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Entry Points

This routine is used to configure which specific points of a process must automatically generate budgetary accounting transactions.

This routine details processes registered in the file Entries by Processes, defining which specific point of operation will generate an entry automatically.


As detail of process, we may cite:



Accounts Receivable

Addition of Bills Receivable


Cancellation of Bills Receivable

Accounts Payable

Addition of Bills Payable


Apportionment of Bank Transactions Receivable

Entries generated may be viewed in Entries, that shows all budget record transactions.

Entries automatically generated by points of entry take two situations:

Approved entry

Invalid entry


An invalid entry means that mandatory information was not informed in the entry. That is why it is invalid waiting a classification to approve the entry.


Image ModifiedImportant:

An invalid entry is not processed in the cube balance. Such fact may affect the integrity of the system when dealing with points of blockage.


Configuration of Entries

The following flow gives us an idea regarding points of entry in Planning and Budgetary Control (PCO) referring to purchase system:


Configuration of the Point of Entry

Configuration of a point of entry may be divided into several configuration items. A process file may generate several entries if configuration has more than one item. Hence, by using Entries, a browser is used in order to configure several items in the same point of entry.

An item of point of entry has the same fields of the entry itself.



Configuring a point of entry may split into different configuring items, a record Executing a point of entry in the system, in its proper process, all fields specified in the point of entry are macro executed by application server of the system to fill and save entry fields. This macro execution is performed in real time of process saving in order to obtain budget entries.


Adding entry points:

1.In main menu, access points by entries, place the cursor on the process you want and click Entries.

Add window is displayed.

2.Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3.Check data and confirm operation.

See Also

In order to query entries, the system provides the Entry Report.