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Statement of Confinement Control for the Manaus Free-Trade Zone

This routine enables the pre-formated file generation for importing of Individual DCI.

The system deals only with the information concerning invoices related to inflow and outflow of goods in the establishment. It must be generated by the taxpayer that is not enabled by the Tax Authorities to deliver the Monthly DCI.


To whom it is applicable?


Taxpayers using electronic processing system to register import and export business comprising Manaus Free-Trade Zone.




It is proposed as general rule, the extinction of confinement customs brokerage for expected modalities, which enables industries and companies settles in Manaus Free-Trade Zone and able by Internal Revenue Service (SRF) to deliver its products, free of any order.






Delivery term


According to Tax Authorities guidelines


Application made available by Tax Authority


Siscomex Hospitalization


Version of the application included by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find


Types of Records Created

Record 00 – Header data of Individual DCI

These records

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information on the content of the file to be generated.

Record 01 – Data of Individual DCI

This record identifies general data from Individual DCI.

Record 02 – Court Order Data

This record indicates existence of legal document issued by Judicial Authority, that is base for DCI registration with taxes value different from those calculated in the system.

Record 03 – Rectification data

This record identifies the existence of an tax administrative process that authorized the procedures, aiming at tax refund.

Record 11 – Product/Location of
Individual DCI
- PE

Identifies records presenting data from confined product in FP modality (foreign product).

Record 12 – Invoice of acquisition/product/Location of Individual DCI - FP

Identifies record that presents data of the invoice from confined product acquisition.

Record 13 – ID/Product/Location of Individual DCI

Identifies record that presents data of confined product ID (Import Document).

Record 14 – SID/Product/Location of Individual DCI

Identifies record that presents data of confined product SID (Simplified Import Document).

Record 21– Product/Location of Individual DCI/PI with PPB

Identifies record with data of the confined product under the PI with PPB modality.


Image RemovedImportant:

This record only is generated if fieldProd DCI is set 1=Yes. Indicating that it uses industrialized Products in the ZFM with foreigner inputs, and meets all or part of the PPB defined for it.

Record 31 – Product/Location of Individual DCI/ - PI without PPB

Identifies record presenting data of confined product under the PI without PPB modality.


Image RemovedImportant:

This record only is generated if fieldProd DCI is set 2=No. Indicating that it uses industrialized Products in the ZFM with foreigner inputs, and does not meet all or part of the PPB defined for it.

Individual DCI (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

Record 32 – Headquarter product x product input/location of Individual DCI PI without PPB

Identifies record presenting data of product headquarter x product input in PI without PPB modality.

Record 33 – Product input/location of Individual DCI PI without PPB

Identifies record presenting input data under the PI without PPB modality.

Record 34 – Acquisition invoice/product invoice/location of Individual DCI - PI without PPB

Identifies record presenting data of input acquisition invoice, in manufacturing of product confined under PI without PPB modality.

Record 41 – Product/Location of Individual DCI – 100% national

Identifies the record presenting ID data of confined product in modality 100% national.


  • For Record 00, information is generated according to State Registration and CNPJ, obtained through the Company Register, besides the completion of program parameters.
  • For the Records 01 to 41, the information is generated through the processing of Tax Record file transactions.
