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DFMS is a monthly statement of any kind of services rendered and/or contracted from the city of Belém - PA. This routine enables the generation of this file in order to issue this statement.

To whom it is applicable

To all legal entities of public or private right established in the city of Belém, even though immune or exempt, taxable or not from the ISS, with or without transaction, are required to make monthly statement through the system DFMS.


Facilitate and streamline the tax obligations imposed in the legislation of the City of Belém from the Tax on Service of Any Nature - ISSQN, providing for legal entities, subject to those obligations, resources and information for the Monthly Statement of Services.


Municipal - Belém - Paraíba

Delivery Term

Monthly and due in the 15th day of the month subsequent to the occurrence of the generator factor.

Application provided by tax authorities


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find it


Law 7.056/77 and Decree 51.517 dated July 31, 2006


Types of Generated Records


This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Records table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions.

Image ModifiedImportant:

For correct generation of this record, it is necessary that the releases of notes for deduction in the system are made according to the Bulletin FIS-FAT-COM - Deductions of ISS calculation base - Civil Construction.

Record Type R - Invoices Received


  • It is considered the period entered in the first question screen, indicating Start Date and End Date.;
  • CFOPs starting by a number lower than five are considered.
  • Tax document series is entered according to the configuration of the parameter MV_SERDFMS;
  • The tax document model is always entered with blank spaces, according to the information in the DFMS Data Import Guide.

Image ModifiedImportant:

1 - For the records of invoices issued and received to consider the information that indicates if the supplier/customer is under SIMPLES Nacional, you must create the fields A1_SIMPNAC and A2_SIMPNAC.

2 - Enter the service code according to the table 4.7 from the Data Import Guide of DFMS version 4.00.02.

Filling out the field SIAFI Code of the City Local of Service Rendering will depend on the field SIAFI Code of the Services Contractor City for Notes Issued and SIAFI Code of the City Local of Service Rendering for Invoices Received with the value filled out and that the place of Service Rendering is the same registered in the parameter MV_CIDADE.

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