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NFS-e - Rio de Janeiro RJ (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
NFS-e - Rio de Janeiro RJ (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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This routine generates magnetic files concerning Service Tax - ISS (Carioca Electronic Service Invoice) to be electronically stored by the Rio de Janeiro city government.


To whom it is applicable


To all service providers in the city of Rio de Janeiro - RJ.


Delivery Term






Municipal - Rio de Janeiro - RJ


Where to find the Decree



Legislation considered


Law nr. 5,098, of 10/15/2009. 

Decree No. 32,250, dated 5/11/2010.

Decree No. 32,549, dated 7/20/2010.

Types of Generated Records

Record type 10 - Header

Displays information on taxpayer and on the file to be sent.

Record type 20 - Detail

This record is generated based on Tax Records per Item and displays RPSs to be converted to NF-e.

Record type 30 - Detail - Exclusive for vouchers

This record is generated based on Tax Records per Item and displays RPSs to be converted to NF-e, provided they were issued by a tax voucher issuer.

Record Type 40 - Statement of Invoices Received

This record is generated based on Tax Records per Item and it displays RPSs to be converted into an electronic Invoice (Inflow Invoice).


To generate the Electronic Service Invoice:

1. In Normative Instructions, click Parameters.

A screen is displayed to configure the routine parameters, note the following:

Start Date?

Enter the calculation's initial date.

End Date?

Enter the calculation's final date.

Normative Instruction?

Enter the configuration file to be used, with no .INI extension. For this magnetic medium, enter NFERIO.

Destination File?

Enter the text file's name where the data are created. Example: NFERIO.TXT.


Enter the directory's name where the text file created is saved. Example: C:\TXTS\.

2. By confirming the general parameters of Normative Instructions, the stage introduction is displayed to fill out the specific parameters for export to electronic invoice.

3. After filling them out, as described below, click Next.

Taxpayer Municipal Registration

Enter the service providing taxpayer's Municipal Registration number. Such City Registration is used if the parameter MV_NFEINSC does not exist or it is blank.

Enter the service contractor's e-mail?

This question defines whether the service contractor's e-mail is entered in text file. In case this datum is provided, when the Municipality creates the e-Invoice, an e-mail is automatically sent by the Municipality itself to the service contractor, with the e-Invoice number for querying purposes.

4. Click Next.

Initial Customer

Enter the initial customer to create a filter on the RPSs issued in the period. To process all customers, leave this question blank.


Enter the customer's initial store to create a filter on the RPSs issued in the period. To process all customers, leave this question blank.

Final Customer

Enter the final customer to create a filter on the RPSs issued in the period. To process all customers, enter ZZZZZZ.


Enter the customer's final store to create a filter on the RPSs issued in the period. To process all customers, enter ZZ.

Initial RPS

Enter the initial RPS number to create a filter on the RPSs issued in the period. To process all RPSs, leave this question blank.

Final RPS

Enter the final RPS number to create a filter on the RPSs issued in the period. To process all RPSs, enter ZZZZZZ.

Series of Initial RPS

Enter the serial number of initial RPS to filter the RPSs issued in the period. To process all RPSs, leave this question blank.

Series of Final RPS

Enter the serial number of final RPS to filter the RPSs issued in the period. To process all RPSs, enter ZZZZZZ.

5. Check and confirm the data.


Image RemovedImportant:

The text file generated must be submitted to the program available on Rio de Janeiro City Hall website to generate the respective electronic invoices and to process the return file sent by the local government.
