Páginas filhas
  • "Undue" Credit Blocking OR Release

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.







Identify the reason why the Sales Order was unduly blocked (or unduly released) by Credit

Step by step:

Deck of Cards
id0. Instructions for resolution
label0. Instructions for resolution

Depending on which of the following two occurrences you have identified in your process, check the parameters and processes/fields required to solve your problem:

"Tab 1" for orders unduly released. (should have been blocked but weren't)
"Tab 2" for orders unduly blocked. (should have been released but weren't)
"Tab 3" if you check everything in the tabs pertaining your scenario but find no cause for the occurrence.

First, you need to check whether the Order is Blocked for lack of Credit. To do this, query through one of the methods below:

    • Credit Analysis of Sales Order (MATA450): Check whether the order has a Blue Caption (Blocked – Credit)

    • Customer Credit Analysis (MATA450A): Identify the customer to which you are trying to sell a product. Click “Manual” and in tab “Orders”, the system displays all orders of this customer that have Credit Blocking

    • Release of Credit and Stock (MATA456): Check whether the order has a Blue Caption (Blocked – Credit)


 If you have any questions about the captions displayed in routines Sales Orders (MATA440) and Sales Order Release (MATA440), click here for more information.

idAverage Cost
label1. Order "Unduly" RELEASED by Credit

If the order is "Unduly" Released by Credit, check the following Parameters and Fields in the Tabs below:

Deck of Cards
idAverage Cost
  • MV_BLOQUEI: To activate the Credit Evaluation in Order Release, the parameter must be active (.T.)

  • MV_LIMINCR: Set the Minimum Value to submit the Orders to Credit Evaluation

  • MV_CREDCLI: Check whether it is set to the letter C (Customer), in which case the system uses the Credit from all stores (A1_LOJA) of this Customer (A1_COD). If another store has credit, the order is released.If any store has the field A1_MSBLQL = 1 (Status = Inactive), the information are still used in the credit evaluation

  • MV_RISCO: If the customer has overdue bills, the system checks the risk entered in field “Risk” (A1_RISCO) and compares it with the content of the equivalent MV_RISCO. Example: The customer has the field “Risk” (A1_RISCO) filled in as “B – Risk B”, the system checks parameter “MV_RISCOB”. Learn more.


If the customer has overdue bills with a deadline after the one set in MV_RISCO and the system is not Blocking his Credit, make sure the overdue bills have the field “Status” (E1_STATUS) filled in with “A” (Open). Otherwise, they do not figure in the calculation for Customer Credit validation.


1. The fields “Released Orders Balance” (A1_SALPEDL) and "Trade Notes Balance" (A1_SALDUP) indicate how much of the “Credit Limit” (A1_LC) has already been used. Check the field contents, which compromise the results of the Automatic Analysis when incorrect. Learn more.

2. Are you performing Automatic Release of Credit? If you use the option "MANUAL", the system disregards the configuration of Customer Credit and does a "Forced" Release. Learn more.

3. Values of Taxes and Expenses: It is vital to clarify that Taxes and Incidental Expenses (Shipping/Insurance/Expenses) do not figure in the Automatic Credit Release calculation. These values are only deducted from Credit available after billing; that is, for the customer's next purchases. Learn more.

4. It is vital to clarify that, even if the Register of this Customer is Blocked through field “A1_MSBLQL”, the definitions in its register continue to be used for Credit Analysis. The Blocking only prevents using the record in other routines. Learn more.

5. Bills of typeRA” (Advanced Receipt) are considered Credit for the customer. When added, their value is deducted from field “Trade Notes Balance (A1_SALDUP)". When overdue, they are not used in Risk Analysis.


Module Financials (SIGAFIN) offers the routine “Redo Customer / Supplier Data” (FINA410). This routine updates the data of fields of Customer Register (MATA030). If you discover any inconsistent field information, run this routine and check whether it has been corrected. Learn more in: https://tdn.totvs.com/x/bqFc.

label2. Order "Unduly" BLOCKED by Credit

If the order is "Unduly" Blocked by Credit, check the following Parameters and Fields in the Tabs below:

Deck of Cards
idVerifications 2
idCusto Médio
    T - Block the Credit on purpose, if there is no Available Stock Balance to meet the order, in order to not compromise the Credit Limit balance.
    F - Do not block the credit.

  • MV_PERMAX: Maximum use percentage in relation to the credit limit (A1_LC) to be used in evaluations.

titleExemplo do Exemple of MV_PERMAX

Exemplo de uso do Example of MV_PERMAX use
Exemplo: Em um pedido de vendas, supondo um cliente com um certo limite de crédito com sua capacidade máxima, ou seja, não realizou nenhuma compra para que seja debitado alguma quantia do seu limite:Example: In a sales order, supposing a customer with a given credit limit at its maximum capacity; that is, with no purchases made that would debit any quantity from its limit:

  • Credit Lim. Lim. Credito (A1_LC) = 1.,000
  • MV_PERMAX = 50 (%)

Em uma análise de crédito com as configurações acima, por causa do parâmetro MV_PERMAX será usado apenas 50% do total, então é como se o cliente tivesse o limite de crédito In a credit analysis with the above configurations, parameter MV_PERMAX causes only 50% of the total to be used; hence, it is as if the customer had the credit limit A1_LC = 500 (50% de of 1.,000).

Se o mesmo cliente do exemplo acima fizer um Pedido de Vendas (MATA410) com total de R$600 e liberá-lo, ele será bloqueado por créditoIf the same customer of the example above places a Sales Order (MATA410) with a BRL 600.00 total and releases it, they get blocked by credit.

    N - Não avalia crédito de pedidos de venda com TES Do not evaluate credit of sales orders with TIO (F4_DUPLIC = 'S - SimYes')
    T - Avalia crédito de pedidos de venda com TES Evaluate credit of sales orders with TIO (F4_DUPLIC = 'S - SimYes')

1. The Automatic Credit Analysis deducts from the Customer Credit Limit 1. A Análise Automática de Crédito abate do Limite de Crédito do Cliente (A1_LC) o valor de Pedidos Liberados the value of Orders Released (A1_SALPEDL) e o valor dos Títulos em Aberto and the value of Bills Pending (A1_SALDUP). Avalie o conteúdo destes três campos. Saiba maisCheck the contents of these three fields. Learn more.

2. Verifique o conteúdo do campo “Risco Check the content of field “Risk” (A1_RISCO) no Cadastro do Cliente in the Customer Register (MATA030), caso o risco do cliente seja whether the risk of the customer is B, C ou D, verifique o conteúdo do parâmetro or D. Check the content of parameter MV_RISCOB/C/D”, avaliando se este cliente possui títulos com evaluating whether this customer has bills with Status” (E1_STATUS) igual a equal to A” (Aberto) com prazo superior ao que está preenchido no Parâmetro
3. Caso o campo “RiscoOpen) with a deadline after the one entered in the Parameter

3. If the content of field “Risk” (A1_RISCO) esteja com conteúdo E, todos os faturamentos dele serão Bloqueados por Crédito, sendo necessário realizar a Liberação Manual de Crédito. Saiba mais.
4. Verifique se este cliente possui títulos no financeiro que, ainda que baixados, permanecem com o is E, all its billings are Blocked by Credit, which requires the Manual Release of Credit. Learn more.

4. Check whether this customer has bills in financials that, even if posted, retain the Status” (E1_STATUS) igual a equal to A” (Aberto), pois este título será considerado no consumo do Crédito do Cliente e na Análise de Risco. Caso identifique esta ocorrência em seu ambiente, entre em contato com o Suporte do Módulo Financeiro Open), because such bills will be used in the consumption of Customer Credit and in Risk Analysis. If you find this occurrence in your environment, contact the Support of Module Financials (SIGAFIN)

5. Verifique se o conteúdo dos campos “Moeda do LC Check whether the content of fields “LC Currency” (A1_MOEDALC) do Cadastro do Clienteof the Customer Register, “MoedaCurrency” (C5_MOEDA) do Pedido de Vendas e do parâmetro of the Sales Order and of parameter MV_MCUSTOsão iguais. Estes registros devem possuir o mesmo conteúdo
6. Verifique se o campo Classe Cred are equal. These records must have the same content

Check whether the content of field Cred Class (A1_CLASSE) possui preenchimento is A/B/C, caso possua, verifique o conteúdo do parâmetro . If so, check the setting of parameter MV_PEDIDOA/B/C,  pois este parâmetro define qual o Valor Máximo de venda, por Pedido de Venda, permitido para este cliente.  Saiba maisbecause this parameter defines the Maximum Sales Value by Sales Order allowed for this customer.  Learn more.

idInformações para envioInformation to be sent
label3. Informações a serem enviadas para uma análise caso não identifique a causaInformation to be sent for analysis if no cause is identified

If, after checking the parameters and processes in the documentation pertaining your situation, you still have not found the error, submit the following for analysis (screenshot or in writing

Caso tenha avaliado os parâmetros e processos da documentação do seu caso e ainda não tenha localizado o erro, note para envio e análise (por print ou por escrito


1 - Conteúdo dos parâmetrosContent of parameters:

    • MV_RISCO
  •  MV
  • e
    • and MV_PEDIDOC

2 - Conteúdo dos campos Content of fields (TES):

    • F4_DUPLIC
  • da TES do pedido de venda
    • of TIO of sales order (C6_TES)

3 - Conteúdo dos itens pela liberação do pedido de vendaContent of items for sales order release:

    • C9_BLWMS
    • C9_BLEST
    • C9_BLCRED

4 - Conteúdo dos campos do cliente que está tendo o pedido de venda bloqueadoField contents of the customer whose sales order is being blocked:

    • A1_CLASSE
    • A1_MOEDALC
    • A1_RISCO
    • A1_LC
    • A1_VENCLC
    • A1_SALDUP
    • A1_SALPEDL

5 - Conteúdo de campos do pedido de vendaContent of sales order fields:

    • C5_TIPLIB
    • C5_MOEDA

6 - Informe a verificação do processo:Enter the process verification:

    • Is the sales order release automatic or
  • A liberação do pedido de venda é automática ou
    • manual?

7 - Print da rotina "Contas A Receber Screenshot of routine "Accounts Receivable [FINA740]", filtrado pelo cliente com o pedido de venda bloqueado da seguinte formafiltered by the customer with the sales order blocked as follows: ("E1_CLIENTE" e and "E1_STATUS = A"), mostrando as legendasdisplaying the captions:

Image ModifiedImage Modified

titlePara ConhecimentoFor Your Information

By viewing the records from Table SC9 of the system, through routine "Generic Queries " (EDAPP), you can check the cause of Credit Blocking in the contents of field “Credit BlockingA partir da visualização dos registros da Tabela SC9 do sistema, pela rotina de Consultas Genéricas (EDAPP) é possível verificar a causa do Bloqueio de Crédito, pelo conteúdo do campo “Bloq. Crédito” (C9_BLCRED). Saiba mais em Learn more inhttps://tdn.totvs.com/x/Zk1tDQ

This may interest you:Pode lhe interessar:Bloqueio de Estoque:

Stock Blocking:


Configurações para Análise e Bloqueio de Crédito: 

Configurations for Credit Blocking and Analysis: https://tdn.totvs.com/x/Trl3DQ

Liberações / Bloqueios do Pedido de Vendas: Releases / Blocking of Sales Order: https://tdn.totvs.com/x/RjS4Ew