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  • Useful Information - DIME SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIN)

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Useful Information - DIME SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Useful Information - DIME SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

1. The ICMS Calculation must be performed before running this routine, since some information is obtained through this procedure. If the calculation is about ten days, this routine must be ten days as well. Thus, if the calculation is monthly, the routine must be monthly as well.

If the statement is consolidated and the establishment doing the calculation is the consolidating establishment, the ICMS Calculation must be consolidated as well, including branches to be processed and excluding those not based on the same state as their headquarters.

After the ICMS Calculation, to process more than one branch when generating the Dime, the question Consolidated Calculation? must be set as Consolidating establishment and you must enter the branch range to be analyzed. We remind you that only those branches based on the same state as the headquarters are processed. Example: the consolidator business, headquarters, is established in Santa Catarina. In this case, only those branches whose State is SC are processed.

2. The same period cannot have ten-day and monthly calculations at the same time.

3. The calculation must always be done with the system base date within the period calculated.

4. The ten-day period for the first ICMS Calculation must be Period 1 and 2; for the second, it must be Period 3.That is so because, for some states such as SC, the ten-day calculation must be done this way, since it covers only two periods (1-20 and 21-30) and not three as it is common (1-10, 11-20 and 21-30). For further information, refer to the topic 9 below.

5. The GNRE (National Tax Payment Form) must be generated to contemplate the record 33 in the concerning calculation.

6. If the Specific Debit GNRE forms (record 31) have to be presented graphically, they must be added to the ICMS Calculation through sub-item codes. In addition, the fields GNRE and Expiration Class must be fed. Otherwise, only the routine wizard screen can be used. For further information, refer to the topic 14 below.

7. To send the cities required by the records type 47 and 48, the field A1_COD_MUN (Customer Register - SA1) and the field A2_CODMUN (Supplier Register - SA2) are considered.

8. Dime log file: in the same directory of the magnetic file to be validated by the DIME software, the logdime.txt file is generated with some basic information of inconsistencies which may cause errors at the validation in the SEF-SC software.

Under no circumstances can this file replace the DIME software validation provided by SEF-SC. It only works as a way to identify basic inconsistencies in the generation of magnetic media and help fixing them.

9. The ten-day calculations must comply with the RICMS/SC-01 (art. 53, paragraphs 3 and 5), which establishes that the period must be 1 to 20 and 21 to 30, that is, 2 ten-day periods. In the system, there are options to comply with this article in the question Period, in the ICMS Calculation:

  • Period 1 and 2: identifies the days in the range 1 to 20.
  • Period 3 and 2: identifies the days in the range 21 to 30.

10. To generate some information required by the record type 25 (Debit Calculation Summary), some codes must be manually included for the following items:

In Other Debits:

  • 25020 - Debit by fixed asset rate difference
  • 25030 - Debit by rate difference of use and consumption material
  • 25040 - Debit of imported machinery/equipment for fixed assets

In Credit Reversal:

  • 25060 - Other reversals

11. To generate some information required by the record type 26 (Debit Calculation Summary), some codes must be manually included for the following items:

In Other Debits:

  • 26030 - Fixed assets credit
  • 26040 - Debit by rate difference of use and consumption material
  • 26050 - ICMS Credit withheld by tax replacement
  • 26100 - Credit referred to import operations
  • 26110 - Credit referring to acquisitions from wholesalers in other states
  • 26120 - Credits by tax responsibilities
  • 26130 - Other payments due by generator fact
  • 26140 - Credit total by special system
  • 26150 - ICMS refund

The sub-item code 26140 must have the identification of the special system in its first 15 positions. This number automatically feeds the record 46 (Credit by special systems and authorizations). 

This item must be informed only for automatic completion of the record 46, since the record 26, item 140, must not be completed as of the reference period April 2008.

12. To generate some information required by the record type 27 (Debit Calculation Summary), some codes must be manually included for the following items:

In Other Debits:

  • 27050 - Credit referred to import operations
  • 27070 - Credit referring to acquisitions from wholesalers in other states
  • 27080 - Credit balance of previous period – Simples

13. To generate information for the record type 46 (Credit on special systems and authorizations), referring to the credit informed in DCIP, you must enter the information requested by the routine.


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The same period may have more than one protocol. Thus, four fields were created; enter the protocol number and the respective value. The protocol is the AUC-DCIP number generated by SEFAZ.

The sum of credits is grouped in the record 30, item 075.

14. If the information of record type 31 (Specific debit) does not have to be shown graphically, you can use only the routine wizard screen, in which the values are entered and the GNRE forms are referenced.

These entries must be related to GNRE forms and Expiration Classes in the ICMS Calculation. Thus, the GNRE forms specific for this record are generated automatically.

15. To generate the information of the record type 41 (Statement of accrued credit), the ICMS Calculation must feature some entries with specific codes in the tax credit part as follows:

Debit Reversal:

  • 41220 - Debit reversal by transfer of import credit
  • 41230 - Debit reversal by transfer of import credit
  • 41240 - Debit reversal by transfer of import credit

The sub-item code 41240 must have the identification of the special system in its first 15 positions. Thus, the record 46 (Credit by special systems and authorizations) is automatically fed.

16. To generate the information of the record type 42 (Statement of accrued credit), the ICMS Calculation must feature some entries with specific codes in the tax credit part as follows:

Other Debits

  • 42010 - Debit by transfer of credit accrued referring to export
  • 42020 - Debit by transfer of credit accrued referring to export
  • 42030 - Debit by transfer of credit accrued referring to export
  • 42040 - Debit by transfer of fixed assets goods to other establishments in the same company
  • 42070 - Other debits by credit transfer

For these sub-item codes to be correctly generated in the magnetic file, the question Transf. Period Credit must be set different from Did not transfer or receive credit. If you have to differentiate in graphic account each of the entries of debits by credit transfer, you must enter each of the GNRE forms in the ICMS Calculation.

17. To generate the information of the record type 43 (Statement of accrued credit), the ICMS Calculation must feature some entries with specific codes in the tax credit part as follows:

Other Credits

  • 43010 - Debit by transfer of credit accrued referring to export
  • 43020 - Credits by fixed assets goods transfer of other establishment in the same company
  • 43050 - Other debits by credit transfer

For these sub-item codes to be correctly generated in the magnetic file, the question Transf. Period Credit must be set as Received credit.

The sub-item code 43010 must have the identification of the special system in its first 15 positions. Thus, the record 46 (Credit by special systems and authorizations) is automatically fed.


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As of April 2008, the value of the item Credit by Transfer for accumulated credits stops being generated in table 43 and starts in Table 09, item 070.Thus instead of code 43010, you must use code 09070, and following the above instructions.

18. For generating the Record Type 44 (Deemed Credits), it is necessary the ICMS Calculation to have some entries with specific codes in the tax credit part, according to the following:

Other Credits

  • 44040 - Deemed credit - Incentive to employment generation
  • 44050 - Deemed credit of bird slaughter establishment (5%)
  • 44060 - Deemed credit of bird slaughter establishment (4%)
  • 44070 - Deemed credit of bird slaughter establishment (3%)
  • 44080 - Deemed credit of bird slaughter establishment (6%)
  • 44090 - Deemed credit of bird slaughter establishment (5%)
  • 44100 - Deemed credit of bird slaughter establishment (4%)
  • 44120 - Deemed credit for acquisition of ECF (fiscal printer)
  • 44130 - Contribution to FUNDOSOCIAL (automatic calculation by P9AUTOTEXT.SC)
  • 44140 - Investment in FUNCULTURAL (Cultural Funding)
  • 44150 - Investment in FUNCULTURAL (Cultural Funding)
  • 44150 - Investment in FUNCULTURAL (Cultural Funding)
  • 44131 - Credit for contribution to FUNDOSOCIAL (Social Funding - automatic calculation by P9AUTOTEXT.SC)
  • 44190 - Other deemed credits

The sub-item code 44160 must have the identification of the special system in its first 15 positions. Thus, the record 46 (Credit by special systems and authorizations) is automatically fed. 

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For generation of donation to Social Funding, in the field Other Credits of the DIME, check the content of parameter MV_FUNDSOC.
