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  • Data String Configuration - IP23 (Billing - SIGAFAT)

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This service is automatically executed in the system server, and is responsible for the automatic release of sales orders, based on the financial status of Customers in SERASA.

To use it, it is necessary you need to:

1. Install the MQSeries Client software in the same server as Microsiga Protheus®.

Further information on MQSeries, refer to SERASA Customer Service.

2. Generate a service in Microsiga Protheus® according to example below:

In MPxSRV.INI, where x indicates the product version of Microsiga Protheus®, add the following section:






For further information about configuration of .INI file, refer to Microsiga Protheus® installation manual.

3. Then, add the following parameters in the Environment in which the service is executed:




SERASAMQseriesServer=<name or IP of the server provided by SERASA>

SERASAMQseriesManager=<parameter Manager provided by SERASA>

SERASAMQseriesChannel=<parameter Channel provided by SERASA>

SERASAMQseriesQueuePut=<queue to put the messages>

SERASAMQseriesQueueGet=<queue to get messages>

SERASAMQseriesQueueDyn=<name of the dynamic queue>

SERASALogin=<logon code in SERASA>

SERASAPassWord=<Logon Password>

SERASANewPassWord=<New Password; can be sent only once>













4. After configuring MPxSRV.INI, the parameters must be entered in the Configurator module according to the description below:


Enables integration with String data product - IP23.

This parameter is disabled by default.


Enter the maximum value of RISKSCORING for automatic credit approval.

When the RISKSCORING factor defined by SERASA is lower than this value, the credit may be automatically approved if the risk degree Z (A1_RISCO) is being used.


Enters the maximum value of PRINAD for automatic credit approval.

When the PRINAD factor defined by SERASA is lower than this value, the credit may be automatically approved if the risk degree Z (A1_RISCO) is being used.


Enters the minimum value of RISKSCORING for automatic credit blocking.

When the RISKSCORING factor defined by SERASA is higher than this value, the credit may be automatically blocked if the risk degree Z (A1_RISCO) is being used.


Enters the minimum value of PRINAD for automatic credit blocking.

When the PRINAD factor defined by SERASA is higher than this value, the credit may be automatically blocked if the risk degree Z (A1_RISCO) is being used.


Enters the update periodicity of reference messages of the product Data String – IP23.

This parameter indicates to the system the update periodicity of the references Customers Register.

At this moment the service can be started after restarting the Microsiga Protheus® Server. It is convenient to first use Microsiga Protheus® Server in console mode, since in case any problem occurs while using the MqSeries, the following will be displayed in the Server:



SERASA - Summarized Product (Data String - IP23)


Started Company: TEST /MATRIX

Started Company: TEST 2 /MATRIX

Started Company: TEST 3 /MATRIX

Repository: Started

MQseries (Get): Started

MQseries (Put): Started

Listener: Started

 Use of Product Data String – IP23

This product enables the automatic credit approval using the RISKSCORING and PRINAD factors and/or the update of the Customers Record references to analyze the messages of Warning, Concentrate, Federal Reserve and RISKSCORING supplied by SERASA.

To use automatic credit approval, you must inform the system that the customer's Risk Degree is Z. When it is necessary to approve a credit, the system sends a query to SERASA, using


the SerasaListen Service.

After receiving the reply, the credit is approved or blocked according to the system parameterization MV_


SERASA1..4. The blocking is automatically done if the customer is not active in the Federal Revenue department.

In some cases the parameterization performed may not be enough to approve or block a credit. This way, the credit must be blocked and/or approved manually by checking theReference information on the Customer.

For each query to SERASA, the Service SerasaListen updates the reference information about the Customer. For those who have no Z risk degree,he update is performed by means of the parameter MV_SERASA5, which indicates the minimum frequency of update.

It contains information about the execution directories of Microsiga Protheus® 8 Server, as well as the information about Language, Interface, Directories and Repositories and, optionally, the information to access the TOPConnect.
