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Comentário: Atualizada para considerar a release 1.6.5


titleFeatures and their permission options

Check out the available permission options for each feature in:

Define permissions


01. In  In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check People container and click Permissions.

02. Press General tab.

03. Click Permissions.

04. Select the category for which the permissions will be defined.


The categories available for applying permissions are:

  • System resources: allows assigning permissions to certain system resources - such as widgets and pages - by group, role, and user;
  • Group: allows relating system resources to user groups and assigning desired permissions to each group in each resource;
  • Role: allows relating system resources to user roles and assigning desired permissions to each role in each resource;
  • User: allows relating system resources to users and assigning desired permissions to each user in each resource.

0503. Click Next Step.


Upon clicking Next Step, a screen will appear with the fields and options corresponding to the chosen category to define permissions. Each category’s specific characteristics are displayed on the alternative path corresponding to each of them.


titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.3 – Snowflake 5 - Liquid update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.