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Commissions (MATA490 - SIGAFAT)
Commissions (MATA490 - SIGAFAT)

Protheus controls commissions, since percentages are preestablished in Sales Representative File, in Customers File and in Products File. Commissions are treated as payable commissions by the system and are automatically calculated in preparation and generation of the invoices or in the implementation of a bill receivable.

For commissions calculation, the system verifies the commission percentage given to Sales Representative File, between issue and write-off, being that regarding the write-off only calculated after bill receivable is written-off. Commission base value is calculated considering data from Sales Representative file, which concerns Freight, IPI, ICMS, ICMS Withheld and ISS.

The system allows alteration of commissions calculated and updating of the date for commission payment, which enables control of those already paid.

See Also

To check form of commissions calculation base, check:


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