Páginas filhas
  • PO Type (MATA650 - SIGACOM)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This field defines the characteristics of the PO:

  • Confirmed

Released for production

  • Expected

Must not be produced. This type is useful for making MRP simulations.

When an expected PO is opened, the purchase requests linked to this are also expected, just as the quantity allocated and that expected for entry in the Physical and Financial Balances File (SB2) are saved as the quantity allocated expected and the balance for entry expected.

If you wish to consider these quantities to calculate the quantity available, set the parameter MV_QTDPREV to S.

The MRP program allows, for each processing, deletion of the Expected Production Orders and determining if new Production Orders generated are considered Confirmed or Expected.

The Machine Load routine, like all the reports that use the Production Orders File (SC2), allows the user to decide if the Production Orders is considered:

  • Confirmed
  • Expected
  • Both

To transform a Production Order Expected to Confirmed or delete it, use the routine Expected POs.

See Also

Files involved in the process: