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  • Five Steps for Implementation (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)

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  • Proof of enrollment in the Legal Entity Tax Enrollment Number (CNPJ). Usually, it is only necessary to obtain the digital certificate for Central Office, however, look for further information in the Revenue Department. If a digital certificate is required for the branch, its purpose is only to sign invoices of this branch. However, the communication can be done with the Central Office certificate, once the registration is done in the Revenue Department.
  • Regarding business or civil partnerships: Articles of organization or articles of incorporation in effect, properly registered and, in case of publicly held corporation, documents of election of current administrators;
  • If it is an individual company: Request made by business owner with seal of State Registry of Commerce granting registration.


If Articles of organization or articles of incorporation or document equivalent states that the Legal Representative enrolled in the Federal Revenue Department responsible for the CNPJ in not enabled to represent the company individually, it is necessary that an enough number of Legal Representatives show up in person, along with proper documents, to represent the company in the validation process.

Documents of Legal Representatives (Original)


*** The picture is waved if ID document presented is emitted, the most, five years from the date of your visit to one of the stations, with color picture.



According to ICP-Brazil rules, policy that regulates digital certificate in Brazil, the responsible for the Legal Entity Taxpayer Number (CNPJ) before the Revenue Federal Services is (SRF) is the only one that can show up in person for the validation to retrieve the certificate and sign Responsibility Term, and this validation cannot be done by power of attorney or agent.

  • The Legal Entity Taxpayer Number (CNPJ) or Certifying Authority can be emitted only before presentation of legal representatives documents and CNPJ responsible person, and after visit to one of the Servicing Stations.
  • Documentation presented must be original. Authenticated copies are accepted only for company documentation;
  • For each original document, bring also a simple copy (Xerox), which will be held by the Certifying Authority.


  • Carriers File – if a carrier is entered in the sales order header and the field E-mail is filled out with a valid address, an invoice e-mail is transferred.


As to the standardization of filling the Address, for addresses abroad (other countries), follow the standard: <Number of the residence> <complement>, <Address>


The separation of the residence number must be compulsorily performed through the character“,” (comma).

The comma "," must occur after the complement of addresses abroad. Check:


  • Companies File – Check if the following information is properly filled out: CNPJ, State Tax Enrollment, IBGE city code ( The state code is required in this file) NIRE, date in the companies file, and address (street, ZIP Code, Neighborhood, City, and State). In case of mistaken transmission of information, SEFAZ NF-e can be denied in the transmission for TOTVS® Service SPED (XML scheme failure) or at SEFAZ (IE and/or invalid CNPJ/CPF).
  • Product File– Check if field Origin Code is filled out properly for all valid products and if bar code is valid for EAN codification, if not, there are two options:


  • Ineffective SEFAZ Testing;
  • Testing on loss of connection with SEFAZ;
  • Testing on loss of communication environment with SEFAZ. – Totvs Services SPED. Make sure to have a procedure to quickly replace the whole environment, considering hardware and software;
  • Tests on expiration of communication and signature Digital Certificate.
  • Errors tests in files reviewed in previous item.


Step 4 - Simultaneous issuance testIssuance Test

  1. It is suggested that, in this stage, the simulation of real invoice emission situations. All invoices issued in forms 1/1A must be transmitted to SEFAZ of origin and randomly analyzed in the Revenue Department environment (homologation portal site) to validate information delivered.
  2. Prepare a testing schedule, defining obligations for each one of departments involved. Example: Tax Department, daily analysis of certain invoices in the homologation portal site; IT Department, monitoring the consumption of communication link and hardware usage, etc.
  3. It is recommended, in this state, to use a production digital certificate for the NF-e signature.
  4. After a minimum period of testing, step to the next stage. We recommend a minimum of one month of testing.
