Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi removida.
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Basic Path


01. Access the wall where the post or comment you wish to report is located.

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  • You can access the personal wall from the Social item, available on the main menu.
  • You can access the communities wall from the Communities item, available on the main menu, and then select the desired community.
  • You can access the communities of people you follow or that follow you through the Social item, from the main menu, by clicking Following or Followers (in the upper right side of the personal wall) and selecting the user whose wall you wish to view.

02. Find the post or comment you wish to report.

03. Click the Report icon, located on the action bar of the post or comment.

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When the post belongs to a community, you must have permission to report it and its comments, which is defined by the administrator of the company or the community itself. 

04. Fill out the report reason.

05. Click Report.