The objective of this study is the technical understanding of the use of the General Consolidation routine (CTBA220) when in competition with another routine to determine if the routine should be run with exclusive access.
Below is a concurrence test scenario.
2. Configuring the consolidating branch/target in the MV_CONSOLD parameter
3. Accounting for a fixed asset inclusion in progress on branch M SP 02
4. Consolidation starts
5. Parameter Settings
6. When confirmed, the action is blocked, since it was not possible to obtain exclusive access to perform the consolidation, as the file is being used in the fixed asset accounting shown in item 1.
Tests performed that also work with the same behavior:
Exclusive access to the accounting file is required only when the accountings occur in the same branch, i.e. integration accounting occurring in the consolidating branch at the same time as a general consolidation (CTBA220).
When the accounting takes place in the branch to be consolidated, which is the source of the information to be consolidated, no exclusive access is required, and both accountings can be successfully performed.
The general consolidation routine currently runs with accounting exclusively in the consolidating/target branch. Therefore, in the restructuring of the accounting semaphore, it should maintain the behavior.