Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



As previously informed (on 11/28/2014 and 6/22/2016), the fluig update 1.5.10 is not compatible with the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database. Therefore, the platform startup will be blocked in installations using this version.

If you use the SQL Server, you must update to version 2012 or greater, as described in our Portability Matrix.

For more details, see the press release issued by the fluig product Strategy team.



More convenient and safer access to external services

Platform developers and administrators now have a new option in the Control Panel to manage access and security settings for REST services, further streamlining the communication between the platform and these resources.



To learn more about the potential of this new feature, check the documentation that we have prepared for you in Authorization for REST Service client.



More convenience with automatic enrollments in track trainings

To speed up access to training, when enrolling to a certain track, the student is automatically enrolled in all trainings comprised in such track.



The automatic enrollment process is performed asynchronously to avoid drops in performance. 



Stay tuned! New rules for using custom messages

Custom confirmation, warning or error messages of the Style Guide accept the inclusion of HTML codes; however, this is not a practice approved by fluig, as it can cause instability when moving requests.


Deck of Cards
Bloco de código
function validateForm(form) {
	if (form.getValue('product_code') == 'A8973') {
		throw "Warning! \n Invalid product code. \n Please enter a new code."
labelNot approved
Bloco de código
function validateForm(form) {
	if (form.getValue('product_code') == 'A8973') {
		throw "Warning! \n Invalid product code. \n Please enter a new code."


Style Guide

Another way to use autocomplete

Check out our Style Guide for a new sample deployment of the Autocomplete  component using an array, without REST calls to Web Services.


What's New in Documentation

Check the new Online Help!

The platform Help documentation is now in the cloud. But don't worry, the path to access it is still the same: click the Settings menu at the top of the page next to the user name, select Help and that’s it!
