Páginas filhas
  • Sales Orders - MATA410 - Billing - P12

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Deck of Cards
idPrincipais Campos




This can be filled in automatically or manually.



Order Type

Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options:


C-Quantity/Price Compl.;

I-ICMS Compl.;

P-IPI Compl.;

D-Purchase Ret.;

B-Use Supplier;


  • Code that identifies the Customer or the Supplier depending on what is entered in the Type field.
  • After the customer is entered, the system already fills in the Store field.
  • If the type entered is Return, enter the Supplier Code.
  • When you position in the field Customer and press the F9 Key, if the parameter MV_CNPEDVE is active, the screen Contract Bound is displayed, allowing you to add an order, bind it to a contract, and perform the entire measurement process automatically using the sales order data.
  • Use the magnifying glass or the F3 key to access the default query and select the customer.


Armarinhos Sandra.

Customer Type

This field has an influence on the calculation of taxes levied on the outgoing operation. It is loaded automatically when the customer code is entered based on the information presented in the Customers File, but it can be edited manually if required by the order operation.

Select among the options presented:

  • F-End Consumer;
  • L-Rural Area Producer;
  • R-Reseller;
  • S-Solidary;
  • X-Export/Import;

Delivery Cust.

Code that identifies the delivery customer. It is used when the delivery location is in a state different from the acquirer's state, affecting the calculation of taxes, mainly ICMS.

This field is not for information only.

Use the default query available using the magnifying glass next to the field, or press F3.



Paymt. Term.

Enter the payment term to generate bills to the Financial environment, and it will be considered according to the definition of rules set on the Sales Scenario. The formula for defining the payment term is informed in the Payment Terms File.

Use the magnifying glass or the F3 key to access the default query and select the item.

See more information about the Payment Terms in this FAQ.


001 - 2 Installments


In this field, you determine which price list is used for the Sales Order. However, if the list is not entered, the System brings the sales price informed in the Products File. It is worth noting that this field is considered according to the rules set in the Sales Scenario.

Use the magnifying glass or the F3 key to access the default query and select the list.


001 - Default List


Used to Activate and Deactivate Records. The purpose is to allow the activation or deactivation of records, preventing the inactive ones from remaining in use by the application. 

Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options: 1-Inactive or 2-Active.

When the content of a field is Inactive, it means the record is blocked, and it is shown in the browse with a different color.

Work Type

This field allows you to enter the type of work directed to the building industry when issuing Service Invoices.

Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options:

  • 1-Minha Casa Minha Vida;
  • 2-Presumed System;
  • 3-Regular System.

Ecom Status

Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options:

  • 00-Generated;
  • 05-Under analysis;
  • 10-Payment Confirmed;
  • 15-Packed;
  • 21-Partially sent;
  • 30-Sent;
  • 90-Canceled;
  • 91-Returned.


Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options:

  • 1-Price;
  • 2-Quantity;


This field indicates the party responsible for the transportation of the goods included in the sales order.

When the outgoing document is generated, and you enter the carrier and the freight type (CIF or FOB), the System processes the freight values.

These values can be verified when querying the Outgoing Invoices.

Use the default query available in the magnifying glass next to the field or press F3.


FAT001 - Dois Irmaos Carrier.

Discount 1 to 5

Enter the discount percentage that falls in cascade applied to the product's list price (Products File or Price List). When no price list, the discount is not applied.

The discount percentage is relative to the order header. Cascading discounts are applied cumulatively and not added, i.e., if you enter Disc 1 and Disc 5 with 10% each, the resulting percentage will be 19%.


Considering that the sales price of the item is $ 100.00: Discount 1 = 10% Sales Price = $ 90.00 Discount 2 = 10% The system will apply 10% on $ 90.00 = $ 81.00.

Installment 1 to 4 and Due Date 1 to 4

These fields are entered when the sales payment term is type 9 (the term in which the user enters the amounts and installments of the bills).

Use this term when no predefined rules exist and you must enter the installment and due date data information manually in the sales order.  

As default, the system provides up to four fields for installments and four fields for due dates.

The number of installments can be increased up to 26 as long as the parameter MV_NUMPARC is edited. When using this feature, it is necessary to create installment and due date fields in table SC5 consistent with the ones defined in the parameter. The field creation is made in the Configurator module

To use the Installment fields as percentages to be divided in the Payment Term file, the field Paymt. Term must contain the % symbol or 0 for the installments to be regarded in currency value.


Percentage 1 - 10%; Percentage 2 - 10%; Percentage 3 - 15%; Percentage 4 - 8%

For due dates 1 to 4, use the calendar next to the field to set these dates.

Freight Type

Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options:

C - CIF; F - FOB; T - On the account of third parties or S - No freight;

This field indicates the type of freight highlighted on the invoice, so the value entered is considered in the calculation basis of taxes such as ICMS and the value of the outgoing document, regardless of the type of freight entered.

When the carrier and the freight type are entered, the system treats the amounts relating to the freight while generating the outgoing document. These values can be verified when querying the Outgoing Invoices.

Check the explanatory material at Freight - Freight Concept - CIF and FOB

Freight / Insurance / Expense

These fields must not be used as information only.

Freight The apportionment or distribution of the freight value among the order items is set by the configuration of parameter MV_RATDESP. The distribution of the freight values may affect the calculation of taxes in the outgoing document.

  • Regarding taxes:

ICMS: it is levied by the invoice rate, given that it belongs to the products involved.

IPI: it is levied by a rate proportional to the weight of the items. 

If no weight exists, the calculation is proportional to the value.

In sales statistics, the freight is displayed separately.

Insurance The value entered is considered in the calculation basis for taxes such as ICMS, and the total amount of the outgoing document. If the invoice is issued including the insurance of the goods for transportation or handling of the products, this field must be filled in with the value attributed to this insurance.

This information is highlighted in the invoice, and the tax calculation occurs according to the Freight field.

Expense Enter the expense values to compose the Invoice value. This information is highlighted in the invoice, and the tax calculations occur according to the fields Freight and Insurance.

The apportionment of expenses (freight/insurance/expenses) in the sales order items is based on the content of parameter MV_RATDESP, and it can be:

  • By weight, in which the distribution is proportional.
  • By value


Consider a 1,000 kg order, the first product weighing 800 kg and the other product, 200 kg, and the parameter MV_RATDESP is set to weight, with a freight amount of $ 500.00. The System calculates as follows:

80% of 500.00 for the freight of the 1st item

20% of 500.00 for freight of 2nd item

Autonomous freight

The freelance carrier is classified as a non-taxpayer. Autonomous freight occurs when an individual performs the goods transportation, and the responsibility for paying the ICMS on the freight is on the Invoice issuer, even if the freight is contracted by the recipient.

When the invoice is issued with this type of carrier, the amount of ICMS must be paid by the company acquiring the service. When the invoice is prepared, the amount of ICMS on autonomous freight is calculated plus the invoice amount.

As an example of this situation, observe:



Product Value


Freight Value


ICMS value on freight

35.00 * 18% = 6.30

Total value of invoice


In this type of operation, notice that only the ICMS on the freight is collected from the customer, since the freight is contracted by the recipient, and the issuer is responsible for the payment.

Concept of Third-Party Freight

Third-Party freight occurs when the recipient hires the freight to ship the goods; however, the Invoice issuer is the one responsible for paying the ICMS-ST (by Tax Substitution) on the freight.

In this type of operation, the third-party freight must be added to the ICMS-ST calculation basis.

As an example of this situation, observe:



Product Value


Freight Value


ICMS Value

1,000.00 * 18% = 180.00

Basis of withheld

1,035.00 * 1.35 = 1,397.25


1,397.25 * 18% - 180.00 = 71.50

Total value of invoice


Handling of ICMS or ICMS-ST in the Autonomous Freight field

The content of the field Auton. Freight field (F4_FRETAUT) in the TIO File indicates if the value of the autonomous freight entered in this field is relative to the ICMS or the ICMS-ST, in which case:

  • 1 - For ICMS
  • 2 - For ICMS-ST

Thus, the System considers the information of the field Auton. Freight of the TIO File and the value entered in the field Autonomous Freight of the Sales Order to compose the Invoice total.


This refers to the Sales Order currency. This information determines in which currency the order values are expressed (check the Currencies File).

Thus, when you choose to order in Dollars (USD) when generating the outgoing document, the values are converted to the local currency (currency 1) using the rate defined in the currencies file for the system's base date.

The freight and insurance values can be expressed in local currency or order currency according to the configuration of the MV_FRETMOE parameter.


1 (Real)

Volume 1 to 4 / Kind 1 to 4

Volume 1 to 4 / Kind 1 to 4

The volumes relating to the kind of products belonging to the sales order must be entered in the fields Volume 1 to 4.


Volume 1: 10

Class 1: Cashiers

This data will be retrieved in the generation of the outgoing document.

You must fill out these fields to print the Volumes Label report.

Indemnification / Indemnification %

These fields identify discounts in amount (Indemnification) or percentage (Indemnification %) when Indemnification occurs. The fields are calculated while generating the invoice and are not considered while releasing the credit.

The Indemnification can be granted by either value or percentage, though not both simultaneously.

It is noteworthy that the System considers the credit limit; that is, even with an Indemnification, the customer cannot buy above their credit limit.


Suppose Customer X is in the following situation:



Customer credit limit


Sales Order




In this case, the system blocks the customer's credit because the amount, even with indemnification, exceeds the credit limit.

Financial Surcharge

This field displays the percentage of financial surcharges entered in the payment term. If the term has no financial surcharge, this information can be typed in the field. This percentage will be added to the sales price at the time of generating the outgoing document.




Financial Surcharge


Sales price


Final price on generating the outflow document


Added ISS

This field is suggested through the Customers file, field ISS in Price, and informs the system whether the amount of ISS is included in the price.

If it is not added, when you enter No, the System adds the ISS value to the total.

Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options:

S-Yes or N-No


Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options:

1-Use, assembles the load and enters the unitization (when the load is divided into various unitizers; pallets, or containers).

2-Do not use, the order does not go into load assembly.

This field indicates whether the order will be included in the loading map of the OMS module.

Collect ISS?

Use the indicator arrow and select from the available options: 1 - Yes or 2- No.

Use this field to indicate, in the Sales Order entry, whether the ISS is withheld in the operation, regardless of the configuration entered in the Customers/Suppliers files.

If the Collect ISS field of the Customers File is filled out with 2=No and the Collect ISS field of the sales order header is set to 1=Yes, the System disregards the Customers File information. The same applies to the Suppliers File.

Delivery distance

/Freight list

In the field Delivery Dist., enter the delivery distance according to the Freight List File.

When you enter this field, the System automatically calculates the Freight List value.


120 Km.

labelSales Order Items




Code that identifies the product or service sold.

Example of a product with a grid:

JEANS_PANTS, with the color variations (AM, AZ, PT, and VD) and size (40, 42, 44).


In the C6_QTDVEN field, enter the original quantity of the product according to the transaction: sale, purchase return, dispatch, or return from third-party possession.

The quantity that the user determines can be typed; however, if there is not enough in stock, the order will be released but blocked later by stock. There is the possibility of releasing the stock, but it will be negative.

When an order is related to a third-party possession transaction (according to the TIO), the system allows querying of balances using the keys ENTER + F4.

Unit Price

In this field (C6_PRCVEN), enter the Net Unit Price. List price with the application of financial increases and discounts.

This price may come from a Price List or the Products File. The system will evaluate the discount rules defined.

When relating to a purchase return, the original invoice can be queried. After the query, this field is filled in according to the price of the inflow invoice.


For this, the sales order must have the following characteristics:

a. Type B -> Order Type field (C5_TIPO) = B;

b. Product Selection;

c. In the ORIGINAL INVOICE field (C6_NFORI), press ENTER + F4. All data from the original invoice can be queried. When you confirm this field, the System updates the Price Unit field according to the data queried.

Released Quantity

Enter the product quantity released for the order. To query the quantity in stock, press the [F4] key.

When you fill out the Released Qty. field, the System performs the appropriate consistencies and releases the order for billing as long as no customer credit or product stock restrictions are found.

It is worth noting that the quantity released cannot be higher than the quantity sold, but the quantities can also be partially released. In this case, the order will remain pending, awaiting the balance to be billed.

This field can be filled in automatically by the system with the remaining balance to be released if the question Suggest Released Quantity, displayed when pressing F12 on the main screen of the routine, is set to YES.

This is an auxiliary field, i.e. after the order item is saved and released, the field content resets to zero. Thus, it does not store the quantity already released.

Released Quantity 2nd Unit of Measure

In this field, you must apply the same concept as in the field Released Quantity, though the process is performed for the 2nd measurement unit configured in the Products File.

Enter the quantity to be released in the second measurement unit. This field can be entered when the product has a second measurement unit and the conversion factor is entered in the Products File.

Thus, the system gets the quantity to release in the default measurement unit.


Suppose a product is registered with 100 units in each box. Its 1st measurement unit is unit and the 2nd is box. If you enter 2 for the second measurement unit, the System considers 200 in the 1st unit, and vice-versa.

Second MU

Update performed as entered in the corresponding field in the Products File.


CashiersCash Registers

Operation Tp.

The Intelligent TIO uses this field to fill out the C6_TES field automatically, thus making it easier to fill out the sales order.


Sale of goods

Outflow Type

The type of outflow used, registered in the Types of Inflow and Outflow table (TIO). This is a compulsory field and allows selecting the Type of Inflow and Outflow for the sales order.

The type of outflow defines various aspects of the outflow operation, indicating whether the operation updates the stock and generates trade notes, influencing the calculation and bookkeeping of various taxes (ICMS, IPI, ISS, PIS, and COFINS).

If needed, check more information in the Types of Inflow and Outflow file (TIO).


555 TSS Free Economic Zone

Sold Quantity 2nd Unit of Measure

Enter the quantity sold in the second measurement unit. This field can be entered when the product has a second measurement unit and the conversion factor is entered in the Products File.

Thus, the system gets the quantity in the default measurement unit.


100 units


Enter the code of the warehouse where the stock transaction is performed if the item is configured to generate a stock transaction.

If the sales order has more than one item and uses different warehouses, if one of the warehouses is locked, it will be necessary to check another available warehouse.

The items that are stored without blocking can be billed through the Prep. Docs routine in the program MATA461 (Outgoing Documents). The items can be reversed to released in the Sales Order using routine "Rever. Docs" contained in routine MATA461 (Outgoing Documents).

Tax Code

In this field, enter the Operation's Tax Code (CFO). The CFOs are registered in table 13 of the dictionary SX5. This code is usually filled in automatically based on the content of the Types of Inflow and Outflow (TIO) entered, but it can be edited if the operation requires it.

Use the default query available using the magnifying glass or press F3.


1101 - Purchase for manufacture

% Discount / Discount Amount

Enter the discount percentage or value on the sales order item.

The percentage is applied to the unit price, which does not require the product to have a list price, but if one exists, the discount is applied to the list price.

The discount will be calculated in tiers if the header discount has been filled in.


Supposing the sales price of product X is 1000 and the header of the sales order offers discount 1 of 10% and discount 2 of 5%. Next to the discount on the header, it offers a discount of 10% on the item.

The product price is 769.50.

It must be noted that the discount percentage can be determined in the Discount Rules.

The discount value is the total discount value referring to the item. In this way, the amount reported is divided by the quantity to determine the unit discount, which is applied to the unit price.

The discount amount does not require the product to have a list price, but if it does, the discount is applied to the list price. The system needs to get a new valid unit price when you enter the discount, so if the new unit price cannot be expressed using the number of decimal places available, the system recalculates the item's discount to a consistent value.


This field suggests the base date of the System and indicates the delivery date of the sales order item.

The System allows the order to be partially invoiced and, through this field, sets differentiated delivery dates for each item.

Using parameter MV_DPDTEMI, it is possible to view, through the Financial Spreadsheet, bills divided by the delivery date of each item or by order issue date:

  • When the parameter is set to .T., the bill view will be based on the order issue date.
  • When the parameter is set to .F., the bill view will be dismantled according to each delivery date of the respective items.



List Price

This field displays the product list price according to Product File information or the price list entered on the order header.

It is worth noting that all the discounts/surcharges are applied to the sale price, and the list price remains unchanged.


$ 100.00

Third-Party Possession Identifier

The system fills this field when the Sales Order refers to a Third-Party Possession Return operation.


  • Enter an Incoming Invoice with a Remittance TIO;
  • In the sales order, select:

a. the product corresponding to the return operation;

b. the TIO;

c. in the field Quantity, press ENTER + F4 so that the data corresponding to the original invoice is displayed.

When you confirm this field, the system fills in the third-party possession identifier.


This field refers to the manual blockage of the order item.

This prevents the order to be automatically released when the field Qty. Released is entered, besides controlling Product Reservation.

To release the order, the question Consider blocked orders? must be answered with S (Yes). In this manner, the order will be available for release.

The order can be blocked by using the following codes:

  • S = Blocked

Select this option when you need to block an item manually.

  • N = Not Blocked
  • R = Residue Blockage

Used to delete residues from order items.

It is possible to view the cause of the blockage using Related Features / Rule Blk.

Therefore, it is necessary to set the parameter MV_VEBLQRG to .T..

Original Invoice

This corresponds to the number of the source tax document.

Enter this field on purchase order types for purchase returns, price complement, ICMS complement, and IPI (Social Integration Program) complement.

When the type is equal to D (return), it is imperative to fill it out.

To fill this field out, it is required:

a. that the sales order has the field Order Type (C5_TYPE) = D (Purchase Return);

b. that you select the product in the sales order items and, then, in the field Original Invoice, press keys ENTER +F4. The system lists the original invoices that will be returned.

This field must also be entered when the order refers to a price complement for ICMS/IPI of an invoice.

Series / Original Item

Fill out the Original Serial field when you select the original invoice. Enter this field on purchase order types for purchase returns, price complement, ICMS complement, and IPI (Social Integration Program) complement.

The field Original Invoice Item indicates the original invoice item being returned, even if the item differs from that in the current invoice. Enter this field on purchase order types for purchase returns, price complement, ICMS complement, and IPI (Social Integration Program) complement.

If you fill this field out, the invoice must necessarily exist in the System.

ISS Serv. Code

This field shows the ISS code according to the information in field ISS Serv Code of the Taxes folder on the Product File.


1401. NFSe Service

Grid/Grid Item

These fields are filled in by the system when the product entered is a part of a product grid.

Batch/ Sub-batch / Validity

If the product selected in the sales order item has traceability control (entered in the Product File), this field allows you to select from which batch to remove the product sold.

In this manner, by using this field, the user can choose to sell an item that has a lower expiration date (controlled in the product batch).


1. The product to be used must have the Track field (B1_RASTRO) filled out with Batch or Sub-batch.

2. The parameter MV_RASTRO must be filled in with Yes.

3. Enter an Incoming Document.

4. When issuing the Sales Order, identify the product, then, in the Batch field, press Enter + F4. When you confirm, the Sub-Batch and Expiration Dt fields will be filled in automatically.

S.O. Optional

This field displays product options, according to the registered structure.

For further details, refer to the Option Group File.


This identifies the product's address in the warehouse if it has a physical location.

For the product to have a physical location:

  • The field Address Track. (B1_LOCALIZ) in the product file must indicate if the product uses address tracking;
  • The parameter MV_LOCALIZ must be set to Yes.

Serial Number

This field can be entered when the product has a physical location and serial number.

In this case, the quantity of the product must be equal to 1 (1 unit), because the serial number is controlled for each product.

It is also used in the Field Service - Technical Assistance module to control the product on an installed base, given that field Tech. Updt. of the TIO File is configured to handle the situation.

P.O. Number / Item

The System fills out these fields when a production order is generated for the product from the Stock/Costs and PCP environments.

Tax Status

This field displays the tax status of the product in the sales order according to the sum of the contents of the fields below:

  • Products File - Field: B1_ORIGEM
  • TIO File - Field F4_SITTRIB


If, in the Products File, the B1_ORIGEM field is set to 0 and, in the TIO File, the F4_SITTRIB field is set to 10, the content of the Tax Status field in the Sales Order will be 010.

Contract Number / Item

These fields display the number and the item of the partnership contract generated in the Partnership Contract File.

P.O. Type

This field allows you to identify the type of Production Order to be generated from this sales order, which can be:

  • Firm - This type of production order is that which will actually be produced, that is, the actual P.O.
  • Estimate - This type is used to estimate production for planning and control of raw materials to be used and the availability of the resources for production.

Use the field when the P.O. is generated by Sales.

Structure Review

If the product has a structure review, this field will be filled in the sales order that originated the Production Order, at the time of generating the PO by Sale.


Use this field in case of integration with the WMS environment to enter the type of service to be rendered in the Service Execution.



Destination Address

This field identifies the destination address after the service is executed.

It is used when there is an integration with the WMS environment on Service execution.


Warehouse 1 - Purchases

Physical Structure

This field indicates the type of physical structure of the address to where the products are sent, for example, expedition docs.

It is used when an integration exists with the WMS environment on Service execution.


Internal warehouse sector B with 2000 m2

No./Type/Contract Item

These fields are filled in automatically by the System when generating a Partnership Contract.

Task/EDT/Project code

These fields inform the codes for the project, EDT (Work Breakdown Structure), and task to be linked to the outgoing document.

The bond to the product outgoing document has two features set by field Proj. Trans. (F4_MOVPRJ) of the TIO File:

  • 1 - Expense (Add Cost to the Project) - This is used in situations in which the product item leaves the stock and is sent to the project, and its cost will be then added to a project task.

Note: Expenses can only be bound to tasks. The system does not consider bonds made to an EDT.

  • 2 - Income - This is used in situations in which the product item is a part of the project billing, thus generating the project’s income.

Note: The project’s income can be bound to tasks or EDTs.


The field D3_POTENCIA presents the content entered in the Internal Transactions File and indicates the batch power for the product.

Sales Representative 1 to 5/Commission 1 to 5

Enter the sales representatives that took part in the sale and that will receive a commission on it. The system allows you to set up to four sales representatives in the same order, and the commissions are calculated only if the order generates trade notes.

Commission percentage in relation to sales representatives 1 to 4, respectively. The commission is automatically filled in when entered in the Sales Representatives File, or manually.


The company can promote products that are for a long time in stock by offering the sales representatives a commission on sold items besides the commission on the total order.

labelConfiguration Parameters

To access these configuration parameters, after accessing parameter settings, you need to access the routine and choosing Add, press the <F12> key to view and configure themfor viewing and configuration.



Suggest Released Qty?

Determine that the filter use the quantity released

Display Accounting Entry?

This indicates whether to display accounting entries when the modality is online.

Select Yes or No.

Sales Price w/ Subst.?

Determine that the filter use sales prices with substitution

Group Entries?

This indicates whether to group entries with the same accounting definition.

Select Yes or No.

Triangular Op.?

Determine that the filter use triangular operations.

Customer -> Suppl1 -> Suppl2 -> Customer

Online Booking?

This indicates if accounting entries must be generated in the online modality.

Select Yes or No.

Book Cost OnlineFinancial Spreadsheet?

Indicate if the cost will be accounted for online. The users that use the average cost re-calculation routine must not activate this feature.

Select Yes or No.

Round.insp.unit prc?

This parameter is disabled. Its feature is met by the system parameter MV_ARREFAT.

Aggreg. release from?

This indicates the initial code/number of the release aggregator to be considered.

Aggreg. release to?

This indicates the final code/number of the release aggregator to be considered.

Group Same Ord.?

This indicates if sales orders for the same customer are grouped (items added) in the same invoice, respecting parameter MV_NUMITEN.

Select Yes or No.

Minimum Vl. to Bill?

This indicates the minimum value to be considered to generate the Invoice (total value by Invoice).

From Carrier?

Use the standard query by clicking the magnifying lens next to the field or press F3 to set a specific carrier or from a carrier.

To carrier?

Use the standard query by clicking the magnifying lens next to the field or press F3.

Update Cust x Prod?

This indicates whether to update the Customer x Product binding file.

Select Yes or No.


This indicates whether to generate invoices or tax coupons.

Select from the options:

  • Invoice;
  • Tax Coupon, or
  • DAV.

Generate Bill?

Enter whether to generate a bill payable for the Tax Substitution ICMS when this is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Select Yes or No.

Print Payment Form?

Enter if you must generate the ICMS Tax Substitution Payment Form when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.  

Select Yes or No.

Generate Local ICMS Bill?

 Enter whether to generate a bill payable for the Local ICMS when this is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Select Yes or No.

Generate Local ICMS Form?

Enter if you must generate the Local ICMS Payment Form when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.  

Select Yes or No.

Conversion Ref.Dt?

Enter the reference date for converting values if you use a currency different from currency 1.

According to ordinance 25 of SECEX of November 27, 2008.

If it is blank, the current date is used.

Generate Bill by Product?

Enter whether to generate a bill payable for the Tax Substitution ICMS by Product when this is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Select Yes or No.

Generate form by Product?

Enter if the system must generate the ICMS Tax Substitution Payment Form by Product when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

Generate Targ St ICMS Compl Form?

Enter if the system must generate a complementary ICMS Payment Form for the Target State when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document.

The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.

Select Yes or No.

Enter the Balance to use the remaining sales order balance, that which was billed and had residue eliminated or Total.

Select Balance or Total.

Online Booking?

Enter whether booking is online or offline. If online, the process is booked when a transaction takes place. If offline, all entries not made online are booked in a process by batch.

Select Yes or No.

Group Accounting Entry?

Enter whether to group accounting entries in a single line, if accounts, cost center, item and value class are the same in the entries.

Display Entry?

Enter whether to display accounting entry when booking online

Generate FECP form of Target State?

Enter if the system must generate a payment form of the ICMS value related to the Anti-poverty Fund in the Target State when it is calculated in the document and the target State is different from the State that is issuing the document. The system displays a screen for you to enter the information needed for generating the Form.

Select Yes or No.

Source Fragmentation

Deck of Cards

To serve the demand of Incremental Releases processes, the source MATA410 (Sales Orders) was fragmented according to the naming sequence as follows:


The sources are now fragmented by processes and types of actions, and, to make identification easier, they are separated by acronyms.


MATA410 (default existing source) = BASE - contains the operations that can be performed by the application, e.g.: adding, editing, operation, viewing, deleting, setting views and charts, browsing routine, and interfaces.

B = Business: Contains processes for saving records and business rules in general.

V = Validation: Contains pre and post-validation of forms, rows, and others.

I = Integration: Contains processes for integration between systems.

In some cases, acronyms of sources are used for better organization of processes.



Default validation of form


Source name already exists.


Type (V = Validation).


Number already exists.


Validation relevant to international market


Source name already exists.


Type (V = Validation).


Number already exists.


Source break acronym.

Therefore, the division of Sales Orders (MATA410) sources goes as follows:


MATA410B - Single Message (EXISTING)

MATV410 - Validation (Header, Header Folders, Menu Options, and Processes from Other Modules) (NEW)

MATV410A - Items Validation (NEW)

MATN410 - Business Rules involving the Billing module. (NEW)

MATN410A - Business Rules involving Supply Management. (NEW)

MATN410B - Business Rules involving Tracking of Stores, Tax Management, Logistics, Third-Party Software, and Other Modules. (NEW)

MATN410C - Business Rules to add orders via barcode. (NEW)
