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ISS - Curitiba PR (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
ISS - Curitiba PR (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

The routine enables generation through magnetic media to deliver ISSQN invoices - Tax on Services, in the municipality of Curitiba. This file must be monthly sent, through the internet, using transmission of ISS invoices.


To whom it is applicable


Companies acquirers or providers of services.




Generate a statement file presenting services provided and acquired.


Delivery Term






Municipal - Curitiba - PR


Application provided by tax authorities


Online validator


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find it





Decree 1,442 of December 17, 2007

Complementary law 116/2003

Types of Generated Records

Record Type H - Header

This record identifies the stating part for issued documents, received documents and cancelled documents.

Record Type C - Canceled Issued Documents

This record identifies invoices issued by the stating part that, for some reason, were cancelled.

Record Type E - Documents Issued (Outflow Invoices)

This record presents outflow invoices of services provided. For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file.


Image RemovedImportant:

For the fields E.09 (Code of Service List Item - Complementary Law 116/2003) and E.010 (Code of Service List Sub-item - Complementary Law 116/2003) defined by the layout, information from CODISS field (filled out in product register) is used as follows:

  • For item code, the two first digits of the field are considered. Example: Content 12.56: in this case, 12 is considered;
  • For sub-item code, the two digits after the dot (in this case, mandatory to separate item and sub-item) are considered. Example: Content 12.56: in this case, 56 is considered.

However, this information is only considered if the provided service is classified as Tax Substitution / Withhold Public Agency.

Record Type R - Documents Received (Inflow Invoices)

This file presents inflow invoices of services acquired. For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file.

Record Type T - Trailer - Description of Fields from the File of Declared Documents

It totalizes all records in magnetic medium.

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