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04. Insert the login for the user to access the platform.

titleLogin and registration rules

It is important to consider the following about the login and registration fields:

  • These two fields can be filled with the following characters: period (.), dash (-) and underscore (_). Other special characters (such as “$”, “&” and “%”) cannot be entered.
  • Therefore, it is recommended that users enter an ID value that does not change over time, since this information cannot be changed later. It is also not recommended to insert personal data, such as CPF, since this field cannot be anonymized.

 05. Insert registration.


Each user can only have one registration, which cannot be changed This field is responsible for many validations on the platform, especially in Processes and Documents. For example, whenever a request is started or a document is approved, this is the field that validates the user.
Therefore, it is recommended that users enter an ID value that does not change over time, since this information cannot be changed later. It is also not recommended to insert personal data, such as CPF, since this field cannot be anonymized.

06. Enter the password.

07. Confirm the password.
