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To whom it is applicable

To taxpayers of ICMS from the state of Tocantins.


It is used by SEFAZ (Finance Department of the state of Tocantins) to measure the value added in each city of the state in operations referring to goods circulation. This value is the basis for the percentage index of city participation in ICMS tax income.

Delivery Term

Monthly – 15th day of the month following the reported reference month


State – Tocantins

Application provided by tax authorities


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities

Legislation contemplated

Art. 224 from the ICMS Regulation approved by the Decree no. 462, dated from July 10th 1997, and Ordinance SEFAZ 1832 dated from December 6th 2001, modified by:

Ordinance SEFAZ no. 28, dated from January 7th 2005 (Attachments I and II) 

Ordinance SEFAZ no. 1.966, dated from December 13th 2005 (Attachments I and II)

Ordinance SEFAZ no. 2.194, dated from December 22nd 2008 (Attachments I and II)


Types of Records Created

Segment A - Economic and Tax Information, Taxpayer Identification, Tax Calculation



For the System to correctly generate the data, entries must be made using a TIO configured with Yes to calculate the rate differential, Calculate ICMS and the MV_SIMPLES parameter as S.

Segment R – Specification of Other Debits (5.2.1)
