Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


This feature allows you to download folders and documents that are posted in the document browsing structure, and aims to facilitate the downloading of small volumes of these files. The  


  • Permissions:The user must have permission to download and the folder or the document must allow to have its content downloaded.


  • These settings are found in the properties of the folder or document: Download and printing column of the Security tab – to allow or deny the user to download – and the Allow download and printing? option of the Inherited properties tab (for folders) and of the General information tab (for documents).
  • Volume space: The Fluig volume must be twice the size of the documents that will be downloaded.
  • Document type: Some types of documents that can be posted cannot be downloaded, such as articles, forms, external documents. In this case, the Download option is not displayed. 

This feature is not indicated for downloading large volumes of documents, since there may be download inconsistencies (i.e. some documents may be affected and not downloaded, compromising document hierarchy).

Although forms and reports cannot be downloaded, the Eclipse platform can be used based on the item instructions:


Deck of Cards
labelRequest Download

Image Added

Download a specific folder
