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  • Task scheduler: you can set notifications to the people in charge when there are expired documents or delayed tasks. In the settings, you can determine the time and frequency of these notifications. This feature enables the sending of e-mails to the users in charge of the tasks that are behind schedule and/or users who started the workflow requests. That way, you can ensure that the user has been informed that they have delayed tasks or that the user who started the request was informed that there are delayed tasks and who is charge of it.
  • Apps: The platform enables opening any application type, such as: Word, Excel, browsers, as well as ERPs, such as Protheus, EMS, Logix. In order to have platform allow access to several applications, they must be previously registered and parametrized in the platform.
  • Icon registration: In this function, icons used in platform are added to make identification of documents and of file type associated to them easier. The platform has standard icons for some document types, these icons can be modified according to the customer's need.
  • Quota control: This feature allows the definition of a standard storage size for the folders on the platform, as well as for the private user folder. The quotas defined here are standard. However, it is possible to define specific values per folder and per user. For folders, it is possible to define a value for each one, changing its properties.
  • Process image generator: This feature allows generating the process diagram image shown in request transactions – where users can view the entire process, the request’s current process task, and the details of each activity – for pending requests converted from ECM 3.0 to the platform.
  • Identity partner admin: licensing model that uses Identity on the cloud to control access to the learning solution. This feature allows configuring licensing controlled by Identity by entering the 
    information to be passed on by the partner company when licenses to access the learning solution are purchased.
  • Indexation: Feature that indexes content posted on the platform so that it can be returned by the search tool. Indexation can be performed manually using the procedure described below or automatically through the Task Scheduler.
  • Oauth app: OAuth is an open standard protocol for authorization, which is commonly used to allow third parties to access a user’s data without knowing their password. The platform has a Public API with the main services available on the platform. By using this API, it is possible to create messages on behalf of the user, add contacts as favorites, create articles and much more. For an application to act on behalf of a user or of itself, the authorization is performed via OAuth protocol, and they have to be previously registered on the platform with their public and private keys. If your application performs actions on its behalf, you can create an application user (optional).
  • Oauth provider: OAuth is an open standard protocol for authorization, which is commonly used to allow third parties to access a user’s data without knowing their password.
  • Parameters: The parameters resource allows the registration of information and parameters required for using the platform. Define the standard features of the platform.
  • Google Analytics User: This feature allows enabling platform server monitoring via Google Analytics, which provides accurate use information per request, as well as partially real-time information on users active in the server, depending on current connection conditions.
  • Volumes: This feature allows to edit Available volumes as necessary. 

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the Lake (1.7.0) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.