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  • Process image generator: This feature allows generating the process diagram image shown in request transactions – where users can view the entire process, the request’s current process task, and the details of each activity – for pending requests converted from ECM 3.0 to the platform.
  • Identity partner admin: licensing model that uses Identity on the cloud to control access to the learning solution. This feature allows configuring licensing controlled by Identity by entering the 
    information to be passed on by the partner company when licenses to access the learning solution are purchased.


  • Volumes: This feature allows the company administrator to edit Available volumes as necessary. Available volumes are created by the platform administrator to allow the company administrator to choose the volume type to be used. Therefore, the platform administrator registers only the physical directory where the files will be stored and defines the maximum storage size. The company administrator can subsequently define the volume type and the associated folder. 

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.