Histórico da Página
The content displayed in help center takes into account the language chosen by the user for the platform, giving preference to documentation available in the same language. If the document is not available in the language chosen, the Portuguese version is suggested.
Basic path
Acess the help center
01. Click Settings.
Painel |
The location of the Settings menu depends on the Theme selected by the administrator. In the classic theme, the menu is located in the upper right corner of the page and identified by a gear-shaped icon. In the snowflake theme, it is in the upper left corner and is accessed through the user profile photo. |
Dica |
Users can also request help by clicking the |
Search documentation
01. Enter the term you wish to search for in the Search field.
Painel |
The documentation types shown in help center are User Manual (fluig Help), Technical Documentation (Developer Portal), FAQs (fluig FAQ) and How-to Videos (fluig Learning). |
Display more search results
01. Enter the term you wish to search for in the Search field.
02. Click theSee more link displayed below the category results.