Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



To identify fluig Identity’s current version, you must be logged into the tool. The version information is available in the footer of fluig Identity pages, including the link to access the Release Notes.

The version indicates the build number generated in our continuous release mechanism. For example: master-49 refers to release 49 of the approval environment.


Augusto 2017


Available on 08/09/2017


  • Fixed a redirect problem that caused loss of SAML authentication data. This inconsistency affected the direct access via the URL of applications such as fluig, for example, access to fluig Mobile and authentication via Desktop SSO.


July 2017


Available on 07/31/2017

Keep track of the associated companies through Partner reports

Fluig Identity partners can now extract reports on associated companies, containing details about the licenses assigned to applications, such as the status, persons responsible and the dates on which changes were made. To learn more, go to Partner documentation.


  • For users registered in more than one company on fluig Identity, the context switch feature was fixed to behave according to the business rule:



To switch between contexts on fluig Identity, you must use the company selection button located in the upper right corner of the pages, as switching contexts directly through the URL informed in the browser’s address bar is not supported.



Available on 07/13/2017


  • Assigning permissions in Logix features via fluig Identity was adjusted so that the settings applied to roles are independent. Thus, the permissions defined for a specific role will not be replicated in roles of other companies registered on Logix.


June 2017


Available on 06/13/2017 
