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Sales Tax (VAT) levies on several operations concerning Sales, according to article 3 of Manual of VAT and Timbre of 2009.

This tax is calculated by the system during entries of the respective tax documents. Calculations can only be made from the previous registration of the standard rate in Variable Tax Table, considered information for other routines involved in this process.

The calculation is performed in purchases and sales of goods and services, and some items are exempt according to tax classification. Currently the standard rate is 16% and its calculation basis is:

  • VAT% (B1_ALQIVA)
  • % Rate (FB_ALIQ)

The VAT calculation also checks the VAT Calc. (F4_CALCIVA) field. If its content is 2 or 3, the tax is not calculated.

Only the main rate (16%) must be registered in this table. The other variables (7.5 and 10%) are entered in Products File, when concerning it, or in TIO File.

Help_buttonImage RemovedImportant:

In some types of documents, common to companies of Civil Construction, there is the fee of Utility and Hazard Management (AUI). In this case, VAT is calculated on 10% of document AUI value. There are types of TIO that indicate variables concerning AUI and VAT calculation. In these cases, VAT calculation basis is different from the standard Value of Goods or Service.

AUI percentage is stored by the parameter MV_PERAUI.

Situations in which tax exemption is expected may happen. For these cases, enable this configuration in TIO Register (see more details in the item Fields and Routines Involved in Calculation).

Previous registration for Tax Calculation

  1. In Variable Taxes, select Add.

System displays add window.

2. Fill out data according to field help

3. This file has self-explanatory filling. However, check the most important information to register this tax:


Important information when the tax is created.






Important Notes


Registering a tax - VAT


Tax Code






Impuesto sobre  las Ventas


Field in Tax Records




IVA is always saved in fields 1. Tax Base, Rate, and Tax Value.


Inflow Calculation Formula




This function is analyzed with VAT calculation during inflow. It is run internally to generate inflow invoices either manually or by the purchase order.

VAT - Sales Tax (MATA995 - SIGAFIS)
VAT - Sales Tax (MATA995 - SIGAFIS)


Outflow Calculation Formula




This function is analyzed with VAT calculation during outflow. It is run internally to generate outflow invoices either manually or by the sales order.


Fee %




16% Standard


Important information when the tax is created.






Important Notes


Registering a tax - AUI


Tax Code






Utility and Hazard Management


Field in Tax Records




AUI is always saved in fields 6. Tax Base, Rate, and Tax Value.


Inflow Calculation Formula




This function is analyzed with AUI calculation during inflow. It is run internally to generate inflow invoices either manually or by the purchase order.


Outflow Calculation Formula




This function is analyzed with AUI calculation during outflow. It is run internally to generate outflow invoices either manually or by the sales order.


Fee %




10% Standard

4. Check the data and confirm.

See more fields and routines involved in calculation

Product File

  • Field Prd/Serv (Type of Product/Service) must be configured with:

Deleted = 0: Tax is not generated.

Exempt = 1: Tax is generated with 0 (zero) rate.

Saved = 2: Tax is generated with pre-defined rate.

TIO File

When tax exemption is expected, enable it in TIO Register in the tab Taxes through the field Calculate VAT. The options displayed are:

  • 1= Calculated.
  • 2= Not Calculated.
  • 3= Exempt.

The field VAT Percentage indicates the VAT percentage. When registered with 0 (zero), TIO must have the standard rate of 16%.

TIO x Tax Binding:

  • Sum in Trade Note and Sum in Invoice

These fields must be filled out with 1 to consider VAT value in the bill and invoice, respectively, for both Purchase and Sales.

  • Calculate on Net Value

This field must be filled out with 1 for the tax base to consider the discount.

Tax x Tax Zone Register

Through TIO tax code and Customer/Supplier State, a search is made in Tax x Tax Zone file. Tax rate is indicated in the field Rate and the base is calculated according to the percentage of the field Base Perc.

See Also
