Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


The bank return file may come with any extension. That is why the system converts these files into the standard database, so data can be read.

Image ModifiedImportant:

To make it possible to send a file, the following registrations must have been made:

  • Cnab Payable - Configurator environment
  • Bank Parameters - Financial environment
  • Cnab Occurrences File - Financial environment

Image ModifiedImportant:

In Cnab return, bills write-off is multifunctional, which means, this process can be done in different branches.


If the Schedule routine and the Adapter EAI are configured, it is possible to integrate TIN (TOTVS Real Estate Enterprising) and Protheus to send and receive XML files, according to the XSD ractified by TOTVS®.


Process Branch? - The options All Branches or Current Branch are available.

Image ModifiedImportant:

For the perfect execution, when selecting All Branches, the resource IDCNAB for multiple branches must be installed.

5. Confirm the edition.

Image ModifiedImportant:

Positions are defined in the lot header.

Information concerning the lot current account are obtained after reading a lot header.

Check if the information obtained in the return file corresponds to the company's banking accounts file.

If banking accounts were registered using special characters (hyphens, dots, etc), it is required to adapt the information sent back by the bank to the current account code registered in the Banks File (SA6).

6. Then, select Receive File.

7. The system then starts searching and converting the data of the collection file, according to the parameters configured.

Image ModifiedTip:

If any parameter is incorrect, the system will display an error message and the solution.


See Also

  • The Cnab Return Report to query Cnab payable returns.
