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  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.




Speaking of tracks ...

Tracks are a set of training courses or tracks that allow you to acquire certain expertise as you complete them successfully.


Tracks may also include a reaction evaluation – such as a satisfaction survey – and a certificate, to be issued to the student when they finish the course successfully. 

Basic path


01. After clicking New, Track where the track will be created, click Add – located in the lower left corner of the image – to add an image for the track.



Required information:

Track acronym.

Track name.

Current status of the track. Available options are:

  • Available: when it is selected, the track becomes available in the catalog, allowing registrations and its association to topic items in classes;
  • Obsolete: when it is selected, the track is in the process of discontinuation, but registrations and its association to topic items in classes are still allowed;
  • Under conclusion: when it is selected, the track is still available in the catalog, but neither registrations nor its association to topic items in classes is allowed. As the track is given that status, active registrations remain active, and the student can access the track as usual;
  • Archived: when it is selected, the track continues to be displayed in the catalog, but registration requests are no longer allowed. To the students who are currently registered, the track is still displayed and they remain registered, but they can no longer access its content.

Track author’s name.

Class hours (in minutes)
Track duration in minutes.

Theme or area of knowledge to which the track belongs.

Description of track purposes.


50. Click Save to confirm the creation of the track; or Cancel if you want to cancel the process. 

Alternative paths


Edit track

 Only users that have, at least, modification permission on the track are allowed to perform this action.


01. In the catalog, access the location where the track is.


04. Click Save or Cancel if you want to discard the changes made. 


Copy track

 Only users that have, at least, writing permission on the target folder are allowed to perform this action.


01. In the catalog, access the location where the track is.


 When you click this option, the copy of the track is created in the selected folder, provided that you have the required permissions to perform this action.



Move track

 Only users that have, at least, deletion permission on the folder containing the track, and modification permission on the target folder are allowed to perform this action.


01. In the catalog, access the location where the track is.


 When you click this option, the copy of the track is moved to the selected folder, if you have the required permissions to perform this action.



Delete track

 Only users that have, at least, deletion permission on the folder containing the track are allowed to perform this action.


03. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm the deletion of the track; or No if you want to cancel the action.



View track items and information

 To view the track content, users must have, at least, reading permission defined for them.


01. In the catalog, go to the track containing the information and items that you want to view. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.



This option is only displayed when the track has skills related to it.



Find track item

 This search allows you to filter the items within the track.


01. In the catalog, go to the track containing the item that you want to find. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.


03. View the search result.



Register users in a track

For a user to register other users, in the permissions in the Control Panel – feature Learning - Registrations, the option Register in training course/tracks has to be active.


01. In the catalog, go to the track in which to register the users. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.


 Upon confirmation, it displays a window that allows you to register users. For more information about available actions, go to Register users.



Self-register in a track

For users to self-register, they are required to have, at least, active execution permission on the track and permission to self-register defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature:  Learning - Registrations; option:  Register in training course/tracks.


01. In the catalog, they have to go to the track in which they want to register. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.



When the user has permission to register other users, the displayed option will be Register users. In this case, click the arrow next to it to view the option Request registration.

When you click Request registration, if the track has no requirements or if it does but the student has already completed them, the registration request is automatically approved or submitted for the person in charge’s approval when the account to which the user is associated requires registration request approval. If there are requirements that have not been successfully completed by the student, they will be displayed and the registration will not be requested, since the student is required to complete them first.

As a student is effectively registered in a track, they are also automatically registered in all the training courses that make it up, except for the training courses that have requirements. In those training courses, the student will only be automatically registered if they meet all requirements. If they do not, they need to complete the requirements first and then request registration in them manually.



Cancel track registration request

If a user wants to cancel their registration request, they are required to have active permission to cancel registrations in tracks defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature:  Learning - Registrations; option:  Cancel registration in training course/tracks.


01. In the catalog, access the track from which the registration request will be canceled. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.


Upon confirmation, the registration request is canceled.



Cancel track registration

If a user wants to cancel their registration request, they are required to have active permission to cancel registrations in tracks defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature:  Learning - Registrations; option:  Cancel registration in training course/tracks.


01. In the catalog, go to the track whose registration will be canceled. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.



Upon confirmation, the registration is canceled and the user can no longer access the track.

This option is also displayed in the student’s learning plan. For more information on how to cancel registration from the learning plan, go to My learning.



Add track to your wish list


01. In the catalog, go to the track you want to add to the wish list. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.



Upon confirmation, the track is added to the student’s wish list.

The added tracks can be viewed on the Wish list widget, which can be added to platform pages so that users can view the items they added to their wish list, that is, items in which they intend to register at a later date. For information about the  widget, go to Wish list, and for information about adding widgets to pages, go to Add pages.



Delete track from your wish list


01. In the catalog, go to the track to be deleted from the wish list. To access the track, you can find it by either browsing the catalog or entering its URL directly on the browser.


Upon confirmation, the track is deleted from the student’s wish list.



titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.6.1 2 update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.

