Árvore de páginas

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When defining criteria to include approvers in a folder, all posted content will undergo such approval, except if there are subfolders where the option ‘Inherit approvers from the parent folder?’ is unchecked.

titlePlease note!

When creating a subfolder within a folder that already has approval, the subfolder will only inherit the approval setting from the parent folder if the option ‘Inherit approvers from the parent folder?’ is checked in the child folder’s properties. Thus, if a document is posted inside the subfolder, it will respect the approval set to the child folder rather than the parent folder

The Approval by document is only possible when this document is posted to a folder that does not have approval. In this case, the criteria are defined when the document is created. The content posted by the folder’s approver users will also require approval, since they can be both approvers and publishers, adding documents to the folder. This action is required to ensure greater assertiveness regarding posting and approving documents on the platform.Approval by document is only possible when this document is posted to a folder that does not have approval. In this case, the criteria are defined when the document is created.

Access approval configuration
