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This routine enables the magnetic media generation of DCIP - DCIP - Statement of Credits Previously Indicated - SC. This file must be monthly sent via internet, using S@T software.


To whom it is applicable


To taxpayer that presents, as of April/2008 (reference date), any value to be reported as other credits or presumed credit.




Oppose permanently to tax evasion, in order to reduce tax burden from those meeting their obligations correctly.




State - Santa Catarina


Delivery Term




Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


 Analyzing program (v 2.4)






Where to find



Legislation contemplated


Decree SEF No. 256, dated Dec 21, 2004;

Types of Records Created

Record Type 20 - Identification of invoices issued

Based on information of the required period in Tax Records (Table SF3) and in Tax Records Item (SFT Table).

This record features goods purchase invoices of companies from Santa Catarina classified in Simples Nacional which entitles to deemed credit.


Image RemovedImportant:

Only invoices with Deemed Credit Calculation – Simples Nacional are considered in the record.

Calculation of Deemed Credit – Simples Nacional (Decree 1036 dated from 28/01/08 - SC).

For this credit to be calculated on an inflow document, the supplier must be classified in Simples Nacional and the TIO used in the document must have the credit percentage informed. The credit is only applied to internal operations and to documents for which taxes are not withheld by Tax Replacement.

For further information on the deemed credit calculation – Simples Nacional, refer to the technical newsletter P9AUTOTEXT-SC.

This record is generated only for equal movements prior to 03/31/09, in compliance with the change in version 2.4.

Record Type 030 - Totalizer of the record 020 for check only

It is based on information of Record 020.

Record Type 040 - Breakdown of other credits

It is based on information obtained from inclusion of certain codes in ICMS calculation. (Further details in the Useful Information topic).

Record Type 050 - Totalizer of the record 040 for check only

It is based on information of Record 040.

Record type 060 – Breakdown of deemed credits

It is based on information obtained from inclusion of certain codes in ICMS calculation. (Further details in the Useful Information topic).

Record Type 070 - Totalizer of the record 060 for check only

It is based on information of Record 060.

Record Type 080 - Breakdown of debit reversals

It is based on information obtained from inclusion of certain codes in ICMS calculation. (Further details in the Useful Information topic).

Record Type 090 - Totalizer of the record 080 for check only

It is based on information of Record 080.

Record Type 100 - Breakdown of credits from contribution or investments

It is based on information obtained from inclusion of certain codes in ICMS calculation. (Further details in the Useful Information topic).

Record Type 110 - Totalizer of the record 100 for check only

It is based on information of Record 100.

Record Type 120 - Identification of invoices issued

Only invoices with Deemed Credit Calculation – Simples Nacional are considered in the record;

Based on information of the required period in Tax Records (Table SF3) and in Taxpayer Records Item (SFT Table). This record features goods purchase invoices of taxpayers enrolled with Simples Nacional in in any State and which are entitled to deemed credit.

This record is generated only for movements equal to or later than 4/1/2009, in compliance with the change in version 2.4.

Record Type 130 - Totalizer of the record 120 for check only

 It is based on information of Record 120.This record is generated only for movements equal to or later than 4/1/2009, in compliance with the change in version 2.4.

Record Type 900 - File totalizer

Based on contents of the file.

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