachineDescription | Description of Machine | CYY.CYY_DSMQ | CHAR(40) | |||
ActivityQuantity | Estimated Quantity | CYY.CYY_QTAT | DEC(12,4) | TBLInWODet.QTY | DEC(19,4) | |
StandardSetup | Standard Time Preparation | CYY.CYY_QTPASU | NUM(10) | |||
StandardActivity | Standard Time Operation | CYY.CYY_QTPAAT | NUM(10) | |||
StandardPostprocessing | Standard Time Post_process | CYY.CYY_QTPAPP | NUM(10) | |||
StandardMachine | Standard Time Machine | CYY.CYY_QTPAMQ | NUM(10) | |||
StandardOperator | Standard Time MOD | CYY.CYY_QTPAOE | NUM(10) | |||
UsedCapacity | Capacity Used | CYY.CYY_QTVMAT | DEC(12,4) | |||
ActivityTimeQuantity | Activity Available Time | CYY.CYY_HRDI | CHAR(08) | |||
ReportQuantity | Reported Quantity | CYY.CYY_QTATRP | DEC(13,4) | |||
ReworkQuantity | Reworked Quantity | CYY.CYY_QTATRT | DEC(12,4) | |||
StartSetupDateTime | Date/Time Start Setup | CYY.CYY_DTBGSU / CYY.CYY_HRBGSU | DATETIME | |||
EndSetupDateTime | Date/Time End Setup | CYY.CYY_DTEDSU / CYY.CYY_HREDSU | DATETIME | |||
TimeSetup | Time Setup | CY9.CY9_QTTESU | NUM(10) | TBLInWODet.SetUpTime | TINYINT | |
TimeMachine | Machine Time | CY9.CY9_QTTEMQ | NUM(10) | TBLInWODet.StdSpeed | DEC(28,23) | |
TimeOperator | Time MOD | CY9.CY9_QTTERC | NUM(10) | |||
TimePostprocessing | Post Process Time | CY9.CY9_QTTEPP | NUM(10) | |||
QuotaActivityID | ID Split | CYY.CYY_IDATQO | CHAR(05) | ActivityCode+ TBLInWODet.WODetCode | CHAR(10) | |
WorkCenterCode | Work Center | CY9.CY9_CDCETR | CHAR(10) | TBLInWODet.ManagerGrpCode | CHAR(15) | |
ReportedSplit | Reported Split | CYY.CYY_LGQORP | BOOELAN | |||
StatusActivityType | State Operation | CYY.CYY_TPSTAT | CHAR(01) | |||
ToolCode | Tool | CYY.CYY_CDFE | CHAR(20) | |||
ToolQuantity | Quantity Tool | CYY.CYY_QTFE | NUM(03) |
Production Annotation Transaction: ProductionAppointment_2_000.xsd
Message Identifier: ProductionAppointment
Version: 2_003
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP/SIGASFC
Sending Type: Synchronous
This message is generated by PC-Factory and sent to Protheus.
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field Protheus PCP | Table Field Protheus SFC | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Tipo |
BusinessContentType | MachineCode | Machine | SH6.H6_RESOURCE | CYV.CYV_CDMQ | CHAR(06) | TBLOutInteg.ResourceCode | CHAR(15) |
ProductionOrderNumber | Production Order | SH6.H6_OP | CYV.CYV_NRORPO | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.WOCode | CHAR(41) | |
ActivityCode | Operation | SH6.H6_OPERAC | CYV.CYV_CDAT | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.WODetCode | CHAR(10) | |
Split | Split | SH6.H6_DESDOBR | CYV.CYV_IDATQO | CHAR(04) | TBLOutInteg.WODetCode | CHAR(10) | |
ActivityID | ID Operation | -- | -- | ||||
ItemCode | Product | SH6.H6_PRODUCT | CYV.CYV_CDACRP | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
ApprovedQuantity | Approved Quantity | SH6.H6_QTDPROD | CYV.CYV_QTATAP | DEC(11,2) | TBLOutInteg.Qty | DEC(19,4) | |
ScrapQuantity | Scrapped Quantity | SH6.H6_QTDPERD | CYV.CYV_QTATRF | DEC(11,2) | TBLOutInteg.Qty | DEC(19,4) | |
ReworkQuantity | Reworked Quantity | -- | -- | ||||
StartSetupDateTime | Date/Time Start Setup | -- | CYV_DTBGSU CYV_HRBGSU | DATETIME | |||
EndSetupDateTime | Date/Time End Setup | -- | CYV_DTEDSU CYV_HREDSU | DATETIME | |||
SetupCode | Setup Code | -- | CYV_CDSU | CHAR(10) | |||
OpTimeInt | Operation Time | -- | CYV.CYV_QTTERP | NUM(10) | |||
ProductionShiftCode | Code Shift Model | -- | CYV.CYV_CDTN | CHAR(08) | |||
ProductionShiftNumber | Shift Number | -- | CYV.CYV_NRTN | CHAR(05) | TBLOutInteg.Shift | SMALLINT | |
DocumentCode | Document | -- | CYV.CYV_NRDO | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.DocNumber | CHAR(20) | |
DocumentSeries | Series Document | -- | CYV.CYV_NRSR | CHAR(05) | |||
ReversedReport | Annotation Reversal | TRUE or FALSE | TRUE ou FALSE | BOOLEAN | |||
ReversalDate | Reversal Date | -- | CYV.CYV_DTEO | DATE | TBLOutInteg.DTEv | DATETIME | |
ReportDateTime | Date/Time Report | SH6.H6_DTAPONT | CYV.CYV_DTRP CYV.CYV_HRRP | DATETIME | TBLOutInteg.DtEv | DATETIME | |
WarehouseCode | Deposit | SH6.H6_LOCAL | CYV.CYV_CDDP | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) | |
LotCode | Lot/Series | SH6.H6_LOTECTL | CYV.CYV_CDLOSR | CHAR(10) | TBLOutInteg.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
LotDueDate | Date Validity Lot | SH6.H6_DTVALID | CYV.CYV_DTVDLO | DATE | TBLLot.DtValidity | DATETIME | |
CloseOperation | Close Operation | SH6.H6_PT | CYV.CYV_LGEDRP | BOOLEAN | |||
LocationCode | Location | -- | CYV.CYV_CDLC | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.Address1Code | CHAR(15) | |
ListOfReversalAppointments | |||||||
IntegrationReport | Record to be reversed | CHAR(10) | TBLOutInteg.TransacType | TINYINT | |||
ReversalType | Type of Reversal | CHAR(01) | |||||
ReversalQuantity | Quantity reverted | -- | DEC(18,4) | ||||
WasteAppointment | |||||||
WasteCode | Code Scrap | SBC.BC_REASON | CY0.CY0_CDRF | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.ScrapCode | CHAR(15) | |
WasteDescription | Description Scrap | SBC.BC_DESCRI | CY0.CY0_DSRF | CHAR(40) | |||
ScrapQuantity | Scrapped Quantity | SBC.BC_QUANT | CY0.CY0_QTRF | DEC(11,2) | TBLOutInteg.Qty | DEC(18,4) | |
ScrapProduct | Scrapped Product | SBC.BC_PRODUCT | -- | CHAR(15) | |||
WareHouseCode | Deposit Scrapped Product | SBC.BC_LOCORIG | -- | CHAR(10) | |||
ScrapProductTo | Generated Scrap | SBC.BC_CODDEST | -- | CHAR(15) | |||
WareHouseCodeTo | Deposit of generated scrap | SBC.BC_LOCAL | -- | CHAR(10) | |||
AdressCode | Origin Address | SBC.BC_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) | ||||
AdressCodeTo | Destination Address | SBC.BC_LOCDEST | CHAR(15) | ||||
NumberSeries | Number of Series | SBC.BC_NUMSERI | CHAR(20) | ||||
NumberSeriesTo | Number of Series Destination | SBC.BC_NSEDEST | CHAR(20) | ||||
LotCode | Lot | SBC.BC_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | ||||
SubLoteCode | Sub Lot | SBC.BC_NUMLOTE | CHAR(06) | ||||
LotDueDate | Validity Date | SBC.BC_DTVALID | DATE | ||||
CostCenterCode | Cost Center | SBC.BC_CC | CHAR(09) | ||||
ResourceAppointment | |||||||
OperatorCode | Operator Code | -- | CYW.CYW_CDOE | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.UserCode | CHAR(30) | |
StartDateTime | Start Date/Time | -- | CYW.CYW_DTBGRP CYW.CYW_HRBGRP | DATETIME | TBLMSGERP.Start | DATETIME | |
MOBTime | Time Direct Labor | -- | CYW.CYW_QTTEOE | NUM(10) | |||
ExtraTime | Extra Time | -- | CYW.CYW_QTTEEX | NUM(10) | |||
UtilTime | Useful Time | -- | CYW.CYW_QTTEUT | NUM(10) | |||
ProductionShiftCode | Code Shift Model | -- | CYW.CYW_CDTN | CHAR(08) | |||
ProductionShiftNumber | Number Shift | -- | CYW.CYW_NRTN | CHAR(05) | TBLOutInteg.Shift | SMALLINT | |
SupplyOrder | |||||||
ProductionOrderNumber | Number Production Order | SD3.D3_OP | CZP.CZP_NRORPO | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.WOCode | CHAR(41) | |
MaterialCode | Code Reservation Item | SD3.D3_COD | CZP.CZP_CDMT | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
UsedQuantity | Quantity Used | SD3.D3_QUANT | CZP.CZP_QTRPPO | DEC(12,2) | TBLOutInteg.Qty | DEC(19,4) | |
WarehouseCode | Code Deposit | SD3.D3_LOCAL | CZP.CZP_CDDP | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) | |
LocationCode | Location | SD3.D3_LOCALIZ | CZP.CZP_CDLC | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.Address1Code | CHAR(15) | |
LotCode | Lot/Series | SD3.D3_LOTECTL ou SD3.D3_NUMSERI | CZP.CZP_CDLO | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
ActivityCode | Code Operation | -- | CZP.CZP_CDAT | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.WODetCode | CHAR(10) | |
ScriptCode | Script | -- | CZP.CZP_CDRT | CHAR(02) | |||
ReportToolActivity | |||||||
ToolCode | Code Tool | -- | CZ0.CZ0_IDFE | CHAR(20) |
Consumption notes of components:
Shop Floor Notes
Scrap Notes
Machine Stoppage Annotation Transaction: StopReport_1_001.xsd StopReport_1_001.xsd
Message Identifier: StopReport
Version: 1_001
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
This message is generated by PC-Factory and sent to Protheus.
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field Protheus PCP | Table/Field Protheus SFC | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
MachineCode | Machine Code | SH6.H6_RESOURCE | CYX.CYX_CDMQ | CHAR(06) | TBLOutRSEv.ResourceCode | CHAR(15) | |
MachineDescription | Machine Description | ||||||
StopReasonCode | Code Reason Stoppage | SH6.H6_REASON | CYX.CYX_CDSP | CHAR(02) | TBLOutRSEv.ResourceStatusCode | CHAR(20) | |
StopReasonDescription | Description Reason Stoppage | SX5.X5_DESCRI * | CYX.CYX_DSSP | CHAR(40) | |||
OperatorCode | Operator Code | SH6.H6_OPERADO | CYX.CYX_CDOE | CHAR(20) | TBLOutRSEv.UserCodeStart | CHAR(30) | |
ReportDateTime | Report Date/Time | SH6.H6_DTAPONT | CYX.CYX_DTRP | DATE | TBLOutRSEv.DtTimeStamp | DATETIME | |
ToolCode | Code Tool | -- | CYX.CYX_CDFEPO | ||||
ProductionTeamCode | Code Team | -- | CYX.CYX_CDGROE | ||||
StopType | Type Stoppage (1=Not Scheduled;2=Scheduled) | -- | CYX.CYX_TPSP | ||||
ReportSequence | ID PC-Factory | -- | -- | TBLOutRSEv.IDOutRSEv |
Transaction Balance in Stock - Request: StockLevel_2_000.xsd
Message Identifier: StockLevel
Version: 2_000
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
For this type of updating the PC Factory requests balance to Protheus. Message has two parts. Request, in which parameters for balance query and the Return, which has the balance return, are displayed.
This Request is generated by PC-Factory and sent to Protheus. This Return is generated by Protheus to PC-Factory.
Message | Tag | Description | Type |
ListOfRequest | ItemInternalId | Code of product | CHAR(15) |
ReferenceCode | Reference | CHAR(20) | |
WarehouseInternalId | Code of deposit/location of stock/Warehouse | CHAR(10) | |
LotNumber | Lot | CHAR(10) | |
SubLotCode | SubLot | CHAR(10) | |
SerialNumber | Number of Series | CHAR(20) | |
Address | Location | CHAR(15) | |
LotExpirationDate | Validity Date | DATE |
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field | Type |
ReturnContentType | ClosingStockDate | Stock closing date | -- | |
ListOfReturnItem | CompanyId | Company | ||
BranchId | Branch | |||
CompanyInternalId | Company + Branch | |||
ItemInternalId | Code of product | SB2.B2_COD | CHAR(15) | |
ReferenceCode | Reference | -- | ||
WarehouseInternalId | Location of Stock (Warehouse/Deposit) | SB2.B2_LOCAL | CHAR(10) | |
LotNumber | Number of Lot | SB8.B8_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | |
SubLotCode | Sub Lot | SB8.B8_NUMLOTE | CHAR(10) | |
LotExpirationDate | Validity Date | SB8.B8_DTVALID | DATE | |
SerialNumber | Number of series | SBF.BF_NUMSERI | CHAR(20) | |
Address | Location | SBF.BF_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) | |
CurrentStockAmount | Balance of Product in quantity | SB2.B2_QATU SB8.B8_BALANCE SBF.BF_QUANT | DEC(17,4) | |
BookedStockAmount | Quantity reserved in Stock | SB2.B2_RESERVATION SB8.B8_ALLOCATION SBF.BF_ALLOCATION | DEC(17,4) | |
AvailableStockAmount | Balance available of Product in quantity | SB2.B2_QATU - SB2.B2_RESERVATION SB8.B8_SALDO - SB8.B8_ALLOCATION SBF.BF_QUANT - SBF.BF_ALLOCATION | DEC(17,4) | |
UnitItemCost | Unitary cost of Product | -- | ||
AverageUnitItemCost | Average cost of Product | -- | ||
ValueOfCurrentStockAmount | Current balance of stock of product in value | -- |
Stock Movement Transactions: MovementsInternal_1_001.xsd
Message Identifier: MovementsInternal
Version: 1_001
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Note: This message is generated by PC-Factory and sent to Protheus.
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | CompanyId | Code of company | ||||
BranchId | Branch | |||||
CompanyInternalId | InternalId of full key of the company | |||||
InternalId | InternalId of movement. | |||||
TypeMovementCode | Code of Type of internal movement | SD3.D3_TM | CHAR(03) | |||
EmissionDate | Date of Issue | SD3.D3_ISSUE | DATE | TBLOutInteg. DtTimeStamp | DATETIME | |
ItemCode | Code of Product | SD3.D3_COD | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
UnitOfMeasureCode | Unit of Measure | SD3.D3_UM | CHAR(02) | |||
Quantity | Quantity | SD3.D3_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | TBLOutInteg.Qty | DEC(19,4) | |
WarehouseCode | Code of Warehouse | SD3.D3_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) | |
LotNumber | Lot | SD3.D3_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | TBLOutInteg.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
SubLotNumber | SubLot | SD3.D3_NUMLOTE | CHAR(06) | |||
LotExpirationDate | Lot Validity Date | SD3.D3_DTVALID | DATE | TBLLot.DTDUE | DATETIME | |
Address | Address | SD3.D3_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.Address1Code | CHAR(15) | |
NumberSeries | NumberSeries | SD3.D3_NUMSERI | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
InputOrOutput | Input or Output Movement | I=Input / O = Output | CHAR(01) | TBLOutInteg.MovTypeCode | CHAR(05) | |
ReferenceCode | Reference | -- | ||||
ScriptCode | Script | SD4.D4_SCRIPT | CHAR(02) | |||
ActivityCode | Operation | SD4.D4_OPERAC | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.WODetCode | CHAR(15) | |
ProductionOrderNumber | Production Order/Document | SD3.D3_OP e SD3.D3_DOC | CHAR(13) | TBLOutInteg.WOCode | CHAR(41) | |
FatherItemCode | Parent Item | -- |
Transaction Transfers: TransferWarehouse_1_003.xsd
Message Identifier: TransferWarehouse
Version: 1_003
Protheus Module: SIGAPCP
Sending Type: Synchronous
Note: This message is generated by PC-Factory and sent to Protheus.
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | CompanyId | Company | ||||
BranchId | Branch | |||||
CompanyInternalId | InternalId of full key of the company | |||||
InternalId | InternalId of transfer | |||||
Number | Number of Movement | SD3.D3_NUMSEQ | CHAR(06) | |||
RegisterDateTime | Date of Issue of Request | SD3.D3_ISSUE | DATE | |||
TransferWarehouseType | ||||||
InternalId | InternalId of transfer | |||||
EmissionDate | Issue Date | SD3.D3_ISSUE | DATE | TBLOutInteg.DtTimeStamp | DATETIME | |
ItemCodeFrom | Item/Product Origin | SD3.D3_COD | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
ItemCodeTo | Item/Product Destination | SD3.D3_COD | CHAR(15) | TBLMovEv.ProductCode | CHAR(20) | |
UnitOfMeasureFrom | Unit of Measure Origin | SD3.D3_UM | CHAR(02) | |||
UnitOfMeasureTo | Unit of Measure Destination | SD3.D3_UM | CHAR(02) | |||
Quantity | Quantity | SD3.D3_QUANT | DEC(12,2) | TBLOutInteg.Qty | DEC(19,4) | |
WarehouseCodeFrom | Code of Origin Warehouse | SD3.D3_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLOutInteg.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) | |
WarehouseCodeTo | Code of Destination Warehouse | SD3.D3_LOCAL | CHAR(02) | TBLMovEv.WarehouseCode | CHAR(15) | |
LotNumberFrom | Number of Origin Lot | SD3.D3_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | TBLOutInteg.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
LotNumberTo | Number of Destination Lot | SD3.D3_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) | TBLMovEv.LotCode | CHAR(41) | |
SubLotNumber | Number of SubLot | SD3.D3_NUMLOTE | CHAR(06) | |||
LotExpirationDateFrom | Validity Date of Origin Lot | SD3.D3_DTVALID | DATE | TBLLot.DtDue | DATETIME | |
LotExpirationDateTo | Validity Date of Destination Lot | SD3.D3_DTVALID | DATE | TBLLot.DtDue | DATETIME | |
AddressFrom | Origin Address | SD3.D3_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.Address1Code | CHAR(15) | |
AddressTo | Destination Address | SD3.D3_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) | TBLOutInteg.Address2Code | CHAR(15) | |
NumberSeries | Number of Series | SD3.D3_NUMSERI | CHAR(20) | TBLOutInteg.LotCode | CHAR(41) |
Transaction Refusal: Refusal_1_000.xsd
Identifier of Message: Refusal
Version: 1_000
Module Protheus: SIGAPCP
Type of Delivery: Synchronous
This message is used to register the losses of production when good spare parts are registered, then later a defect is verified. It can be used to register the losses of raw material.
This message is generated by PC-Factory and sent to Protheus.
Message | Tag | Description | Table/Field | Type | Table/Field: PC-Factory | Type |
BusinessContentType | ProductionOrderNumber | Production Order | SBC.BC_OP | CHAR(20) |
| IdReport | ID Annotation |
| CHAR(10) |
| ItemCode | Refused Product | SBC.BC_PRODUCT | CHAR(20) |
| WarehouseCode | Deposit Code | SBC.BC_LOCORIG | CHAR(02) |
| AddressCode | Address | SBC.BC_LOCALIZ | CHAR(15) |
| NumberSeries | Series Number | SBC.BC_NUMSERI | CHAR(20) |
| Type | Type Loss | SBC.BC_TIPO | CHAR(01) |
| WasteCode | Reason of Loss | SBC.BC_REASON | CHAR(02) |
| WasteDescription | Description of Loss | SBC.BC_DESCRI | CHAR(40) |
| LossQuantity | Quantity of Loss | SBC.BC_QUANT | DEC(11,2) |
| CostCenterCode | Cost Center | SBC.BC_CC | CHAR(09) |
| ItemCodeTo | Product Generated | SBC.BC_CODDEST | CHAR(20) |
| WarehouseCodeTo | Code of Destination deposit | SBC.BC_LOCAL | CHAR(02) |
| AdressCodeTo | Destination Address | SBC.BC_LOCDEST | CHAR(15) |
| NumberSeriesTo | No. of Destination Series | SBC.BC_NSEDEST | CHAR(20) |
| QuantityTo | Destination Quantity | SBC.BC_QTDDEST | DEC(11,2) |
| ActivityCode | Operation | SBC.BC_OPERAC | CHAR(10) |
| ResourceCode | Machine/Resource | SBC.BC_RESOURCE | CHAR(20) |
| LossDate | Date of Loss | SBC.BC_DATE | DATE |
| LotCode | Lot | SBC.BC_LOTECTL | CHAR(10) |
| SubLotCode | SubLot | SBC.BC_NUMLOTE | CHAR(06) |
| LotDueDate | Validity Date | SBC.BC_DTVALID | DATE |
This message will have the following purposes:
Loss of Finished Product entering destination product:
Enables you to change certain amount that has already been registered and is in stock as good. It is called refusal of finished product, as you do not need to perform reversal and adjustment of annotation.
Example: OP of 50 units, 5 annotations of 10, Need of adjustment of 45 spare parts with deffects and 5 good.
Instead of reversing 5 annotation and register again 5 good ones and 45 scraps in ProductionAppointment, a Refusal message can be sent for OP, indicating the reason of refusal/defect and code of destination product.
Loss of Raw Material:
The message of refusal is also used to register loss of raw material during the productive process. The raw material can generated a subproduct or not.
Loss of Finished Product without entering destination product:
Used to enter the loss of finished product, without being necessary to generate the destination tags.
The integration does not contempalte the generation of orders by APs, register through Fluig (WorkFlow) or routines not described in this document.
Build must be equal to or later than 7.00.131227A and date 9/8/2014.
Possible common problematic status that can happen during the work of the integration and how to solve it.
1) When the message is sent to PCP Protheus for PC-Factory, there may be situations in which the WebService is not totally functional. In these cases, a generic error message is displayed on screen:
Unable to execute the connection with WebService of PCFactory.
To solve this problems, check configurations of destination system, by analyzing the work of the server used for this communication and if it is enabled in WebService address.
2) Customers with changes in dictionary with specific rules affecting the routines listed in this document.
To solve this problem, it must check dictionary and see each case.
3)Waiting time of WebService. Due to the fact that some processes take some a long time to be executed, when ERP sends return, WebService may not be waiting.
Change waiting time of WebService PC-Factory.
Verification Checklist: