Árvore de páginas

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Speaking of Importing and exporting pages...

This feature allows exporting a page or set of pages that can later be imported into the platform or exported from one server to another without having to download files. 

With this feature, platform enables, for example, the structuring of a page with widgets, security, layout among others - and carrying out tests, checking the functionalities and the browse in platform test environment. Later, exporting the entire structure of the test environment, it is possible to replicate it in the production environment through importing, which decreases the effort and, consequently, the cost, as it is not necessary to replicate everything that was created in the test environment manually to the official platform environment.

For exporting, only the editable pages are presented in a tree-shaped structure in which they can be checked. When checking a secondary page, the parent page is automatically checked as well, thus ensuring that the original structure is maintained in the export, and turning it impossible to export only a secondary page. The same occurs when checking a parent page, its secondary pages are also checked automatically, however in this case, you can uncheck them and export only the parent page.

It is the last version of the selected page that will be exported.

In order to automatically export pages between servers, it is necessary to have an OAuth key and an Application user previously created on the target server, and then register this server in the platform. Learn more, go to Servers.

On importing one or more pages, they are auto published immediately after the import, that is, they will already be visible to other users.


A page can only be exported and imported between platforms of the same version.

Image Added

 Export pages via download


01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Customization container and click Import and export pages.

02. In the structure shown, mark the pages that will be exported.


Only editable pages are displayed. Parent and child pages are always exported together to ensure that the original structure is kept and it is not possible to export them separately.

ECM images added to pages from the content editor widget will not be exported.

03. Click Yes, export artifacts to export the pages along with their artifacts .WAR, if available, or Export only pages.


When choosing the desired option, it generates a compressed file containing the items requested in the export.

Import Pages


01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Customization container and click Import and export pages.

02. Click Import.

03. Select the compressed file that contains the pages to be imported.

04. Click Confirm Import.


The procedure to import pages is only required when exporting via download.

 Export pages via servers


01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Customization container and click Import and export pages.

02. In the structure shown, check the pages to be exported.


Only editable pages are displayed. Parent and child pages are always exported together to ensure that the original structure is kept and it is not possible to export them separately.

ECM images added to pages from the content editor widget will not be exported.

03. Click Export pages.

04. Select Send to another Server.

05. Select a server.


The servers have to be previously registered in the platform in order to be shown on the list. To learn more about how to register Fluig servers, check out the documentation.

06. Click Export.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.5 - Liquid update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.