Páginas filhas
  • REPCAD - Tax Registers Replicator



The purpose of this feature is to help you replicate registers to new branches. You can use it to copy the entire register to the target branch. This feature copies the tables SFM (Intelligent TIO), SF4(TIO), SF7(Tax Exception), CFC(State x State). SM4(Formulas), CC7(TIO Binding x Calc. Entry) and SBZ (Product Indicators).


In Configurator (SIGACFG) access Environments/Register/Menu (CFGX013). Enter the new menu option of SIGAFIS (Tax Records), by following these instructions:

Menu Name


Routine Name





Registers Replicator




You can access the routine through the menu Updates\Registers\Facilitators\Registers Replicator of module SIGAFIS.

When you access the routine, a configuration Wizard is displayed with the tables available for replication. Just select the tables you want to replicate and confirm them. Then a screen is displayed for you to select the target branches; that is, to which branches the routine will replicate the data from the tables selected. After selecting the target branches, the routine searches the data from the source branch (logged branch) and replicate them to the target branches.

To replicate the register from the source branch to the target branch, the table at the target branch must be empty. If there is any information in the target table, the copy will not be made. If the table is empty, then the data from the tables are fully copied to the target branch.

After the process is finished, logs are generated with details on the information replicated, and to which branches it was replicated. The file has the following nomenclature standard:

Acronym "FISCOPY"_REPLICADOR" concatenated with the alias of table (SFM ,SF4, SF7, CFC, SM4, CC7, SBZ), concatenated also with the date and time of the copy. Example: fiscopy_replicador_cc7_05052017_191010. In this example, we have a log generated by FISA133 on date 5/5/201 at 7:10:10 PM, with data from table CC7.  These files are generated in "SYSTEM", inside the specific "FISCOPY" folder.  The information in the log file is identified considering the fields of the single key of the table at issue.


Copies are only made of data from the tables selected in the wizard. Information from other entities related to the tables of the wizard WILL NOT BE COPIED.

For more details on the automatic addition, refer to the process of the Embedded Audit Trail. If this resource is not active, the report is not generated.

Find the configuration guide in the link: Configure Embedded Audit Trail


  • SF4 - TES
  • SF7 - Tax Exception
  • CFC - State x State
  • SM4 - Formulas
  • CC7 - TIO x Calc. Entry Binding
  • SBZ - Product Indicators