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People/Employees Register

This routine is used by several Protheus environments such as Fixed Assets, Personnel Management, Performance Appraisal and Feedback, Follow-up of Labor Suits etc.

Its main purpose is to register people who have some kind of relationship with the company, which can be, for example, by employees or service providers.

In each environment, the people registration can have different objectives. For example, in the Fixed Assets environment, the routine's purpose is to register the managers responsible for use of the fixed assets.



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In this routine, it is possible to import data from the Employees Register (SRA) using the menu option confluencepage-74877f71-7c49-4a3d-83fa-30a23c64505c. In this window, the option Update is available to facilitate updating data of people/participants who relate to the company, in this case, employees and service providers.

To import employees to the people registration, the CPF documents of the employees must be registered correctly.

For the Performance Appraisal and Surveys environment

For the Performance Appraisal and Surveys environment, in this registration, people who will participate in the performance appraisal and surveys, called relationship network like internal customers, external customers, teams, pairs, other functional areas, superiors, management, partners, suppliers, service providers, self-employed professionals, etc. will be entered.

For the Follow-up of Labor Lawsuits environment

For the Follow-up of Labor Lawsuits environment, in this registration, all people, employees or otherwise, having any relationship with the labor lawsuits, are included. Example:

  plaintiff, paradigm, witness, agent, advocate, etc.


In the event of professionals linked to a professional class association who also perform this function in the company, it is necessary to fill out the field Prof. Ident. must compulsorily be filled with the acronym of the class registration like OAB, CRM, CREA, etc.

It is especially important to classify advocates as ADV for them to be linked to the labor lawsuits (Lawsuits routine).

If the professional has more than one profession, it can be entered in the Industry Group Registration.


A person has two professional qualifications: advocate and engineer. However, he furnishes legal services to the company. This way, in the industry group registration, the two acronyms relating to his professionals, i.e. OAB and CREA shall be entered but in the Ident. Prof. field of the people registration, the identification relating to the function exercised in the company, in this case the ADV code, must be entered.



You can synchronize Protheus System People/Participants register with Reserver System Users. This integration is through a XML file. You can transfer the participants and customers through Transfer and People Transfer routines


Configure parameters in the Config Wizard

The integration happens as follows:

Via Schedule: scheduling date and hour for initial load export execution in Reserver and later updated. If parameter MV_RESEXP is configured as 2 = Offline.

Participants Register: If parameter MV_RESEXP is 1=Online or 3=Online and Schedule, the integration is real time.

Employees Registers: If parameter MV_RESEXP is 1=Online or 3=Online and Schedule, the integration is real time.

Transfer: If parameter MV_RESEXP is 1=Online or 3=Online and Schedule, the integration is real time.

Participants Transfer: If parameter MV_RESEXP is 1=Online or 3=Online and Schedule, the integration is real time.


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For Employees integration, you must fill out all mandatory fields.

To ensure this completion, configure Mandatory Fields routine.

For process failures, a log to send e-mail is generated in Integration Log routine.





Image AddedImportant:

To access Portal Protheus – HR the employee must be registerd in this routine.

To login, configure content from parameter MV_GCHSDOC with 1 to consider login code or 2 to consider identification code.



Registering people/participants:

1.In People/Participants, select Add.

The system displays a message asking whether the participant is an employee.

2.Selection option Yes, so the window Employees Register is displayed.

To fill it out, refer to Help instructions in the Employees Register. Upon confirming the employee addition, the participants register is automatically updated.

If option No is selected, only participants data are registered, and window Participants Register - Add is displayed.

3.Fill out the data according to the field help instructions.

4.Check the data and confirm addition.

See Also