Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Neste momento, pode ser iniciado o processo de conversão. 

  • This is an irreversible process, because Fluig will do the reading of the tables of TOTVS ECM and transport its data to the respective tables of Fluig. Some tables of TOTVS ECM will be deleted in this conversion process.
  • Failures can occur during the process, and compromise the database. If this happens use the backup copy created earlier, to restore the database.
  • In case of use of the SQL Server database, refer to the settings in item SQL Server database settings.
  • The Portal and PortalPage type of documents will not be converted. Its conversion must be executed manually, i.e. you will need to create the pages on Fluig, through the My Pages item in the  Control Paneltab, WCMtab.


Pay attention to the following steps to start the conversion:

  1. After initializing Fluig, it is necessary to login using the user name wcmadmin and password adm;
  2. Once you've logged in, access the Control Panelmenu item and click on the ECM tab, in that tab access the Base converter option;
  3. With this, the base validation to verify that the conversion can be started will be executed. Figure 4 illustrates this process;

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Figure 4 - Process of conversion of ECM base to Fluig.

  4. If non-conformities are not found, click Convert;
  5. When you click Convert, a message is displayed, as shown in Figure 5, indicating the beginning of the conversion; 
    Image Removed

    Image Added

    Figure 5 - Conversion process started.

  6. To track the conversion process, access the file: <<FLUIG_HOME_PATH>> \jboss\standalone\log\conversion.log;
  7. The phrase "Conversion completed successfully" appears at the end of the log file and indicates the end of the conversion process;
  8. From this moment, it is possible to connect Fluig with users and passwords that existed in TOTVS ECM. To manage companies, the user wcmadmin is used and not wdkAdmin any longer.

Post conversion or migration

When a conversion process is executed, some procedures are necessary so that Fluig services can present its features properly. The following steps are recommended:

  1. Indexation of volume.
  2. Data services update for TOTVS ECM. This is the modification of these services for the recreation of stubs, in case of changes in the webservice URLs used.
  3. For migration and where TOTVS ECM was integrated with TOTVS ECM/HCM, see if the folder <<FLUIG_HOME_PATH>> \jboss\modules\com contains the directories progress\main with libraries (JAR) of their Progress. 



    This is not the JAR generated by ProxyGen (Proxy Generator), they are the old environment libraries registered in TOTVS ECM. This procedure is necessary, because in this version of the product such register of environments and indication of libraries no longer exist. The JBoss AS 7, requires that access to these common JAVA classes of Progress are initialized as a module of JBoss.

    Inside this folder next to libraries there must be a file called "module.xml." Within its contents, all these libraries must be related. Remember that the file must be saved with UTF-8 code (without BOM). The file follows the standard:

    Bloco de código
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.progress">
            <property name="jboss.api" value="private"/>
            <resource-root path="o4glrt.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="common.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="commonj.sdo.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="ecore.change.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="ecore.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="ecore.resources.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="ecore.sdo.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="ecore.xmi.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="openedge.jar"/>
            <resource-root path="progress.jar"/>

    After this setting the restart of Fluig is mandatory so that these libraries are loaded into the classpath of JBoss AS 7. Until this is executed, the operations will return an error like: JavaException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.progress.open4gl.ProDataGraphHolder. Or another class in an attempt to create an object in the package com.progress.*.

    titleAlternative Treatment

    A way to enable the use of these classes by the proxy generated is to add the contents of these libraries within the package of this proxy, that is, the files of type and extension JAR are compressed files like ZIP, each of these libraries can be opened by your preferred file compression application (WinZIP, WinRAR, 7-ZIP, among others) and their contents copied into the .JAR file of the proxy. Only the folders and their "META-INF" contents should be ignored, not copied.



  4. Re-add the global events or other customizations that have been removed before starting the conversion;
  5. Re-register the task schedules that were removed before starting the conversion, if they are still needed;
  6. If, when accessing Fluig, targeting occurs to the address <host>:<port> which belonged to TOTVS ECM, that means the address of access was not changed before the conversion (as mentioned in the session Before conversion) and therefore it will be necessary to change the access address in Fluig, entering as wcmadmin and going to the ControlPanel tab, WCM tab, System settingsitem.