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This routine enables the file generation for importing DES (Electronic Statement of Services) from the city
Santa Rita do Sapucaí
- MG. This is a monthly declaration of any kind of services rendered and/or contracted.


To whom it is applicable


To all that render or contract any kind of services from the municipality of Santa Rita do Sapucaí - MG.





Santa Rita do Sapucaí






Municipal – Santa Rita do Sapucaí – Minas Gerais


Delivery Term


Monthly, up to day 20th of the subsequent month.


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find the application provided by tax authorities


Types of Records Created

Record Type PE - Taxpayer Identification

For the Register Type PE, the information is generated according to the filling of the register of customers and suppliers

Record Type SP - Invoices Issued

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  1. It is considered the period entered in the first question screen, indicating Start Date and End Date;
  2. It is considered the CFOPs starting by a number higher or equal to five.
  3. Canceled and lost invoices are considered.


Image RemovedImportant:

If the address number in the Customer Register is in blank, the system automatically fills out the field Number with 000000 and the field Complement, with S/N so the file can be validated correctly.

Record Type ST - Invoices Received

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (inflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  1. It is considered the period entered in the first question screen, indicating Start Date and End Date;
  2. CFOPs starting by a number lower than five are considered.
