Índice |
Listed below are the main fields that contain values from the fixed assets module that have decimal places.
Aviso |
| ||
We do not recommend changing the decimal place size in the Fixed Assets module. |
The increase of decimal places in Protheus is a delicate issue. When performed without the proper criteria or not properly maintained, it can cause various inconsistencies.
Any treatment related to decimal places is considered a deviation from the Protheus Native (in which it is standard to use only two digits for the Fixed Assets environment). Therefore, if you perform the implementation/maintenance internally with your IT team, we emphasize the importance of changing all tables/fields used in the integration of your routines, so as to not generate an inconsistency in your database.
If you use STORED PROCEDURES, it is essential to reinstall them if you change the size of the decimal places.
One of the reasons for not recommending changing the size of decimal places is that, in the Brazilian localization, management accounting works only with two decimal places.
Most numeric fields with decimal places in the Fixed Assets module do not allow you to change the number of decimal places , so that no inconsistencies occur.
Main fields used in the Fixed Assets module:
Table | Field | Title |
FN3 | FN3_AMORT | Amort Vl |
FN4 | FN4_VALOR | Profit Value |
FN5 | FN5_VLRAPR | Approp Vl |
FN5 | FN5_VLRORI | Source Value |
FN6 | FN6_VALNF | Inv/Sale Vl |
FN7 | FN7_VLATU | Vl. Current |
FN7 | FN7_VLBAIX | Post Vl. |
FN7 | FN7_VLDEPR | Deprec Vl |
FN7 | FN7_VLRESI | Residue Vl |
FN8 | FN8_VALNF | Inv. Value |
FN9 | FN9_VALNF | Inv. Value |
FNA | FNA_VALOR | Value |
FND | FND_VLRPLN | Plan. Vl |
FNE | FNE_AVPPLN | Planned AVP |
FNE | FNE_AVPRLZ | Perform. AVP |
FNE | FNE_PRDEST | Expected Prd |
FNE | FNE_VLMXDP | Max Dep Vl |
FNE | FNE_VLRRLZ | Perf. Vl. |
FNE | FNE_VLSALV | Salvage V |
FNE | FNE_VORIG | Source Vl. |
FNE | FNE_VRDACM | Vl. Accr Dep |
FNF | FNF_AVPVLP | Present Vl. |
FNF | FNF_BASE | Calculation Base |
FNF | FNF_VALOR | Trans. Value |
FNJ | FNJ_VLREXE | Exec Value |
FNL | FNL_VALOR | Value |
FNM | FNM_VALOR | Value |
FNQ | FNQ_VLRFIX | Fixed Value |
FNR | FNR_VALNF | Inv. Value |
FNU | FNU_VLRBRT | Gross Total |
FNU | FNU_VLRPRE | Present Tot. |
FNV | FNV_VLRBRT | Gross Value |
FNV | FNV_VLRPRE | Present Vl. |
FNW | FNW_VALOR | Value |
FNX | FNX_VALOR | Exec Value |
FNZ | FNZ_PRDACM | Accr. Prod. |
FNZ | FNZ_PRDANO | Exp. Prod. |
FNZ | FNZ_PRDMES | Period Prod. |
FNZ | FNZ_VLACM1 | Accr Dep |
FNZ | FNZ_VLAJS1 | Adjust. Vl. |
FNZ | FNZ_VLAJS2 | M2 Adj. Vl. |
FNZ | FNZ_VLAJS3 | M3 Adj. Vl. |
FNZ | FNZ_VLAJS4 | M4 Adj. Vl. |
FNZ | FNZ_VLAJS5 | M5 Adj. Vl. |
FNZ | FNZ_VLORI1 | Sourc Vl. |
FNZ | FNZ_VLTAX1 | Rate |
FNZ | FNZ_VMXDEP | Max Depr Vl |
FNZ | FNZ_VORIG2 | M2 Src. Vl |
FNZ | FNZ_VORIG3 | M3 Src. Vl |
FNZ | FNZ_VORIG4 | M4 Src. Vl |
FNZ | FNZ_VORIG5 | M5 Src. Vl |
FNZ | FNZ_VRDAC2 | M2 Accr Dep |
FNZ | FNZ_VRDAC3 | M3 Accr Dep |
FNZ | FNZ_VRDAC4 | M4 Accr Dep |
FNZ | FNZ_VRDAC5 | M5 Accr Dep |
FNZ | FNZ_VSALV1 | Salv Vl |
SN1 | N1_VLAQUIS | Acquisition Vl. |
SN3 | N3_VLIMPER | Val Lim Per |
SN3 | N3_VLSALV1 | Salv Vl |
SN3 | N3_VMXDEPR | Max Depr Vl |
SN3 | N3_VRCACM1 | M1 Accr Corr |
SN3 | N3_VRCACM2 | Cor.Acm.M2 |
SN3 | N3_VRCACM3 | Currency indexation rate Acm.M3 |
SN3 | N3_VRCACM4 | Cor.Acm.M4 |
SN3 | N3_VRCACM5 | Cor.Acm.M5 |
SN3 | N3_VRCBAL1 | M1 Bal Corr |
SN3 | N3_VRCDA1 | Acc Dep Corr |
SN3 | N3_VRCDB1 | Perf Dep Corr |
SN3 | N3_VRCDM1 | Month Dep Corr |
SN3 | N3_VRCMES1 | M1 Month Corr |
SN3 | N3_VRDACM1 | M1 Accr Dep. |
SN3 | N3_VRDACM2 | M2 Accr Dep. |
SN3 | N3_VRDACM3 | M3 Accr Dep. |
SN3 | N3_VRDACM4 | M4 Accr Dep. |
SN3 | N3_VRDACM5 | M5 Accr Dep. |
SN3 | N3_VRDBAL1 | M1 Bal Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDBAL2 | M2 Bal Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDBAL3 | M3 Bal Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDBAL4 | M4 Bal Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDBAL5 | M5 Bal Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDMES1 | M1 Month Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDMES2 | M2 Month Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDMES3 | M3 Month Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDMES4 | M4 Month Depr |
SN3 | N3_VRDMES5 | M5 Month Depr |
SN4 | N4_VENDA | Sale Value |
SN5 | N5_VALOR1 | Value of Currency 1 |
SN5 | N5_VALOR2 | Value of Currency2 |
SN5 | N5_VALOR3 | Value of Currency3 |
SN5 | N5_VALOR4 | Value of Currency4 |
SN5 | N5_VALOR5 | Value of Currency5 |
SN6 | N6_VALOR1 | Value of Currency 1 |
SN6 | N6_VALOR2 | Value of Currency2 |
SN6 | N6_VALOR3 | Value of Currency3 |
SN6 | N6_VALOR4 | Value of Currency4 |
SN6 | N6_VALOR5 | Value of Currency5 |
SN7 | N7_SALDEPR | Balance to Depc |
SN7 | N7_VLREAL | Actual Value |
SN7 | N7_VLSIMU1 | Simulat Value |
SN7 | N7_VORIG1 | Actual Src Vl |
SN7 | N7_VORIG3 | Ufir Src Vl |
SN8 | N8_VLRINV | Invent Vl |
SN9 | N9_VLRUNIT | Unit Vl |
SNC | NC_VALOR1 | Value of Currency 1 |
SNC | NC_VALOR2 | Value of Currency2 |
SNC | NC_VALOR3 | Value of Currency3 |
SNC | NC_VALOR4 | Value of Currency4 |
SNC | NC_VALOR5 | Value of Currency5 |
SNJ | NJ_PRODACM | Accr. Prod. |
SNJ | NJ_PRODANO | Exp. Prod. |
SNJ | NJ_PRODMES | Period Prod. |
SNJ | NJ_VLACM01 | Accr Dep |
SNJ | NJ_VLREC02 | M2 Value |
SNJ | NJ_VLREC03 | M3 Value |
SNJ | NJ_VLREC04 | M4 Value |
SNJ | NJ_VLREC05 | M5 Value |
SNJ | NJ_VLSALV1 | Salv Vl |
SNJ | NJ_VLVEN02 | M2 Sale |
SNJ | NJ_VLVEN03 | M3 Sale |
SNJ | NJ_VLVEN04 | M4 Sale |
SNJ | NJ_VLVEN05 | M5 Sale |
SNJ | NJ_VMXDEPR | Max Depr Vl |
SNJ | NJ_VORIG2 | M2 Src. Vl |
SNJ | NJ_VORIG3 | M3 Src. Vl |
SNJ | NJ_VORIG4 | M4 Src. Vl |
SNJ | NJ_VORIG5 | M5 Src. Vl |
SNJ | NJ_VRDACM2 | M2 Accr Dep. |
SNJ | NJ_VRDACM3 | M3 Accr Dep. |
SNJ | NJ_VRDACM4 | M4 Accr Dep. |
SNJ | NJ_VRDACM5 | M5 Accr Dep. |
SNM | NM_VLRBAIX | Post Vl. |
SNM | NM_VLVENDA | Sale Vl. |
SNN | NN_VORIG1 | M1 Src. Vl |
SNN | NN_VORIG2 | M2 Src. Vl |
SNN | NN_VORIG3 | M3 Src. Vl |
SNN | NN_VORIG4 | M4 Src. Vl |
SNN | NN_VORIG5 | M5 Src. Vl |
SNR | NR_VLSALV1 | Salv Vl |
SNR | NR_VMXDEPR | Max Depr Vl |
SNS | NS_VLRACM1 | Accr Dep. 1 |
SNS | NS_VLRACM2 | Accr Dep. 2 |
SNS | NS_VLRACM3 | Accr Dep. 3 |
SNS | NS_VLRACM4 | Accr Dep. 4 |
SNS | NS_VLRACM5 | Accr Dep. 5 |
SNS | NS_VLRBAS1 | Base Value 1 |
SNS | NS_VLRBAS2 | Base Value 2 |
SNS | NS_VLRBAS3 | Base Value 3 |
SNS | NS_VLRBAS4 | Base Value 4 |
SNS | NS_VLRBAS5 | Base Value 4 |
SNS | NS_VLRMOV1 | Trans. Value 1 |
SNS | NS_VLRMOV2 | Trans. Value 2 |
SNS | NS_VLRMOV3 | Trans. Value 4 |
SNS | NS_VLRMOV4 | Trans. Value 4 |
SNS | NS_VLRMOV5 | Trans. Value 5 |
SNW | NW_VLRSALD | Balance Value |
SNX | NX_VLRBASE | Base Value |
SNX | NX_VLRMOV | Trans. Value |
SNY | NY_VLRSALD | Balance Value |
SNZ | NZ_VALOR | Value |
Main fields used in the Fixed Assets module:
Table | Field | Title |
SN3 | N3_AMPLIA1 | Extens. Vl. 1 |
SN3 | N3_AMPLIA2 | Extens. Vl. 2 |
SN3 | N3_AMPLIA3 | Extens. Vl. 3 |
SN3 | N3_AMPLIA4 | Extens. Vl. 4 |
SN3 | N3_AMPLIA5 | Extens. Vl. 5 |
SN3 | N3_BXICMS | ICM amount |
SN3 | N3_VLACEL1 | Accel. Dep. Vl |
SN3 | N3_VLACEL2 | Accel. Dp. M2 |
SN3 | N3_VLACEL3 | M3. Accel. Dep |
SN3 | N3_VLACEL4 | M4. Accel. Dep |
SN3 | N3_VLACEL5 | M5. Accel. Dep |
SN3 | N3_VORIG1 | M1 Src. Vl |
SN3 | N3_VORIG2 | M2 Src. Vl |
SN3 | N3_VORIG3 | M3 Src. Vl |
SN3 | N3_VORIG4 | M4 Src. Vl |
SN3 | N3_VORIG5 | M5 Src. Vl |
SN3 | N3_VRCDA2 | C. Dep Ac M2 |
SN3 | N3_VRCDA3 | C. Dep.Ac M3 |
SN3 | N3_VRCDA4 | C Dep. Ac M4 |
SN3 | N3_VRCDA5 | C Dep. Ac M5 |
SN4 | N4_VLROC1 | Trans. Vl. M1 |
SN4 | N4_VLROC2 | Trans. Vl. M2 |
SN4 | N4_VLROC3 | Trans. Vl. M3 |
SN4 | N4_VLROC4 | Trans. Vl. M4 |
SN4 | N4_VLROC5 | Trans. Vl. M5 |
SNA | NA_VALOR1 | Moeda1 Value |
SNA | NA_VALOR2 | Moeda2 Value |
SNA | NA_VALOR3 | Moeda3 Value |
SNA | NA_VALOR4 | Moeda4 Value |
SNA | NA_VALOR5 | Moeda5 Value |
SNB | NB_VLRDESC | Disc. Value |
SNB | NB_VLRFRAN | Deductible Vl |
SNB | NB_VLRPARC | Installment Vl |
SNB | NB_VLRPREM | Premium Value |
SNB | NB_VLRSEG | Insurance Value |
SNG | NG_VMXDEPR | Max Depr Vl |
SNJ | NJ_VLORI01 | Sourc Vl. |
SNJ | NJ_VLREC01 | Value |
SNJ | NJ_VLVEN01 | Sale |
SNR | NR_VLRMOD1 | Vl. Currency 1 |
SNR | NR_VLRMOD2 | Vl. Currency 2 |
SNR | NR_VLRMOD3 | Vl. Currency 3 |
SNR | NR_VLRMOD4 | Vl. Currency 4 |
SNR | NR_VLRMOD5 | Vl. Currency 5 |