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  • Control of Protected Data - Managerial Accounting - P12

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The Law No. 13,709 - General Data Protection Law of Brazil, from August 14th, 2018, will come into force in August 2020, establishing rules on the collection, storage, treatment and sharing of personal data, imposing more protection and penalties for non-compliance.


    III - Anonymized data: data related to holder, who cannot be identified, considering the usage of reasonable technical data available at the moment of its treatment; 

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To adapt the Protheus® System to the General Data Protection Law (Statute No. 13.70), we had to adapt the presentation of routine data, in order to carry out the treatment of sensitive and/or personal data using the Access Control and Audit Log processes.


titleLog de Auditoria

Use this feature to audit updates to the Data Dictionary, to the Users Register, and to access authentications to routines with sensitive and/or personal fields, as well as the possible access rejections to such data.

For further details, refer to the Audit Rules chapter in the  Security Policy.

Protheus® System makes some routines available for the generation of the Audit Logs. You can get the procedures to configure and generate these reports through Routines for Logs and Auditing.

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CTBA015 - Accountants Register
CTBA016 - Participants Register
CTBA018 - Auditors Register
CTBA750 - Contract Accounting Calculation
CTBS001 - Bookkeeping Center
CTBS410 - Block W Reg. - Country by Country Statement
CTBS450 - ECF - Block V - Derex

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Not applicable.

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Further information on Law No. 13.709, click here 
