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  • Blocking of Fixed Assets' Transactions -- 115684

Document: Blocking of Fixed Assets' Transactions

The Fixed Assets module has the following three approaches to block transactions of fixed assets:

Parameter MV_ATFBLQM.

All transactions of all assets are blocked until the date set in this parameter. You can use it to keep data integrity in the module after, for example, the closing of accounting, preventing users from operating with a database retroactive to the closing.

Field N1_STATUS.

Field in asset file that determines the current status of the asset, whether it is still active, with its classification pending or transferred from branch.

You can also use this field through the Blocking function in the asset register, for blocking purposes. In this asset status, all operations with the asset are unavailable, except location transfers.

Field N1_DTBLOQ.

Field in asset file that sets a date for blocking. It aims to fully block the asset, not just for depreciation. It is also used for postings/transfers.

That is, given that the base date is before or equal to the date in field N1_DTBLOQ, the asset cannot undergo any type of transaction.

You can only perform transactions after the blocking period, which is the interval between the acquisition date (N1_DTAQUIS) and the blocking date (N1_DTBLOQ).