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This routine enables the generation of a magnetic file, the Monthly Statement of Services, determined by the municipality of Campinas, for all ISS taxpayers of the city.

To whom it is applicable

Companies acquirers and/or providers of services in the city of Rio Grande - RS.


Generate a file of Statement of Services Provided and another file of Services Acquired.

Delivery Term

Monthly , until the 15th day of each month.



Application provided by tax authorities

There is not one. File remittance must be performed via internet, through the municipality website.

Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities


Decree No. 9.946, dated May 27, 2008.


Types of Generated Records


For this register, the information is generated according to data saved in Tax Record file, only from inflow transactions of services for resident outside the country with invoice.

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