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  • Invoice Cancellation (LOJA140 - SIGAFAT)

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Invoice Cancellation (LOJA140 - SIGALOJA)
Invoice Cancellation (LOJA140 - SIGALOJA)

For all countries, except Brazil, this routine enables the cancellation of invoice/receipt.

The option Cancel, present in Invoice Deletion routines (SIGALOJA) and in the register of internal Outflow Invoice and Credit/Debit Note (Purchases/Invoicing), aims at enabling or not the serial number of canceled documents to be used again.

The option Delete deletes the corresponding record (s) in the file Tax Records (SF3), enabling the serial number to be used again.

The option Cancel enters the record cancellation date in the field F3_DTCANC and it is conditioned to the parameter MV_USAMNUM (type: logical):

Content .T. => It enables the number of canceled documents to be used again.

Content .F. =>  It does not enable the number of canceled documents to be used again.

If the content of this parameter is equal to .T. and you want to issue a new document by using the same number, the system deletes the record previously canceled and generates a new one with updated data.

This concept is not applied when the document was not issued by the company (for example, the Supplier's Credit Note - NCP).


You want to use the number of an invoice/receipt already registered again. There are two options:

a) Delete the invoice/receipt. Thus, the record (s) concerning this document in the file Tax Records (SF3) is (are) deleted, as well as records of the files Invoice Header (SF2), Invoice Items (SD2), Bills Receivable (SE1), etc. Then, you can issue a new invoice with the same number.

b) Configure the parameter MV_USAMNUM as .T. and cancels the Invoice. Hence, the system deletes all records concerning Invoice header (SF2) and items (SD2), bills receivable (SE1), etc.

The difference is in the record (s) of Tax Records, that has (have) only the field F3_DTCANC filled out. During the issue of the new invoice (Manual and Automatic Invoice), the system deletes the record (s) with the same number sequence that was (were) previously canceled and generates other record (s) with new information.

Example 2

Suppose in order to use the same number of invoice/receipt issued, you configured the parameter MV_USAMNUM as = .F. and canceled the document.

The difference in relation to the situation of Example 1 is that, when the new invoice is issued, the system does not delete the record (s) of Tax Records concerning the document canceled. It just generates other record (s) with a new valid numbering.

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For Mexico, the cancellation of invoices issued in the current month is allowed.

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