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This routine enables the file generation for GIAMRO import – Monthly ICMS Information and Calculation Form, oriented to State of Rondônia Taxpayers. This routine makes available the information referring to Tax Records and Inventories.

To whom it is applicable

To the establishment registered as tax Taxpayer, except the rural producer non constituted in corporate and the Taxpayer subject to Simple Regimen of Taxes Applicable to Micro Business and Small Business - Rondônia Simples.


To present an exact summary reflecting entries carried out in the Inflow Records (RE), model 1 or 1-A, Outflow Records (RS), model 2 or 2-A and ICMS Calculation Records (RAICMS), model 9.


State – Rondônia

Delivery Term

Monthly, 10 (ten) of the month subsequent to calculation period closing.

Application provided by tax authorities

SITAFE - Taxpayer Module

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find it


Types of Records Created

Record Type 1 - Declaration Data and Final Inventories


For the GIAMRO to be properly generated, it is necessary to perform the following procedures:

  1. Run the ICMS Calculation, indicating the period for generation of GIAM.
