Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


To whom it is applicable

It must be declared by all taxpayers registered in the securities register of the local government, even if they provide services or not.


Enable the local government to:

Know the services generated in the city which are provided inside or outside the city.

Know the services from other cities contracted by local companies.

Delivery Term



Municipal: access the website to check which cities adopted the On-line GISS.

Application provided by tax authorities

On-line GISS

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®

2.11 (16th Edition)

1st Edition (for João Pessoa)

Where to find it to access and validate files (exclusive to taxpayers). to validate files for João Pessoa. to download the off-line application.


Types of Generated Records


This record presents information on service invoices issued to individuals. To identify the customer as individual, the routine analyzes the CNPJ/CPF registered. If CPF (11 digits), the tax document is processed.

Image ModifiedImportant:

The construction code entered while generating this record must be previously registered on the On-line GISS website.

Type X - Services Provided for Legal Entities - With Construction
