Páginas filhas
  • Price Lists - OMSA010 - Billing - P12

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.




List Code

Alphanumeric field for specifying a code for the Price List being added.

When the option is Copy using the option by Others Actions, the system assumes the next available code for the copy.




Descriptive field that identifies the list added and/or yet to be added.


Default list for the month.

Start Date / End Date

In these fields, set the start and end dates of price list validity.


1/1/2016 to

Start Time/End Time

In these fields, enter validity schedule of the Price List registered. This information is often used by companies that practice Flash Sales.


A given company has decided on a promotion valid on 9/20/2003, from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, must set field Start Time to 09:00 and field End Time to 10:00. Sales made from 10:01 AM forward would no longer use this Price List.

Paymt Term

Enter the payment term valid for applying this price list. Thus, when adding the Sales Order, the system only checks the payment terms entered in the Price List; otherwise, it notifies that the terms are not valid for the List selected.

Use the magnifying glass next to the field or the F3 key to access the default query and thus select the payment term.


Prompt payment.


Use this field to control the price list by product or by product group.

To control it by group, in the Product register, enter the group to which the product belongs. If you enter, in the list, the price of the product as well as the price for the group to which it belongs, the system assumes the price of the product, not that of the group.

Be mindful that the field has a trigger. If you fill out the group, the product is erased. You must enter either one or the other.

Type of Schedule

Use the down arrow beside the field to select between:

1-Single - The Price List is valid from the start date (start time) to the end date (end time). In this case, if you register the Price List to be valid from 10:00 AM on 9/17 to 8PM on 9/20, then all sales orders entered in this period can use this list.

2-Recurring - The list is valid between the two dates only between the start time and the end time. Using the previous example, the orders can only use the list during the days of the period, within the time entered; that is, from 10:00 AM on 9/17 to 8:00 PM on 9/20.  If the order is issued for 9/18 at 9:00 PM, the system does not accept it for this Price List.

Active List

Use the down arrow to select between:

  • 1-Yes or
  • 2-No.

The system lets you apply the factor or the discount value, but never one atop the other.

Base Price

The base sale price of a product is defined in its register, through field Sales Price.

When you add a Price List, the system offers the base price entered, and fields Sales Price and Discount Value always use the base price of the product as reference. However, if it has not been registered, enter it directly in field Sales Price.

Sales Price

Enter the sales price used for a product in the Price List, from the applied factors and discounts.


A price list is registered in the following situation:

Product Computer; Base Price $1,000.00 and Discount Value $100.00. In this situation the Sales Price is $900.00 (Base Price - Discount Value)

Discount Value

Enter the discount value to be applied to the Base Price of the product. When you fill out this field, the system automatically calculates the Sales Price field.


The system lets you apply the factor or the discount value, but never one atop the other.


A price list is registered in the following situation: Product Computer; Base Price $1,000.00; Discount Value $100.00; Factor 0.90 (10% discount on the base price); Sales Price $900.00 (Base Price - Discount Value)

The discount value determines the sales price, because it is calculated on the Base Price of the product.


This field determines the factor on the Base Price of the product. The system enters or calculates it when you fill out the field Discount Value. When entered, the system calculates the sales price based on the factor. When the factor is entered, the sales price is calculated.


Enter the State in which the Price List registered is valid.


For fields State and Operation Tp., a priority rule exists. When you enter the State, the system disregards field Operation Tp., regardless of its contents.

Therefore, for the data found in field Operation Tp. to have value, leave field State blank.

Type of Operation

In this field, select the type of operation performed:

1-State - Determines that the Price List is only valid for customers inside the State defined in parameter MV_ESTADO.

2-Interstate - Determines that the Price List is valid for all States, except the State set in parameter MV_ESTADO.

3-North and Northeast Indicates that the Price List is valid only for regions North and Northeast.

4-All - Indicates that the Price List is valid for all States of table 12 - Federative Unit.


For fields State and Operation Tp., a priority rule exists. When you enter the State, the system disregards field Operation Tp., regardless of its contents.

Therefore, for the data found in field Operation Tp. to have value, leave field State blank.


Enter the maximum quantity of products for a given price list. This information is useful to link the price to a given sales quantity.


The higher the number of products sold, the lower the price.

Activation and Deactivation of Records

The purpose of the reserved field called Status is to allow the activation or deactivation of records, preventing the application from using the inactive ones.

1. Field initialization is always as Active and shows the options Active and Inactive.

2.  When the content of the field is set to Inactive, it means the record is blocked, and it is shown in the browser with a different color.


The option to send multiple price lists to CiaShop E-commerce, is implemented by marking the field e-commerce


The header registration, in which the rules for using the list in the sale are set, is made in the Cia Shop E-Commerce.

The integration sends products related to the list as well as their respective prices.

Use this feature to have a price list differentiated by rule.

The procedures for registering the Promotional and Default Price list remain the same.

Product Code

Use the magnifying glass or the F3 key to view the default query and set the product code.


Default Product


Use the magnifying glass or the F3 key to view the default query and set the product code.



Be mindful that the field has a trigger. If you fill out the group, the product is erased. You must enter either one or the other.

Grid Ref./CFG

The Grid Reference family code lets you use the routine practically, reducing the need to repeatedly register products with the same Grid Reference / Configurator.

Validity Use the calendar next to the field or enter the date in format DD/MM/YYYY with the validity date of the pricelist in use.
Maximum Price Enter the maximum price for the specified price list.




Use this routine to configure or perform maintenance on a Price List and compose various sales types, considering specific sales terms for one or for multiple products, using distinct criteria, such as region and price range.
