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  • IR Withholding Statement - Form 103 - EQU (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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6. Click Next. The System displays the form that must be imported by the validator program DIMM Forms.

Image ModifiedImportant:

When the file name is not filled out with the question Target File, the System creates a default name (3 first characters are related to the form number - in this case is always 103; after 3 characters related to Original or Substitutive statement - ORI for original, SUS for substitutive, 7th character is fixed underscore “_”; the next 3 characters are related to the month in which the statement is performed, in Spanish.

ENE - (month 01), FEB - (months 02), MAR - (months 03), ABR - (month 04), MAY - (month 05), JUN - (month 06), JUL - (month 07), AGO - (month 08), SEP - (month 09), OCT - (month 10), NOV - (month 11), DIC - (month 12).

The last 4 characters are related to the year of the statement. Example: 2010.

The extension of the file always is .xml.


See Also