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  • Frequently asked questions about the Sales Management Portal

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titleShould I use the Sales Management Portal during processing of the Redo Allocations routine (MATA215) or another one that leaves the tables exclusive?

While the tables used by the Sales Management Portal (PGV) are being processed, the message "The tables needed to access this routine are being processed exclusively in Protheus. Contact the system administrator". is displayed.

titleComo faço para aparecer a tecla de vírgula no teclado do meu dispositivo móvel quando estou alterando valores no Portal Gestão de Vendas ?

The fact that the keyboard lacks the comma character is due to the Region configured in the mobile device, because when the device region is set for countries other than Brazil, the keyboard adopts the period character by default. Thus, you must change the country setting of the device that is accessing the Sales Management Portal to Brazil, then the keyboard will adopt the local standard and display the comma key.

titleE possivel personalizar a quantidade de casas decimais utilizadas no Portal gestão de Vendas?

The feature to customize decimal places in numeric fields is not available in Sales Management Portal forms. 
Numeric fields containing decimal places use up to two decimal places.