Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



 If more than one banner is used, they are automatically displayed alternately every 5 seconds. The following settings must be defined for each banner:

  • Conteúdo: image or video content. Images and videos shown in banners must be saved in the gallery or the device. Accepted image formats: JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG. Accepted video formats: MP4 or OGG. If the video is more than 5 seconds long and there are more banners to be displayed, the video will be interrupted to display the next banner.
  • Título: banner title.
  • Subtítulo: description shown below the title.
  • Cor do texto: banner text color.
  • Alinhamento: alignment of the title and subtitle. Options: left, centered or right.
  • Adicionar item: add buttons to the banner that redirect users to other web addresses. The following settings are available for each item: 
    • URL: web address opened after clicking the button.
    • Abrir em uma nova aba?: indicates whether the address should be opened in a new tab.
    • Texto: button label.
    • Cor do texto: sets button label color.
    • Cor do botão: sets the button color.


  • Título: title of the gallery.
  • Subtítulo: description shown below the title.
  • Espaços: indicates whether there must be spaces around the images.
  • Máscara: indicates whether the mask effect must be used in the images.
  • Colunas: number of image columns to be displayed.
  • Cor da máscara: the mask color can be selected in this component, unlike in others.

Imagens: insert, remove or configure gallery images.


  • Logotipo: image shown as the menu logo. The image must be a file from the gallery or the device.
  • URL Link do logotipo: address accessed by clicking the logo.
  • Cor do texto: menu text color.
  • Realce do texto: text color displayed when placing the mouse cursor over the menu item.
  • Cor do fundo: menu background color.
  • Realce do fundo: background color displayed when placing the mouse cursor over the menu.
  • Alinhar à direita?: indicates whether the menu items should be aligned to the right. Menu items are aligned to the left by default.
  • Habilitar container?: Component width. If the container is disabled, the component will be resized based on the screen width, regardless of the device. If the container is enabled, the maximum width defined in this area will be followed.
  • Tamanho do texto: font size of menu items.


Conteúdo de texto: general properties of the component.

  • Habilitar container?: Component width. If the container is disabled, the component will be resized based on the screen width, regardless of the device. If the container is enabled, the maximum width defined in this area will be followed.
  • Alinhamento: alignment of the text content. Options: left, centered or right.
  • Conteúdo:  indicates if the text content should have an image or icon. Images and icons must be saved in the gallery or the device.
  • Título: title of the gallery.
  • Texto: text content shown below the title.
  • Adicionar item: add buttons to the text content that redirect users to other web addresses. The following settings are available for each item: 
    • URL: web address opened after clicking the button.
    • Abrir em uma nova aba?: indicates whether the address should be opened in a new tab.
    • Texto: button label.
    • Cor do texto: sets button label color.
    • Cor do botão: sets the button color.
