Páginas filhas
  • Forms Control - Colombia (MATA992 - SIGAFIS)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Following are the main fields of this routine with respective description. The System runs the process when the following fields are entered:

Expiring Date.

The authorized lot brings along an expiring date, that limits out the invoice issuance;



Enter the tax document series authorized for printing;


Branch of Use

Information used in the elaboration of research key from the Form Control table. The purpose is to define branch that will use the form control within the System;


Initial Number

Enter the initial form number authorized for printing;


Final Number:

Enter the final form number authorized for printing;

Authorization Number:

Authorization number for printing, issued by SUNAR Tax Administration;



It informs the type used to issue tax documents filed in this range. The following are options eligible for selection:

1=NF (Invoice);

2=NCC (Customer Credit Note);

3=NDC (Customer Debit Note);

4=NDI (Internal Debit Note);

5=NCI (Internal Credit Note).


Indicates if series is activated, selecting YES/NO.

Image ModifiedImportant:

If user wishes to print a document with a series or type not yet registered in the Form Control or with a issue date out of registered limit, the System gives an error message, not letting user operate tax document.

Image ModifiedImportant:

To delete a range of forms filed in the Form Control Table, the System checks if any document under numeration selected to deletion has been printed out. If yes, the System does not allow to delete range.



To generate an invoice, the user must file a range of folios. To run this procedure, follow instructions:

  1. Access Tax module.
  2. Click ADD.
  3. File a range of forms, filling out fields previously listed.
  4. Then, access Invoicing module and file product clicking on Product Update.
  5. Next, register Customer. Locate routine in Add submenu file.
  6. Enter manual outflow invoice, with product and customer filed, indicating TIO, series, type and numeration within registered range.
  7. Confirm entry.

Image ModifiedImportant:

If there is any failure while invoice is generated, make sure the following errors did not come up:

  • The series informed on document was not registered in range;
  • The series informed on documents is registered in range; however, the date is superior to the limit date informed in range;
  • The form range is properly registered, but the field Active was filled out with No, that is the reason form is inactive.
  • Check TIO code used and its configurations.


See Also

  • Variable Taxes
  • TIO Files
  • Credit and Debit Notes - Invoicing
  • Credit and Debit Notes - Purchasing
  • Manual Invoicing
  • Sales Order
  • Cash
  • Generate POS Series