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Speaking of Settings...

This menu allows the user to define the settings of the platform based on their preferences, such as language and profile information, as well as allows them to access the full user manual and log out the platform.


  • Edit image: the image editing window allows the user to change and adjust their profile photo.

  • Security feature: allows accessing the security feature via secret images, provided that the environment is integrated with TOTVS Identity and the feature has been enabled by the company administrator.
  • Language: it allows the user to change the language for use on the platform. Currently available languages are Portuguese, English and Spanish.


  • Exit: it allows the user to end the current session on the platform.Security feature: allows accessing the security feature via secret images, provided that the environment is integrated with fluig Identity and the feature has been enabled by the company administrator.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.3 5 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.