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Speaking of datasets...

This feature allows you to define which datasets will be offline on mobile devices, which should be synchronized with the external data provider, the synchronization frequency, among other options.

Datasets are components that allow you to standardize access to information from locations external to the platform, such as applications and databases. High-performance datasets have a data storage cache obtained externally, which aims to reduce the number of accesses to external data services, that is, it creates a copy of the data structure within the platform for consultation, enhancing the performance of datasets developed on the platform. Therefore, the data are queried on the platform itself, preventing access to data in the external provider system in every request.

In order to update the data of the copy created on the platform, it is necessary to define the synchronization frequency on the Task Scheduler.


Basic Path


01. From the main menu, click on Control panel.


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This feature does not allow the creation of datasets, they must be developed in Studio and later exported to the platform.

You can search for a specific dataset through the Search field located in the upper right corner of the window.


Alternative Paths


Make dataset offline in mobile


01. Click the Edit icon on the Offline mobile column.


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The requested information is:

Use cache in mobile devices?
When enabled, this option specifies that the data in the dataset is to be stored in cache when it is used in mobile devices. In this case, the button is presented with the call ON, stating that the feature is active. When activated to disable the feature, the button is presented with the call OFF, stating that the feature is disabled.

Mobile cache expiration time
Time in which the stored data is considered valid and remain in the cache of mobile devices before being updated.

Not use cache when the mobile device is online?
When enabled, it states that the data in cache will not be accessed when the mobile device is online , that is, they will be required from the external system.

03. Click on Save.


Enable dataset data synchronization


01. Click the Edit icon on the Sync dataset column.


03. Click Close to return to the main window.


View Syncing Information


01. Click the information icon on the Last synchronization column.


03. Click Close to return to the main window.


Enable scheduling of dataset data synchronization


01. Click on the context menu located on the bottom right side of the line that corresponds to the dataset for which the synchronization schedule will be edited.


titleLearn more

Additional information on the fields can be found in Task Scheduler.

04. Click Confirm.


Query dataset


01. Click on the context menu located on the bottom-right side of the line corresponding to the dataset that will be queried.


03. View the dataset source code.

04. Click Close.


Delete the dataset data


01. Click on the context menu located on the bottom-right side of the line corresponding to the dataset from which data will be deleted.


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When activating this option, all data contained in the dataset is deleted.


Synchronize data in the dataset


01. Click on the context menu located on the bottom-right side of the line corresponding to the dataset from which data will be synchronized.


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When pressing this option, the data from the dataset written on the platform are synchronized with the corresponding data from the external system. 




Speaking of datasets...

This feature allows you to define which datasets will be offline on mobile devices, which should be synchronized with the external data provider, the synchronization frequency, among other options.

Datasets are components that allow you to standardize access to information from locations external to the platform, such as applications and databases. High-performance datasets have a data storage cache obtained externally, which aims to reduce the number of accesses to external data services, that is, it creates a copy of the data structure within the platform for consultation, enhancing the performance of datasets developed on the platform. Therefore, the data are queried on the platform itself, preventing access to data in the external provider system in every request.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.

 In order to update the data of the copy created on the platform, it is necessary to define the synchronization frequency on the Task Scheduler.